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Everything posted by MandraMoody

  1. GS kills MMO's proven fact. Not wow hate. I am ALL for a lfg/lfd tool. If so many hated it, it wouldn't matter if it was in here because people wouldn't USE it if so = the people who claim to hate that tool are the same ones first in line to use it despite their forum soapboxing. DBM: already covered that. Recount/damage meter: A limited one sure, to see only MY damage as I really want to know if my abilities/talents are pumping the numbers they claim to or to compare for a better spec/gear setup. Gearscore? I can't even believe ANYONE would ever want that horrid garbage in any mmo, hell even the wow players don't want it. Selfish desires? I pay for those so yes.
  2. I already have DBM for swtor....2 of them to be exact and I had them before MMO's were created. Eyeballs are wonderful no? I watch the mob/boss and when he casts, I interrupt! Like magic! Seriously though all you have to do is watch. Little bar fills up when they start. Note: /no to a dbm in here but yes to an atlas loot once more worlds and bosses get added.
  3. I disagree. There is a feedback/suggestion section for a reason. We are not BW and our notice of anything a player claims they are leaving for in a "gimmie attention" thread is useless to any of us (unless you can't think for yourself) and "we" can do nothing about said players concerns.
  4. LL in here? HELL NO! They can't even get collision detection right. Swg got it right...had the best player housing system, exactly what you said in your post swg already had. Don't forget LL would charge 9.99/month for you to own a house and knowing them it would be on top of the 15. They would also mess you up if you tried to cross a sim border which would be here if LL was (they love those). Also I like my TOR lag free and I mean chat lag free. RL and TOR are my escape from SL
  5. They could do it like they did meditate in swg. OOC only that way people wouldn't complain...wait, nevermind they will anyways. In other games I've been able to fill up four rows of needed combat abilities (eq2 to name one). This game is a cinch to manage in that way. Could even make some abilities not an operational need but just for fun and to be for the players immersion. nothing wrong with that.
  6. This needs addressed seriously. Just ran 2 wzs and got the eject to splash screen at 2min left during winning matches. Yet ping rate is fine and no packet loss of any kind, 23 latency at the most. Somehow it NEVER disconnects when my team is losing. fishy.
  7. I don't think that's accurate unless you are talking about a fps. The most successful games are ones that aren't focused on pvp. Hence why APB/Crimecraft which ARE 100% pvp are utter fail. Swg had HORRIBLE pvp but it wasn't until they broke the pve/skill trees and crafting that everyone left. WoW's pvp is a total joke and considered broken by everyone, yet that game isn't broken for the millions who still sub and play and there are tons who raid constantly and never touch pvp. PvP is just icing...or crap when it's bad, not gamebreaking. Anyone coming to a STORY mmo expecting the be all end all pvp experience is fooling themselves and needs to go back to bf3 and mw3 or mmo side Lineage/gw. TL;DR = "This isn't the pvp game you're looking for"
  8. Great thread and definitely not quitting!
  9. +1 Agree totally. Especially remembering all the wonderful UI mods that PLAYERS made on sites for EQ2 and WoW, Those players made life easier/better for the rest of us! I'm sure we have a few skilled individuals in here who would love to have a crack at the UI! /full support
  10. I agree we need to have the option of a DF. If your community would die from having it added for the people who want to use it, the problem isn't the DF it's the people. i.e. you didn't have a community to begin with.
  11. I agree there should be more for guilds in this game, but I'm hoping BW adds in time. As a GL I would really like to see Guild wide perks and Achievements. Although it's not NEEDED, it is nice to have something your guild can work towards together instead of raid content solely. An easier interface with more options would be nice too. I'm adding that to my list right next to "Legacy Content" LOL
  12. What Air? We didn't have AIR! lol "Back in my day": Try perma-death in old SWG, lose your whole toon for good if some MBH (i.e. me) got the drop on you too many times. At least the hatemail was funny;p I've an old friend from my Vox server days in EQ2 (back when there were people on that server). Killed some FP in commonlands and took 83 plat from his corpse(idiot didn't bank before leaving town). He had pics of this on the server forums. This was years ago so I doubt it's still there but was too funny as we were all in vent when he did it;p
  13. E-rage much? I been playing since pong was a home console. So you are ignorant at best. I corrected your post.. don't thank me. "not saying one word to each other... not saying one word to each other" (good one there zoolander)happens in ANY group no matter how you got it. So in your opinion, How you get into a group = whether people chat to each other during it? Your lack or grasping the obvious is astounding. I'll post how I see fit, don't like it? Then don't read it, troll.
