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  • Location
    Chicago Illinois, USA
  • Interests
    I am an Artist I like to draw paint etc.... Also Gaming obviously.
  • Occupation
    Jedi Consular (Here) Commodoties Buyer (Real World)
  1. Jedi Consular and Sith Inquisitor only on the Double Bladed Lightsabers(saberstaff)
  2. I understand how it works with Expansions, I just wanted to know if there was a plan in place and based on the comments sounds like their is. and there is just to much forum to filter through =) thanks I have played a lot of MMO's and as long as the content keeps coming I will keep playing I'm pleased with SWTOR so far.
  3. Good point! we need the social hubs in the game.
  4. Yeah it would be nice if your ship was a total command center from wich you could perform all functions.
  5. Thanks, I actually never logged out on my ship and I was not paying attention to the Rest meter while I was in their Breifly traveling.. Good to know thanks for the responses .
  6. Hello, I'm wondering if there are plans to keep adding content and raising the level caps, I see a lot of open space on the star map and a lot of known Star Wars Planets are missing, Hoping to see this progress as we level. I played WoW and this was a great concept to keep people playing, I played Rift and at level 50 that was the end of the game, standing around in the capital city reading chat is not my Idea of a good time.
  7. I know we have our own personal Starship, to me this is ver cool its like having your own House in other MMO's. Few things, Is there a plan to make these Modifiable in terms of interior decor, equipment (like adding your own Mod table, Art, Trophies, colors) and will there be an option eventually to invite friends in or have more interactive systems in there like the Chess Table actually working. Is there going to be an Option to get rested XP if your in you Personal Quarters Meditating when you log off?
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