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Everything posted by Frostbyt

  1. Take the shuttle to DK. Its the fastest way to a dueling area. Its a huge docking bay and has crates to los people. That's where everyone I know goes to duel.
  2. that's assuming you can get 8 medals. If you get voidstar or hutball against a good team you'll be lucky to get 4 medals.
  3. welcome to any PvP server in any MMO.
  4. ^ My thoughts exactly.
  5. you should have posted this in the BH forum, hope you brought your flame shield
  6. get a slicer and a crafter to make aUgments, sit back and enjoy never having to do dailies again
  7. well jugs get unfair advantage with that cd that's raises their max HP by 33%. They can get 8k heal. I'm still for keeping medpacks though and don't see them going away ever.
  8. its like kindergarten match the thumbnail to one on the gtn
  9. thx, I spent 100k buying blaster rifles until I found one I liked. I'm glad I don't have to do the same with pistols
  10. this makes no sense. Most of us are in full WH already and only play rated for some real competition.
  11. So now its only an increase in chance to get augment. So no crit craft 2x increase I'm assuming, that's what I wanted.
  12. Don't worry come 1.3 us WH will be off playing rated
  13. I for one would like to welcome our new Healer overlords.
  14. you guys must be fighting some horrible pyros I have an operative and Pyro. Pyro can slow me and reapply dot faster than I can cleanse. I'd rather face a mara/sent than a pyro. stun td?
  15. ^ this Rail shot only hits for around 1.6k when it doesn't crit.
  16. yep. Though, I don't see the cap being raised until last month of the year
  17. anything you can equip you can augment with the kit.
  18. Frostbyt

    merc / mara

    cool story bro
  19. this isn't wow, all you're doing is slowing yourself
  20. when you're trying to take a node against one guy and cap in a hurry that's what you do.
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