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Everything posted by Cmdluke

  1. already stated that they are working on it. the FPs were already coded to bring you back to the FP entrance when completed. they just have to change the code and add in the option of porting back to where you were when exiting.
  2. yes. for instance, my balance spec sage gets procs when he crits so I stack crit and surge first. If i switched to seer, then I would probably focus on power and alacrity first so I could get better overall heals and cast them faster.
  3. Exactly for this reason you state, I always dismount when using the GTN, Vendor, mailbox, etc. sometimes I just run unless i have a long way to go.
  4. no, please do not bring them back. I spent so many hours grinding the credits for mine before 1.2 so I could get one before they were removed. I'd like to think I didn't waste all that time getting an exclusive speeder just for them to bring them back again and let everyone else buy one.
  5. hey bro, here's an idea. accept your free transfer, get your stuff, then move your characters to your friends server when paid transfers open up. you get to play on a populated server and get your free stuff in the meantime. sure it sucks to have to wait, but why not get the best of both worlds?
  6. if that's how they want to spend their time and money, let them. just block them so they don't bother you. bioware is still getting their money so they can use it to make our game better.
  7. thank you for keeping this alive.
  8. I believe it does stack. general rule of thumb is you want 30 crit chance and 75 crit surge before any buffs/talents but please, correct me if I am mistaken.
  9. anything that you can crit-craft with an augment slot can be RE'd to get augment kit components (mats needed to make the kits). you can crit-craft shields/focus/generators with augment slots in them, so you can RE them to gain the components. those components sell really well.
  10. I make plenty of cash with artifice now. just make tons of lvl 49 green focus/shield/generator then RE to get the augment mat. I sell those and make bank. also, the +41 crystals sell pretty well. just pick up the schems from the daily vendor or pvp vendor.
  11. go read the announcement again, this time, read the whole thing.
  12. or you could, ya know, transfer. plenty of people to play with. problem solved.
  13. meh, i play a sage and I don't really care.
  14. What I want to know is why can't we customize our lightning color? give me a slot to insert a color crystal so I can have whatever color lightning I want just like a lightsaber. imagine blue lightning with a black core. epic.
  15. already a thread about the new in game event. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=476074
  16. ok so what you meant was, he has broadband, but not fast broadband. your OP seemed like he had dial-up or something.
  17. just do the companion missions and get over it. if you want to work on your crafting, you should be using the gifts to max your companions so they craft better. if they are maxed, sell the gifts on the gtn and use the cash to buy mats. really not that big a deal.
  18. 30FPS?!?!? oh noes! on a regular basis, my fps drops to around 10-15 sometimes lower. you're lucky.
  19. there are other modifiers to your damage besides just str. power and expertise modify your base damage as well. Your BM gear probably has expertise on it which would probably boost your base damage higher than an extra bit of str.
  20. I really liked the story, though I've heard some people don't like it. I played light side, but I made a few dark side choices depending on the situation.
  21. you could do a healer or DPS JC sage. I love my sage. way fun to play. you could do synthweaving to gear yourself or cybertech to create mods and armoring and earpieces.
  22. I believe it was in the patch notes about how they fixed head pieces that had clipping issues.
  23. so you don't see the flaw in your logic here? you complain that bioware pushed the feature back. bioware gives you the feature. you complain that it isn't what you wanted and complain that they should have not released it until it is how you want it. bad logic is bad.
  24. right. delay it more. that would have gone over well. You were probably one of the ones complaining when they delayed it the first time.
  25. you don't really understand how 'seasons' in sports work do you. you don't keep your rank from pre-season to regular season, just like you don't keep your rank from this season to next season. Do you think the NY Giants are going to start this year's football season as the number 1 team? no they will all have an even rank when the season starts.
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