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Everything posted by DarthJimilingus

  1. On the flip side I rolled republic and never que for more than 2 minutes max! lolz at all you imps!
  2. Yes I did. You have to go up to the top under crew and summon her from there. It freaked me out at first too.
  3. Find an auction. I saw a few pre order crystals on there. I didn't buy one of course. I bought some red crystals for my Jedi Knight to use. hah! everyone on Courescant was wigging out!
  4. Theres a timer where if you don't return to action within a minute you're booted. I would imagine without any benefits either.
  5. Not to piss anyone off. I got in yeterday and I have to say they could let more people in at once. This morning I was on Tython and there was only one instance with 25 people there. I never ran in to anybody! I don't know if it's the same on all the servers but mine was pretty empty. Even when I got to Courescant....30 that's it! Of course Korriban was a mad house yesterday about mid day so maybe because we are all so dark side oriented.....
  6. I registered on the 25th so I hope you're right. man With any luck the last wave will go about 1:00-1:30PM EST
  7. Imagine if this is what goes on at Bioware every time a wave is allowed in? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UN8YIR60Ij0
  8. My last final is tonight. I am so boned if I get in.
  9. An observation: First wave was sent at 7:15 EST The next was sent at 8:45 EST AND the second wave was sent "early" So I'm guessing is their AIM is to send out a wave every 2 hours or so depending on how the servers react. So, that being said. Expect the next wave between 10:15 and 10:30 depending on how things go.
  10. They just want to make sure they don't overwhelm them right off the bat. They probably also want to help eliminate lag by letting us in a little at a time so there aren't 500 people trying to run down the same hallway to turn in the same quest. That was annoying during testing when 2 dozen people were surrounding the same NPC and I couldn't even see the guy to click on him. Once I did I had to wait a bit to go through my dialogue sequence. I see what they are doing. I'm unhappy with it because I'm on the outside looking in but I see their point.
  11. Very honest of you but it's still hilarious. When I saw the trailer for Pandoria at first I was like, "This is a joke right?"
  12. I plan to never come back to this site once I get in. Maybe once in a while if I'm stuck and need some help on what to do but other than that I do not intend on ever coming back here. I'll even throw out my F5 key!
  13. Dude you're link in your sig made me piss myself. Pandas! Seriously, what the hell were they thinking???? That's what they launched to compete with TOR??? We shall make them fall in deed!
  14. You make some sense. It is frustrating becuase all of us Julyers thought we'd be in for sure! But you are right. If I'm not in by day's end though I'm going off on somebody.
  15. I ordered the CE and DIDN'T get in. 7/25er here
  16. Same here. I pre ordered first day. Didn't get my code till 7/25. But if this nonsense about people getting in who pre ordered 3 days ago is true than Bioware really messed up this time.
  17. If that's true I'm pissed too. How can they **** that up?
  18. Yeah really! I input my code on 7/25 and didn't get it either. I woke up early and everthing. Second wave maybe?
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