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Everything posted by Frostbyt

  1. you still get rested xp just at a slower rate.
  2. grinding is fun? Well cya, good luck cutting yourself or w/e you do in real life.
  3. I have no idea what you just wrote.
  4. The game doesn't need another credit sink. Everything on the Gtn goes down in price with time.
  5. Working as intended? Yeah I guess, you die instead of getting stuck. It's just poor programming, these spots shouldn't exist. I hope they're trying to fix it. It's happening way too often.
  6. The red squiggly line under the word means it's misspelled.
  7. Twice this week in the Hypergates center area I have been insta killed by Kill Target when at full hp. First time someone standing in front of the center cube pulled me and instantly killed me. The second time I got knocked back into a wall and killed. A friend said they've had it happened to them before too. I wondering how frequent this is.
  8. not sure if troll or idiot
  9. I don't know of any item that sells for 4million. Most items have become cheaper.
  10. I would like to see the damage mitigated from kolto bomb quantified in protection. I would suspect you would see some of the gap in healing made up by protection.
  11. I commend all your hard work to prove what we already knew. The mission list is helpful, but I gave up on the log in and out game a long time ago. I only use UT if I can buy a cheap mission off the GTN.
  12. I don't think its worth it. Level 27 mods are currently selling at cost of materials or below. The only profit to be made is off crit crafts. Avg cost for mod is around 1.2 mill which is below the cost of mats. Lets say you invest 6 mill to buy 5 and learn recipe. Now you're only making a profit off crit crafted mods. If you crit once out of 5 crafts then then comes out to a mere 200k profit per mod. You'd have to sell more than 30 mods to start turning a profit. I guess you could get lucky and learn recipe sooner but could always take +5 tries too.
  13. I don't quite understand your logic, how are you being penalized on new characters? Tab 4 is going to cost you a million and have requirement of 50 no mater what. Buying the unlock hasn't affected your new toons in anyway except that they got two free bank tabs to begin with. I waited until all 7 of my toons had 2 unlocks already to get the best value. I'll have the expensive slots paid for on my existing characters and the cheap ones on the new ones. So its a better value the more characters you have when using the unlock. However, in noway are you being penalized on your new character, they just don't get as great as a deal. You can always buy individual cargos to top off your new characters. Disclaimer I only paid 700k credits for my two unlocks
  14. Stopped reading at 'We need to be able to sit in chairs'
  15. Mail isn't working and all my sales are invisible.
  16. Good job, I'm sure it was a long grind of pugs....
  17. I concur Nerf these stunlocking healer operatives
  18. 63 pages? You OCD people have really kept this thread alive
  19. You need to get a clue before complaining.
  20. this is an egghead solution. So you'd need to know the persons id code to invite, mail, whisper etc?
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