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Everything posted by DarthJimilingus

  1. Ok, so I finished "chapter 9" of the new expansion and have done a lot of alliance building BUT, I'm gathering that you won't get all of your previous companions back. Is that so? I mean I can understand locking them out for a while to fit with the story but Gone forever? Unless there is something in the remaining chapters where you get everybody back(which obviously none of us are aware of) then this sucks! Great expansion otherwise.
  2. Not sure if this was mentioned or not...Also might this level sync help with ganking? i.e. a level 60 in full pvp gear goes to alderaan and camps the base and ganks level 30's? I know the expertise will still be there but this should help yes?
  3. We are keeping all of the old ones and gaining some new. No gear for companions though. Companion skill is based soley on Influence you have with them.
  4. I'm always nervous to acecpt to the 1 credit they mail you. I feel like Bioware would blame me for accepting it. haha. So i just report it straight away. They really are getting crazy.
  5. This. A lot of people underestimate the power of an interrupt. If you time it right between stuns and interrupts you can keep SOME Silvers and Golds from ever even landing an attack! It's especially important if your gear isn't top level. Also when my interrupt is on CD I use my stuns as makeshift interrupts. It helps. Trust me. I'm sure others will tell you the same.
  6. I remember when ROTHC launched it actually came back up around 3AM EST but it did come down at around 10PM the night before.
  7. ^^^^^^^^^^What he said. Actually the "Class" missions only were meant to get to you to 50 so the fact you're at 53 and you didn't do makeb yet is great for you.
  8. I always did a combo of three things. 1)Used comms to get a piece of gear when I could, 2)That Inheritance, birthright gear you got on your alts? Here is where its useful, and then 3)Then yes I would buy things off of GTN. 4)Always use whichever Companion you got last. They will have the best gear of your companions and help mask the fact that you are undergeared.
  9. Clearly we are on different servers. Packs can drop to 150K per on POT5. Mostly it rounds out at 200K per with some of the more sought after packs getting CLOSE to 300K but usually I wont buy it if its over 200K. IMO not worth the cash to get a lame adaptive gear box that includes legs/boots and a Small reputation item.
  10. No but in an attempt to unlock everything I could on the PTS I copied a toon that had 5million in the bank to the PTS about 8 times! then I did it again! It was a lot of fun being able to get all of that cash. haha
  11. I personally would love to play a Sorcerer Yoda-species. Or a Jawa Guardian. That would be epic.
  12. -Unique color crystal(one that we would all want) -Set of adaptive gear -unique mount(again one that we would want) I don't want fireworks but let's face it. they did it for the first 2 years. We are getting it. It's just a question of what ELSE we are going to get. Maybe a decoration as they themed the anniversary gift last year with GSF coming out.
  13. Stealthing past everything then? I managed to hit 50 when I completed my story line and it lined up almost perfect on every planet(excpt started planet. Was 13 when I left there)
  14. Depends on your Guild Bonus for Rep. I guess just sit with a piece of paper and work it out. BUT, it really doesn't help you max it out that much faster. Best case scenario-one week. Not really worth losing sleep over.
  15. I feel the same. I just finished Number 12(the slow way) and I wanted to do the last 4 without so much Grind. This is a nice reward. By the way people have had a lot of time to get to 55 at this point.
  16. That's out of control. I can't wait to get off of work and get to work on my sniper.
  17. I was curious if the older PVE space battles are "do-able" I remember there being a controversy due to difficulty when the "Heroic Space missions" first debuted. I wouldn't even bother but its the one reputation I haven't maxed out to "Legend" status. Thoughts?
  18. No sure but Thanksgiving day weekend had one.
  19. Let's assume they do take it seriously. By the time they get to investigating and then banning these bots they've already moved on to a new toon...so No not worth reporting.
  20. I hear you. I think they want a slew of FPs for the supposed expansion/level cap upcoming. Obviously when they up it they will need new HM FP's and I think they wanted a few for the random GF Queue. Just a theory.
  21. Was about to say this. Agreed. Its an MMO. Besides there are plenty of things you can do solo if you really want to.
  22. Certainly all good points. I think the answer is all of these decorations are new and exciting and a lot of people are climbing over each other to be the first to get some of these deco's. Prices will come down and it'll go back to business as usual in a few weeks but until then things will be like this. I think the real crazy part is 500K for a Universal Prefab Mk-3.
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