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Everything posted by LilSaihah

  1. I believe that the other professions should be buffed to the point where they're actually useful, and that Biochem and Cybertech should be nerfed down to this level. Cybertech doesn't need grenades, and Biochem doesn't need exclusive consumables. IMHO, none of the professions should have profession-exclusive bonuses, and the one crafting profession rule should be lifted(though I understand there are technical limitations here). Perks like Biochem's are fine, or will be once a medpac/stim cap per fight is placed. There's no reason to force players to take professions to optimise for PvE/PvP.
  2. and such a sparkling review is worth an 8/10? That's what I hate about giving games a number to try to evaluate the whole thing. It doesn't make sense to try to glue it all together into one overall score; you need to be able to look into the reasons the game was given that score.
  3. Good post. Helps us to understand your viewpoint. Written in a completely unbiased fashion and addresses the ideas presented rather than the people.
  4. give in to your impatience unleash the full fury of the spacebar upon your enemies!
  5. Except that WoW did have a story. The majority of the playerbase just didn't care about it because it wasn't forced into their face by voiced dialogue. Once you hit 50 and have finished the flashpoints/operations once each, you won't care about the story here either.
  6. Poorly coded/implemented pets at that. wtb Avoidance or AI that knows how to get out of AOEs
  7. SUN TZU SAID THAT AND I THINK HE KNOWS A LITTLE MORE ABOUT DEVELOPING MMOS THAN YOU DO, BIOWARE. I thought that was a funny line to add at the end, though it is true. :3
  8. I haven't decided yet. I have friends who want to play with me, so I might stick around to do that, but endgame as it stands bores me to tears and the game needs plenty more polish. At the moment, I'm thinking I'll stick around until MoP or my friends get bored.
  9. I think additional characters/server would be a great addition to Legacy.
  10. You'd need to replace the meat-and-potatoes of your world quests with something else; a few options include flashpoints and battlegrounds.
  11. It doesn't matter that everyone's subjected to the system. It's that the system isn't fun.
  12. Hahahaha. "Skill and patience to make the right choices"? You realise that those options light up in your conversation wheels, right? Having rewards locked to light and dark just punishes people for playing their character the way they want to play them. All of my characters so far have had a smattering of light and dark choices. Sorry for playing a realistic character; guess I'll have to play a saint or a megalomaniac if I want to perform as best as I can!
  13. It's almost as though teamwork is a good thing to use in a team environment. Who'da thunk it? I think Inquisitors might be a little excessive, but I'm not sure and I'm not much of a PVP star so I wouldn't be able to offer a concise opinion.
  14. how draw a flowchart for me it's a quality of life thing. saves time.
  15. I would, because the numbers will be artificially inflated once the rest of Legacy is released because the average experienced player will be about level 10. Alternatively, they could have not piled on another feature so late in development and focused on the rest of their systems to help raise the bar. Who knows, maybe they'd spend the time designing that flashy experience bar on a user-friendly AH UI instead. BW bit off more than they could chew by trying to implement so much and it bit them on the butt when they have to release this.
  16. Once you finish the first act, you will unlock the legacy system and be able to earn legacy experience which is shared across all characters on the server. It currently does nothing.
  17. How to make credits: don't buy your useless rank ups. I have about 180kc worth of Imperial Agent and Sniper skills that I've just left there; things like ranks of Leg Shot and Debilitate that only add damage.
  18. The problems are tangentially related to RDF, and dual-spec ultimately doesn't have much to do with it. The problem which dual-spec supposedly caused (you can change spec and do anything whenever you want!) was simply a quality of life change; you could do that perfectly fine from day 1, but it cost 15 minutes of travel time. The problem with X-server BGs and eventually LFD and LFR is that it's stuck in an awkward place between liquid and solid character allocation. Now, this is opinion, of course, but I would resubscribe to WOW in an instant if they announced that character transfers would be free with your subscription and truly broke the idea of a sharded world. Community isn't a problem- You have the resources required to cover this in the RealID and BattleTag systems, and could likely easily implement a thumbs up-thumbs down system to reward people for playing nice in LFG systems.
  19. The GTN makes me want to brutally murder small animals. It seems designed to get in my way when I try to post or buy items. The only way it could be more obtuse is if it explicitly refused to buy/sell items.
  20. Considering how much money and time has been backing Bioware I don't think it's unreasonable for EA to think the game would be done by now. I'm at legacy level 7 by just goofing around. They didn't even bother to put in a quadratic for the amount of experience you require- it's 240000+1000(l. level). There's "this is an incomplete system, we'll put more stuff out" and there's "this is a nothing system, grind it so we can make the rewards unrealistic for any normal human being"- There will be super awesome epic rewards for Cranberries that the "casual" base that this game "caters to" will never be able to achieve. I could come up with a better GTN in 5 minutes. That's not "this is something we added at the last second", it's "this is something we had every intent to include on the game's release" and they didn't take a day out of three years to work out a design that would actually work.
  21. and you wonder why people say your mmo is bad this would not fly in any other genre of game. why should it fly here? this game has been in development for three years and they have released with so many bugs, bad design ideas, incomplete systems and a terribly optimised engine that i would forgive somebody for thinking that the game was rushed out the door.
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