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Everything posted by Maidel

  1. Quite right I meant adjective. I blame screaming children running around for my momentary lapse. All language is altered by adoption, 'EPIC' the adjective has been around for decades if not longer. And as someone else pointed out earlier - its entirely subjective. My current game as a JK is both epic in terms of storyline and in terms of scope and how long its taking me.
  2. Well no... Long time ago - not the future.
  3. Not that Ive seen, Im pretty certain I got it back when I did it.
  4. And you are totally entitled to that opinion because what you are not doing is saying 'because I dont like it it must be the reason why no one rolls republic.'
  5. Im sorry but UTTER rubbish. I dont normally dismiss people like that, but what you have written is unsubstatiated opinion, expressed as fact. As the person directly underneath you pointed out your opinion is just that, an opinion because he has the exact opposite opinion to you.
  6. Almost - they do take a very small fee which I think is something like 2% But yes - you get your deposit back.
  7. In PVE I havent used soresu since Valis and Im now on belvasis. I havent turned off sho chi (or whichever is the high damage form) since I got it and thats been with me using kira or Doc. I havent done PVP which I realise can be different, but I find the high DPS much more effective than the low DPS and higher tank, especially when doubled up with the slow increase in focus with soresu. Yes you get focus from taking damage, but at such a slow rate to that which you get with sho chi where every single ability adds to focus no matter how frequently you use them, unlike soresu which is time based.
  8. Im trying to say that some people prefer some things over others. If we are going to be honest despite the 'look' of worlds they are all linear. Sure hoth and tatooine are 'open' but most of the quests are accessed by running down or near paths that are present on the planets, and therefore despite the fact they FEEL open, you are in fact still running down corridors. And your premise is entirely flawed. Firstly new players will have almost no knowledge of the levelling experiance. Thus picking republic or empire is not in any way connected to the difference between coruscant and kass. Secondly why would people chose to roll a faction they dont want to play, because 1/15th of the time they are levelling is spent on a slightly less attractive planet - which I might add is entirely subjective because the planet ive hated the most since playing is Taris which isnt all corridors. Not to mention the fact that once you have hit level cap its entirely irrelavent as you dont need to go to coruscant for anything ever again.
  9. Well no - thats AN epic as in the noun. Epic as in a verb has a different meaning derived from the noun.
  10. Ok, now I KNOW you are doing that on purpose - it is clearly an 'l' not a captial 'I' Nite nite mr troll.
  11. Ok. and again you ignore the point. There is absolutely no disagreement from me that kass is open world and coruscant is linear. I could make a really obvious statement like 'jedi have lightsabres and bounty hunters have guns'. What it doesnt do is actually MEAN anything What you still havent addressed is the fact that you somehow make this obvious statement that no one disagrees with mean that somehow people will roll empire over repubic.
  12. Yea.... erm - that was my point. They are similar, but very different. Like a skoda and a Bugatti. They are similar because they are both cars but they are very different.
  13. Ok... Right so hes made an observation that coruscant and nar shadda share some similarities. The first line of his first post is: Which implies there is something so wrong with coruscant that it would prevent people from playing republic. Im still waiting for an explaination of this.
  14. Im not actually trying to help you, im trying to point out what you are doing wrong - how you use that is up to you. 1) You are lvl 25 in PVP, you will lose often because you are up against people from lvl 10 through to lvl 49. Despite the fact you get buffs to the level of other players, they have better skills than you do. 2) You keep saying all you do is use tracer missile. Try and use other skills in conjuction with it and see how it improves you. 3) how are you armoured/ equipped - full orange gear with leveled mods or green gear thats a few levels below you. 4) Its MAIDEL seriously, I got to ask, how can you mispell my name thats written on every single one of my posts?
  15. So in your screen shots you succesfully showed that coruscant and nashaddas main maps look absolutely nothing like each other. Im rather lost as to what point you were actually tying to make..
  16. Im not trolling, Im being patient and trying to be helpful, while at the same time being slightly miffed that someone repeatedly says they are norwegian and cannot spell, yet seems incapable of actually reading and copying what everyone else is saying. That skill is NOT all you can do, you have plenty of other skills (some might say too many). If the only thing you do is spam tracer missiles then its not surprising you are dying in PVP.
  17. Yes, but if you make it EPIC as you are describing for the Jedis/sith, then it will boring as hell for the rest of the players. For example in the films Darth vader Vs han solo - dead han solo (if that was what he wanted...) in the game han solo and darth vader at the same level = even combat. So its not possible to have a balanced game where jedi FEEL like jedi and can steamroller anyone short of a sith, but still make it fun for scoundrels and bounty hunters.
  18. Firstly the word is TRACER TRACER. You may not have english as a first language but you can read and copy - therefore no more of this trecer the word is TRACER. Secondly 'the skill you use is the tracer missile' - what a load of nonsence. You use all your skills in tandem with each other. I play a Jedi Knight but I dont just use bladestorm, I use all my skills together depending on the situation. so, what you need to do is learn to use all the skills and dont try and solely use one skill and you will most likely find that it doesnt need buffing.
  19. So if you have other skills, but they are all worse, then surely its not the tracer missile that needs buffing, but the other skills?
  20. Is the only skill you have Tracer missile?
  21. Can someone please define EPIC without refering to other games that people havent necessarily played!
  22. Which, as you ignored me above, wont show anything what so ever...
  23. Could I have a translation please for someone who hasnt and has no intention of ever playing WoW. What I think you were talking about is its only epic if its hard? In which case I could direct you to asteroids or space invaders, because they are very difficult, but not really epic in my book...
  24. OK, I want that to happen to me! Last time I force pushed someone off a ledge it was boss that I needed to 'wound' not kill so I could talk to him afterwards, I had to restart the entire boss fight and not push him off into the bottomless pit... But one of those 'epic' moments did happen to me when I first got to corscant and I looked though the energy sheild at the tops of the buildings and all the sky cars shooting past. That was brilliant.
  25. EDIT - its been moved by the mods to the correct forum.
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