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Everything posted by Maidel

  1. How have you been playing swtor for 3 months? Even early access players have only just been playing for 2 months.
  2. Huh? So only people who agree with the op are allowed to contribute? Not much of a 'discussion' is it then...
  3. I can't find it now. It was on the Bbc news a while ago when bob Anderson died, it was either voted the best sword fight he choreographed or he said it was the best.
  4. How have you paid them 2 months fees? Second one ain't due till next week. Also, if they 'failed hard' why did you even give them a single fee, you could have left after the month included in the box.
  5. DPS guardian, vigilance. Not had any issues really so far. Had a few hicups (valis) but other than that, been relative plain sailing to lvl 44 where I am now.
  6. No, I said the CLASS story lines, and I was talking about litterally the actual bits, not the conversations before hand and the running around and such like. They said it would take 200 hours per class to level, thats a completely different thing.
  7. Well lets reverse that shall we - are you? This game has more cut scenes than any game ever made, many people are complaning it has too many. I have to say the cut scene at the end of the second chapter of the JK storyline really annoyed me because it went on for so long, and there was quite a lot of action and I WANTED TO PLAY IT! And I like the cut scenes in general. Not at all. Music for films is the same as music for computer games. It costs just as much to get the orchestra in and the composer. Did you miss the point where I said JUST the class story line, which is where all the 'epic' bits happen. But thats just your opinion! You are again posting opinion as fact. I felt there were LOADS of epic bits in the story line and I havent even finished it yet. Valis was epic, kira being caputred was epic. Heck any time Doc opens his mouth (appart for his in combat comments) is utterly epic. He hit on my JK in the middle of a battle for crying out loud!.
  8. I have to say that is the best fight scene in the entire series. Its been recognised by the industry (Wish I could find the link) as one of the greatest sword fight scenes in any film.
  9. Erm, no, my rebuttal was that what you were asking for/expecting was compeletely unrealalistic. And, again, the length of the phantom menace = hour and a half. This game, class storylines alone per class, perhaps 3-5 hours. So that means they would need in excess of 45 hours of full orchestration just for the class storylines... Not to mention the fact that the music in tpm is timed exactly to the action on screen, the game cant do that because you have control.
  10. Wow. So your opinion = fact? And I cant believe you are comparing a computer game that has 8 character stories + 45 companion mini stories which total more story than all 6 star wars films put together to a feature film that focused on 4 main characters and spent all of its budget making that sole story line utterly epic. Seriously the story line of the phantom menace isnt even equvalent to the class story lines of 1 chapter of the game.
  11. What does that mean? You mean their gear? All seems fine to me. That was fixed in one of the recent patches - I havent had a single one go off since. No, people need to make sure they pay attention to where their companion is and that they have los and arent out of range.
  12. I don't want to read thread after whiny thread about supposed game breaking non existent bugs, but maybe that's cos mmos aren't new to me. But seriously, it's a thread about a game, unless you have some sort of religious issues with alcohol what's the issue if some people want to talk about it. No ones making you read it.
  13. Well doc has only died once for me (at least before me, we have both died a few times.) The only time he died was when a patrolling guy came up behind us and I wasn't paying attention. Seriously if you have doc that close to you that he dies to aoe attacks then frankly it's your own fault, not the ai's
  14. Really? I'm 31 and although I don't drink and mmo, I still find it funny to hear what other people do...
  15. Do you have to 'babysit' your own character? I mean it has less ai than a turnip... I have almost no issues with companions. Sure doc doesn't move around corners so mt healing stops occasionally, but that's about it. You have full control over which abilities they use by turning the little squares on and off, you have 2 stances for them to use. Frankly this is just ridiculous, they arent dumb, they are micro manageable if you want and are 'half' of your character. Don't think of them as another characters, rather as your second playable character.
  16. Well my first mmo was eve, frankly THE daddy of sandbox. The game is as good or bad as the players. Playing that game solo and trying to find a corp is not fun. It's not fun because there isn't anything for you to do until you know all about the game. I had fun because I was in the greatest corp to exist in that game. This game is fun because the game itself is fun, rather than the people you play with. I haven't felt it necessary to find a guild yet because I don't need one yet to have fun.
  17. But, no, the game works perfectly for 99% of people, so there is nothing to trade for. Also, the people that fix bugs are not the same as the people that create content, so you could tell them to all stop creating new content and nothing would get fixed any faster.
  18. Does a day go by where you DONT complain about something? I stopped doing the space missions because they were just too easy. Maybe a few I havent done are a bit harder, but they just felt like time wasted compared to my class storyline.
  19. Sorry, using fixed to mean something else. What I meant was its not a bug that affects everyone.
  20. Well there is only one proper response to that. DIVORCE! But I cant even play at the moment because my daughter has nicked my mouse!
  21. Are you actually playing the class storyline with all the bosses, or just farming? If you are doing it by grind then you have unbelievable patience.
  22. AH yes, I just got what you meant. good point.
  23. Yes - but thats a link to the ACTUAL SWTOR account page - just mouse over it to see the link, then go to the account page manually and you see its the SAME PAGE. Thus, I think its NOT A scam mail, that is, unless you have downloaded a keylogger and they want you to go to the actual page while they record your details. Other than that, it looks pretty damn genuine to me, they arent asking you to email them anything, they want you to log into the actual game accounts page...
  24. Well you would if all you did was farm over and over and over the standard peeps near the spaceport. You can go AFK and they might not manage to kill you.
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