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Everything posted by Cmdluke

  1. um, if he doesn't have broadband speed, it is unlikely he will be able to play the game at all. but to answer your question, I don't see a reason why he wouldn't be able to play a trial account if you installed your discs on his computer.
  2. if that were true, no one would ever have to level. everyone would just start at max level. then what would be the point? There would be even less content and people already complain enough about not having enough content.
  3. Am I mistaken then? I thought I saw some PVE relics with better stats on the PVE vendors while comparing equipment.
  4. Care to explain why you should always use your matrix cube? what about other relics that have higher stats?
  5. I wouldn't think that they have abandoned their plans to include it. I'm sure they are working on it, but there are more pressing matters that require more attention atm, like rated WZs, Group Finder, additional content, etc. And I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for same sex romance options with existing companions. They will probably introduce that with new companions down the road with an expansion or something. I highly doubt they have abandoned the idea because of some minor backlash from the conservative community. Just look at their previous games for example. Both dragon age games and the mass effect games had same sex romance options. Even the original KOTOR touched on the subject with Juhani and fem Revan.
  6. the presentation was cool. good to see Dallas Dickinson again. the video was cool and the new content was fun. we wiped trying out the new heroics cause no one was used to their characters lol. the tauntaun pet was awesome and the Journal of Gnost Dural was one of the best pieces of swag I got this year. One of the main things I wanted out of the CE. Now I'm really glad I didn't pay all that money for it.
  7. I would love to see animations change based on stance, but it's sooo much work to animate 1 set of abilities, let alone 2-3 additional sets per class. And what about the other classes that don't have forms/stances? would they get the same kind of love? if not, people would start accusing bioware of playing favorites.
  8. did you try the guild 'Message of the Day' feature? You set the desired message and it pops up automatically when someone in the guild logs in. You can also see the message in the guild panel.
  9. I like this idea. especially if it was implemented along side the current dailies.
  10. if you transfer over 2 different legacies, the one with the higher level will apply.
  11. um, can't you still transfer? they just aren't opening up any new origin -> destination transfers.
  12. I would say the game takes place around 3643 ‒ 3641 BBY. After Fatal Alliance, but before Annihilation.
  13. chairs are great, but there are other more important issues than chairs atm.
  14. I think you pick it up on the fleet
  15. lets just get these threads out of the way shall we? "Will 1.4 save SWTOR?" "Will 1.5 save SWTOR?" "Will 1.6 save SWTOR?" "Will the expansion save SWTOR?!?" "Will 2.1 save SWTOR?" "Will 2.2 save SWTOR?" "Will 2.3 save SWTOR?" "Will 2.4 save SWTOR?" "Will 2.5 save SWTOR?" That should cover us for the next couple of years. can we please stop making these threads now?
  16. good point. i suppose you can solo those later. but the end flashpoints battle of ilum and false emperor are great and have some good story to them too. you wouldn't be able to solo those at 50 as they are lvl 50 FPs. If you transferred servers, then you could still play alone, but you'll have a much larger pool of people to group with should the need arise. Once the group finder launches, you should be able to get a PUG going whenever you need to on one of the heavily populated servers. that is never going to happen if you stay where you are. all I'm saying is, go ahead and transfer. You can still play alone, but it gives you more options if and when you decide you need to group for something.
  17. this. the swtor books are all pretty good. deceived was great and gives you a really good feel for Malgus and his motivations throughout the game. Fatal Alliance (the first swtor book) was also really good.
  18. Well if you only care about the story in this game, you are missing out on some of the best story content by skipping the Flash Points, especially Taral V and Maelstrom Prison (rep) and Boarding Party and The Foundry (imp). If you were a fan of KOTOR, then you would especially be interested in these.
  19. you people whine and complain for weeks and months about low pop's and when are transfers coming, then when you get them, you whine and complain because they didn't cater to your personal needs exactly. you people are never happy. if you are that pissed about it, then please leave. this game is better off without you. don't forget to leave your stuff at the door.
  20. yep. Bioware's fault that you didn't take the time to read and make sure you were doing it correctly. Nothing to see here people.
  21. yep, because bioware was looking at who had characters split among servers and not at over-all server populations.
  22. you should also have made a consular so you can play without a weapon equipped too. that would be a true naked jedi.
  23. I suggest not picking an AC either. might as well gimp yourself as much as possible.
  24. he was a smug little bastard. silent, and yet you could tell he was watching you, sizing you up and waiting for the perfect time to strike.
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