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Everything posted by DarthJimilingus

  1. Ok just finished JC. [spoiler ]IT was a MEH ending. You beat the son of the emperor. I guess that's fitting considering Knight fights the actual Emperor. But for Pete's Sake I don't get put on the council? I feel Gipped. I assumed after finishing Inq that Consular would have been made a Council Member. You can even comment on it and Shatel just says you are needed elsewhere....What a let down. 5/10
  2. I agree there. I feel after the species unlocks and the buff unlocks everything else is kind of eh.
  3. Yeah the crew skills are what made me sort of abandon this. I still do mostly PVP BUT when I reach a certain level I'll do an "act" Example: When I got to 16 I did the entire Prologue start to finish. It was cool like watching Bounty Hunter: The movie. Which was kind of what I was hoping.
  4. First I refuse to search through the thread to see if these have been thought of so Forgive me if I picked your idea. HOWEVER I came up with a few ideas to make the game better! 1) More/Cooler Adaptive gear. The Sand People gear and Imperial Trooper gear are awesome but we need more epic gear like this. Imperial Guard is one that comes to mind. 2) Hard Mode Class Story Line- Repeat the same quests you did while leveling just this time as a level 50 hard mode for daily comms/ Black Hole comms/whatever. As much fun as it was there were certain fights I'd love to do again without re-leveling a new toon. 3. Have Crystal change Lightning color- For Inq's only unfortunately. Have it so color crystal changes color lightning to customize your experience instead of stock purple lightning. 4. More Live Events- Need I say more? 5. Redo Ilum- Now I KNOW this has been said many times. Redo Ilum so that it is a more enjoyable PVP experience. I feel like when it was first debuted they were on to something but didn't take it far enough. I've also heard rumors they are already working on this so perhaps this has the best chance of succeeding. 6. XP boost for anyone who pre-orders expansion- Every other MMO does this. Just do it Bioware! Does the community have any thoughts?
  5. Diagree. It felt almost like a live event searching for things. I felt it was the right amount of difficult.
  6. OK So I have a new Mercenary Who I plan to level exclusively through PVP. Any advice? Also I plan to have him be a healer. Thanks in advance for any help that can be given!
  7. DarthJimilingus


    Going to try to level from 1-50 without doing any of my class story AND I'm going to PVP the whole way. Should be interesting....
  8. I believe this person cannot find where these entrances are. (Nor can I!( Could you tell us where exactly the entrances are?
  9. That and you get a lot of social points for completing that one. Correct me if Im wrong but I believe its the most in all the FP's. Its entirely possible people are looking to do a HM FP AND get social points at the same time.
  10. I was wondering that the other day. Ran with 3 BH's and nothing but AIM stats dropped. Definitely geared towards who's in the party. Makes sense though. Imagine if the party had all Willpower and Aim toons and strength kept dropping?
  11. That's certainly a surprise. I've only EVER been kicked from a group once. IT was a HM FP and yeah I was undergreared and very obviously slowing down the group. Frustrating part was they kicked me at the final boss IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FIGHT! Oh well. Life just sucks sometimes.
  12. Question to add onto this. I have a combo of tiones/columi/rakata gear and have the following specs on my sorcerer DPS spec...... 1624-Willpower 1381 Endurance. Should I still be doing HM FP's or can I move on to OPS at this point? I'd try to queue up but I would hate to be THAT GUY that shows up totally undergeared and ruin someone's OP.
  13. As far as storyline Knight or Agent is best. As far as fun while playing it would have to be Inq dps for me.
  14. PRobably the worst storyline I've done so far. Prolougue and Act 1 were good. It was all downhill from there. The end didn't truly feel like the end. The Rakton fight was so simple and easy. I did it first try. What kind of end game boss bs is that? THen you get a meeting with the chancellor, a hand shake and an 'atta boy' then it's over?????? ***!!!!!! Inquisitor and Knight felt much MUCH more epic to me. It felt much more epic from start to finish. This was just lame. Rolling Agent now. I hear it's story is the best. Let's go find out.
  15. Yeah Voss sucks....and the second part of belsavis....It doesn't even feel like I'm on the same planet!
  16. That's the fair way to do it. If I'm the only Jedi Knight and Strength item drops that ONLY I can use and it can help me significantly.....I'm NEEDing that. I refuse to leave that to chance.
  17. Actually you can. As long as they are part of the same legacy you can send whatever back and forth to each alt EVEN across enemy lines so to speak. I do this daily.
  18. You guys are making me want to go back to LOTRO! lol Yeah those things would be nice and the low population doesn't help. I feel like I'm playing a single player game a lot of times. Too bad I deleted all of my LOTRO characters. I put all of my chips on this game. Although when you do finally find someone to group with they are a hardcore gamer so they know what they are doing. I grouped with 3 random people yesterday for about 2 hours and we did dailies on Ilum and the Black Hole. I actually had some fun!
  19. What about a role playing game titled "episode 7" Where you can play one of the main characters or a new one and play after the events of the movies. This way you can go in any direction you want! Might be interesting.
  20. I would be a Hardcore PVEer but I can never find anyone to group up with. So I guess I'm casual.
  21. They need to do this! I was on Alderaan as a 32 Vanguard yesterday. I got nerfed by 3 level 50's rolling around with nothing better to do. They waited on me to re-spawn so they could do it again. I was the ONLY republic guy on so I couldn't even call for help. This is redic. Healthy game? My ***! I wish I could transfer now...BUT what happens to my legacy? Have they talked about that yet?
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