  14. LMAO and so true, anyone who thinks spamming LFG/LFM builds community has never been in one.
  15. Agree 100% it all and I mean ALL depends on what people choose to do when IN a group. I guess all these "NO LFG/LFD tool!" people expect that people make friends while spamming LFG in Gen chat...erm no never seen a single conversation happen and I am IN GAME watching Gen chat while I'm typing this...lets see this miracle of community birth happen shall we? 12:28 my time now: ( 5 LFG spams...no convos, no one is making lifelong friends yet....) 12:30: wait a convo almos...no someone just said "we just need one more" 12:35: wow ok since the rule is screenshot or it didn't happen here's a screenshot...but I don't think that changes the fact that community didn't happen.. http://tinypic.com/r/1oqdrr/7 12:37: still not seeing this mysterious thing called community happening, I DO see nothing but alot of LFG spam...it's like watching commercials on tv, which I ignore unless I'm really wanting a chiapet. 12:38 WAIT!! someone just made a lifelong friend in chat...oh wait no...he said to the LFG "I'll go" 12:40: Chat is again silent save for the few LFG spams 12:42: still silent(I could have been qued and already gone to a Flashpoint/heroic by this time if I had a LFD tool but why oh why would I miss out on this bustling sense of community that's somehow totally invisible to me in game but here on the forums....it's somehow viewed as NYC on new years everyday. 12:45 nothing cept "LFG Jawa Trade" - disconcerting 12:50 no one is answering or talking in Gen chat...so this inspires me to WANT to do this LFG thing you all seem to adore?? That would be what you all think is fun?? LFG flagging/spamming loses and fast on the fun meter. Good post by the way TheUnforgiven. I'm no WoW fan, but I did like certain features they and other games had (EQ2/SWG being a biggie). I HAVE made friends while in groups..but never seen this community you all think is going to vanish (how can it vanish when it clearly isn't there?) just by letting people run instances on their own time in a LFD tool. btw it's 12:53 now and chat is still silent..so much for the theory that lfg spam promotes community huh? Now if we had LFD...I would've probably made a few friends tonight. Note: I have made friends by doing warzones...que for them long enough you tend to get grouped with some of the same people via the "forum dreaded" LFD tool they use to get you there. If you are going to say LFD kills community, keep it in perspective. It may have killed it for YOU but I personally know WoW is still going strong and my old guild is still active there so apparently it didn't kill the community for them either or the many millions who still play it.
  16. Agreed, it's a minor thing they could easily implement. Or give us the option for having the hood up/down... up = lekku out the front down = lekku as it is now
  17. Notice how they only think it's better while they aren't there playing it? You should see their forums LOL.
  18. Not even close to the truth. That's why my brother who is a Gamestop manager is working past midnight tonight, the person explaining it to you wasn't clear..HIS store didn't get enough pre-orders to warrant payroll for a midnight release.
  19. Mandra Katsuragi Currently on Krayt Dragon Server.
  20. Played since JTL launch up until may 2010. Mandra Katsuragi - MFencer/Mdancer, MCM/MBH/Carbs, completed villiage, went Jedi. Was DS Jedi during NGE fully geared. Bria Server
  21. 1. Shu'Halo, Kabuki(Enh Sham) played since TBC. 2 Why did you leave WoW? Boredom, Raiding was fun but couldn't get the RL time to commit to it. Tired of the overused fantasy theme. The Panda express hit the last nail in for me. 3 are you going to play SWTOR perm? Are you serious? been waiting years for a good SW mmo so yes....unless they NGE this one too.
  22. I agree with the OP's points however realistically, I can see TOR going the instanced housing route (yes I miss having a non instanced home AWAY from harvesters on Naboo and Tatooine) I hated pre-cu(and NGE)...too many bots to compete with for mob kills esp in DWB and the like. Loved it when the CU hit and people had to actually be *gasp!* AT the keyboard in fights! Not just see mob...cue up 20+ attacks and a heal stim/food/spice macro and go eat in RL..come back and profit! But back to the point, player housing taken to extremes (like anything else) can be a bad thing. Non instanced HOUSING on planets(not crafting stations/harvesters/junk) if done well would only give the player more immersion if they chose to take up on it. Player cities are good on paper but without a vast majority into it, becomes the ghost towns we all remember. Can't hurt anyone for BW to give an option for more player housing down the road. It does promote player interaction in many ways especially if you could put shops in your home to house your created items or take orders for specific modded things or styles/colors of clothing...the options could be limitless if done right or at all. sidenote: Haven't seen this mentioned yet anywhere but the skill system in pre-NGE has yet to be even remotely rivaled anywhere, I still miss that the most.
  23. Only if mentioning the panda express mmo is too.
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