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Everything posted by LilSaihah

  1. cran's not trying to impress you, he's trying to point out that an incomplete feature was released explicitly for the purpose of grinding and that it'll come back to bite BW on the *** when they finally do release legacy features because people like him will have already grinded(ground?) it out to level 25
  2. hey guysssssss it has nothing to do with the fact that this person has grinded out 25 levels of legacy and everything to do with the fact that bioware put out an incomplete system
  3. Dear God this is awful. Hardmode FPs are literally the same fight, except for the 200% enrage at 25%. I have never seen this hardmode model. It is absolutely horrible. This is the straw that breaks the camel's back.
  4. It's almost as though they released 7 years ago, in a time when MMOs were just starting to stretch their legs. I remember it like it was yesterday.
  5. You'd probably be best off speaking to your bank and cutting the payment there. That is really absolutely horrible service, OP; my condolences.
  6. Nope. Only things that this game does better than WoW are crafting and spaceboat combat; the first is irrelevant, the second I could get a better version of for less than the price of a month of subscription.
  7. No thanks. Not enough MMO in the game to justify my continued subscription.
  8. Knockbacks are FOTM because lol huttball levels.
  9. No, they don't mention their gender. It's made readily apparent when they talk on vent, or in their application. Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.
  10. Did you do it accidentally, or did you purposely set out to kill the level 28 mob despite the fact that you knew you were 27? 3 day ban for accident, permanent ban for purposeful.
  11. There's a lot of points behind this complaint, and saying it's exclusively about how "vast" the world is doesn't do it justice. It's a big world, that's for sure, that's not the problem on its own. But it's a big empty world which is devoid of life. The space station is the perfect example of this; it doesn't give you any impression that you're playing in a real world. You do your class training in a cubicle next to every other class. Profession trainers have a countertop and maybe a few doodads. It's not a real place, it's a player convenience.
  12. Set up action bar paging (shift1 for bar 1, shift2 for bar 2), learn it and get used to it. It's what I use and it gives me about 32 buttons easily accessible with my left hand.
  13. If this was a troll, then I'm really impressed. You didn't even have to say anything, really, and you got 15 pages.
  14. Snipers are cool, so I rolled a Sniper. Just so happened I lucked into the best storyline in the game. The conflict between the Sith, Imperial Intelligence and your own moral compass is very interesting.
  15. I think that should be an option anyway as a hairstyle.
  16. Except that it's a completely pointless waste of time.
  17. Good simple fun. What's not to like? I can only hope that they plan on elaborating the ship system at some point. Having equipped items for the ship doesn't quite do it justice, I don't think, and it's a good avenue for character progression with tangible results.
  18. Well see, anyone could make any game better in the future. We could wake up tomorrow and WoW delivers a completely insanely awesome patch with gigantic laser cannons and chicken people. Do you judge WoW by what it could become in a year? No, you judge it by what it is now. Why is it fair to judge TOR by what it could become in the future? I am completely ignoring anyone who is quitting WoW because of pandas and pokemon because by virtue of that, considering them is pointless. Mostly because pandas are awesome, but also because what's been delivered in Cataclysm has been pretty pathetic and that goofy fun and a lightened tone is exactly what the game needs.
  19. With sharding in mind, I don't understand why MMOs need such rigid server structures. It'd be a feat, but a very rewarding one IMO, to remove server restrictions completely- Then you wouldn't need to worry about cross-server LFGs ruining your community because everything's cross-server anyway.
  20. I think that they should give ship upgrades a good looking over. They definitely have the potential to make something great out of it, and progressing something like your ship from the base level to fully-upgraded monstrosity would be a very rewarding experience.
  21. Snipers and Gunslingers are very powerful.
  22. While I agree, most of the user reviews are pretty garbage... Who in the hell would complain about their female character having a bubble butt? I'm loving it.
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