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Everything posted by MandraMoody

  1. Good post OP and welcome! I agree with this...in many mmos I've played there usually comes a dealbreaker that turns me off about the game overall (was Aht Urhgan with ffxi, NGE with swg and MoP with wow), but having friends or a character you are attached to still makes me go back from time to time even though I don't intend on staying. But at the end of the day, this game is star wars and the only full blown SW mmo out there so that alone beats the rest out for me:)
  2. This is what I read and TOO TRUE! /agree Would comment about our *cough* survivability, but I don't do well on myths and ours is just that.
  3. So you're saying that if people can't find 3 others in a video game to friend them to run PVP then they are socially dead? THAT is your basis for judging someone's social aptitude? You need a reality check and time in the real world...and therapy.
  4. /Agree and voted up. Add in Xserver ques too.
  5. That's a great idea. A group of pugs up against a premade gives half the WZ no incentive to stay to be farmed.
  6. Ok big shot E-lawyer! Newsflash your post insinuated it with this butthurt emorage line "If a large number of anti-F2P SWTOR subscribers filed an injuction or a class action suit against EA/Bioware I have absolutely no doubt that the case would get through a probable cause hearing without so much as a flich!" No they would eat you alive plain and simple IF the people stupid enough to file one didn't get laughed out of court LOL. This "case" wouldn't get past finding a lawyer willing to take a losing bet not to mention a pathetic crybaby suit from raging video gamers. Posts like yours are the reason the mainstream frowns on gamers. It would be an american court btw:p I rate the OP as +.05 on the swtor tantrum tossing scale, go read more nerf/qq/ragequit threads and maybe you will get better at it in time.
  7. Brand Damage? ROFL! You do know that if you wrap a dog turd in star wars tin foil, call it "Bantha Poodoo" and put it on ebay...people will buy it? Only thing that kills a brand is when no one talks about it anymore.
  8. Now THIS sounds like fun! But funnier still is let's call those Westborro Psychos and tell them EA/BW has reanimated billy graham and are making him do burlesque. Sit back with popcorn and enjoy.
  9. No one is going to sue EA/BW especially no one on these forums. They have infinitely more $$ than everyone here combined and would decimate you in court. Especially since you agreed that they have the right to change the game AS THEY SEE FIT at any time. Or did you not read the TOS you agreed to? "BIOWARE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE THESE CHANGES AND IS NOT LIABLE TO YOU FOR THESE CHANGES." - as seen here....http://www.swtor.com/legalnotices/termsofservice/ The only "right" you have is the fact that you don't have any. Don't like what they are doing? Don't pay and don't play...simple.
  10. Good music choice on the vid. What I can respect here is the fact that you aren't running around with a pocket healer like so many "uber OP build" vids on the forums. Ok 1st mara you did get the drop on but too bad...his fault for just standing there. What convinced me to give this spec a try was #2. Got the drop on you and you were low in HP, wrecked him! Good show! No one can whine about any build until they try it, Theorycrafting is merely a forum game. I say try it out and if it doesn't work for you, then oh well. Edit: LMAO at many of your opponents basically ignored you til it was too late.
  11. While I am a strong supporter of the LFG tool and anti-spam.... No penalty should be incurred on those that do use Gen Chat for lfg. Especially when you have more than enough tools at your disposal to deal with it. (/ignore, close window, change chat tab to guild or any you make. Custom chat channels). I would also support BW making a LFG channel of it's own aside from gen chat, but then again we've all seen what happens to "trade chat" and the like.
  12. You just described the entire pvp forums, well done! My main is dps and the first thing I go after are healers, why? well I could fake nobility and say it's "in service of my team" but we all know that's crap, it's because they are free kills. I rolled a sorc and got her to 50 and BM geared and it's constant death if your team isn't protecting you. No all things AREN'T equal. I digress, you are right people don't want even, fair or anything of the sort, they want easy win godmode advantages or it kills their fun. Anyone who says different is lying to themselves and everyone else. IMO we need a roll back then a real "tweak" to the classes.
  13. Loved pre-NGE SWG and I like SWTOR but it is very linear. To have the best of both genre's would be ideal! Imagine swtor with: Fully explorable planets. A totally free skill system. (look up the swg skill system that SOE trashed because non-mmo player focus groups couldn't grasp it in 30 seconds.) Player housing ON planets (not talkin harvestors we don't need those/clutter, but HOUSING). Player cities even. Free open space flight and combat. You could fly or lightspeed over to a space station and dock or go flying with friends or duel them in space, testing the ship you literally could spend hours building More open options for gearing. Crafters could make stat gear and even choose colors/etc. My BH or Jedi could wear ANY armor and likewise for other classes. Edit: also could use ANY saber/gun/blade/fist weapon etc. Decor - you could decorate your house/ship/bunker - I know a guy who had a to-scale sandcrawler he lived in and had vendors in you could buy from. He had it decorated inside to look like the movies. Creature mounts - tauntaun/dewback/bantha etc. multi-passenger speeders -too many things to list all here but that's a few. Basically these and many other sandbox elements give the one thing SWTOR needs in large doeses...more choices to differentiate your character. I agree that themepark is needed too, but yes both.
  14. THIS^ TBH I qued on 3 different alts today and ran these dailies in the under 50 bracket. Not one person was afk. Most played really well to try and win so they didn't have to wait another 30+ min in que to get the 2 of 2 daily req done. Got mine all done. Even on my 50s I didn't spot anyone not performing.
  15. You obviously never played SWG. In ONE DAY, SOE cut 32 classes down to 9. Totally removing an entire open-ended skill system and replacing it with a 3 tree talent system. They also lost 200k subs. But guess what? people still played it. Once they added new content they recovered quite a bit of subs as well. People will not just ragequit for life if there is at least something the game has to offer that the others don't. swtor isn't the "ZOMG WORST MMO FAIL EVAH!" as so many attention seeking threads proclaim. There are FAR worse out there *cough* STO/AoC/WAR/LoTRO/Fallen Earth/Rift/etc *cough* Edit: what if you logged in tomorrow and your whole class was gone? Not "no longer viable" but gone?
  16. MandraMoody


    There is one already = they don't get win credit nor comms for the match and if they are on a low to mid pop server and reque instantly they are back in the same match. I'd call having to wait 30+ min to get another match (like on my server) penalty enough.
  17. MandraMoody


    Agreed, SWTOR players are the worst whiners in mmo history. http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/bioware-mmo-project/1220572p1.html
  18. This^ and my votes for planets in either case are: Lok Naboo Dathomir Dantooine Yavin 4
  19. Spot on! Not one of the bad players who wish to be carried will agree, but that's a marvelous idea!
  20. Ask BW, never seen any dev speak about where they got it in either posts or interviews released on the web. ~ Sithatiel
  21. If you mean pvp armor then that's super easy to answer.... This rather ancient and feared icon of mass murder and hatred
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