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Everything posted by Cmdluke

  1. I'm sorry, sorc DPS is crap? Surely you jest. My sage does rather good dps in ops and pvp. Again, not knowing how to play a class does not make a good reason to allow class changes.
  2. It's still a class change, you just have the same story. Guardians and Sentinels are 2 totally different classes. They both play totally different, have different talents and abilities, they even use different armor/offhands. Sage/Shadow are 2 totally different classes. they both use the same armor, but they use different weapons and perform 100% differently in combat 1 being ranged dps/heals the other being melee dps/tank. Making a change like this IS changing your class regardless of story.
  3. um, what exactly are you referring to? what new legacy name?
  4. all your links (except the last one) are broken. no rancor mounts. just no.
  5. well it was new to me as I have not seen them before. I thought many would be in my same position so I thought I would share. besides, I did not say they were new pics, I said it was a new armor, which it is as it is not available yet.
  6. All is says: "One of the new armor sets coming to SWTOR in Game Update 1.7."
  7. via facebook https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/72600_10151315015893860_594280554_n.jpg https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/426713_10151315015898860_620957028_n.jpg
  8. does this not fall under Pay to Win? instead of putting in the time and effort to level biochem, you just buy an unlock to get the benefit of the best stims/medpacs/adrenals.
  9. classes get buffed/nerfed/ignored in every mmo. does not mean they should allow you to change your class every time you deem your's is nerfed/ignored.
  10. I'm going F2P for a few months when my newborn arrives next month. I expect less time to play and want to save what cash I can since I'll be out of work for a month. Been a subscriber since early access. I plan to re-sub as soon as I can.
  11. best way i know is to get tionese/columi/rakata pieces that you don't need. we are constantly running ops and gearing out our companions with gear no one needs.
  12. can you even get an advanced class without doing class missions?
  13. I actually preferred Tython to Korriban. It was cool going back there after playing kotor, but I found it rather boring and dull. Tython was beautiful to look at and was a joy to traverse and explore. I explored every inch of that place and loved every second of it. I blow through korriban in about 2 hours, but spent a good 15 on tython taking my time and soaking up the scenery and lore.
  14. i7 2700k, gtx 660Ti 2 gb, 32 gb ram, win 7. constant 60 fps on fleet, WZ, and ops (with the occasional dip because of lag). never done a 16 man op or 100v100 world pvp.
  15. something we asked for in beta, but the amount of work it would require (create separate animations for all abilites for each stance) is not really worth it.
  16. should not be part of the cash shop. should be part of the next legacy update. whenever that's gonna be.
  17. I believe the devs have stated (no I don't have a link) that they want you to work for your gear so they purposefully made the stats non optimal. also gives the crafters some value since they can make the mods with the best stats so you can go that route instead of buying extra gear to rip out and transfer mods.
  18. the problem is if you stack your end that high, you dps will suffer, making it much harder to defeat bosses before they enrage.
  19. Here is the build I use for my dps juggernaught. kills things really quickly. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101MMZcGMRrhddGRZMz.2 also, as mentioned above, use Quinn and keep him geared. he will literally save your life. Before jumping into any fights, make sure you have full health by using channel rage to regen. don't be afraid to blow your cooldowns if you get into trouble. For starters, get in the habit of using some of your cooldowns when you hit 50% health. look up some info on your class in the class forums and find a good rotation of your abilities. practice it. once you get good at it, you will probably start being able to lay off your cooldowns and be a bit more brash with your fighting. good luck.
  20. I figured as much. do they have CC pricing as well?
  21. Is there a way to access/browse the Cartel Market without logging into the game? I'm curious about some of the items/prices but can't log in at the moment. thanks
  22. if you have artifice, you could rip out the enhancements and RE them to get schematics or molecular stabilizers. those sell on the GTN for a decent amount. or if you have biochem, you could save up for the dread guard implants and RE them for schematics so you can make and sell those for a pretty penny. EDIT: Oh, I see you were talking about daily comms, not Black Hole comms. I assumed you meant BH comms since you mentioned the 2 places that reward BH comms.
  23. raiding actually gets you the stabilizers themselves +drops. but you have to win the rolls for those. I would say pvp is a more guaranteed way of getting them.
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