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What's amazing about this game?


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Im a bit amazed of how mutch flaming a person gets on this forum when saying something positive about the game... Every time someone makes a thread about the game in a positive way it gets eaten up by pesimistic persons that only have negative things to say... And often realy rude even...


I find that kind of fun in a sad way... Whay are u still here if u hate the game so mutch? :rolleyes: the game has its flaws sure, all games have them. But i would still call the game amazing :)

Edited by crazyplaya
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1. The fact that it is fully voiced is amazing. I get so immersed with watching them speak to me in full voice. Nothing is corny about it. All lines are great sounding.


2. The music. Everytime I go into a zone or on a planet I find myself not wanting to leave. Everyplace you go, the music is so amazing and I love the fact that it is setup wonderfuly and comes on perfectly at everytime when the cutscenes happen.


3. The graphics are wonderful. The environments look so good everywhere I go. The game runs so smooth, and the effects such as bloom, full screen effects, make this game look very good. It is stunning actually when you are on Alderaan looking at Castle of Organa and that amazing music comes on. It hits you in a good way and gives a good feeling


4. The customer service. I always ALWAYS get things resolved with them right away. They are always there for me when I need them. They seem to get back to others right away.


5. The combat. The combat is very fun and always keeps you on your toes. It is really exhilirating, fast paced, and the powers/moves are really unique looking. I like the fact there is no auto attack so you can actually PLAY the game and feel you are controlling your character more.


6. BioWare. This is the biggest thing that is right for this game. BioWare's first entrance into the mmo world has been HUGE. One of the smoothest launches ever in the mmo world. BioWare has made some great innovations to make every mmo made now even better than they were before TOR. TOR has significantly improved gameplay and the way the game is delivered to you. More and more people are finding other mmos to be very very boring after playing TOR, even if they are complaining about somethings in TOR. Bioware did a genius thing with the VO and dialogue choice, I believe no other mmo will survive without it.


7. Dialogue choice. This is one of those things that also change the industry. Never in an mmorpg were people able to choose what they want to say or choose the things they will do at a later date...right now. This is the real thing. A game with choice? and in an mmo? It is what a lot of people have wanted in the industry for a while and it's finally there.


8. It is not boring. Other mmo's, especially in start zones, you feel like you are getting older and just...getting so bored because you just sit there flinging your magic spells at a boar. In TOR...at low levels, you are flipping with your jedi, force pushing them, using telekenetic mind controls on them, taking on mobs of 3 or 4 or even more and just all around feel like you are an epic character at EVERY level.


9. It is Star Wars. The best feature of this game is because it is Star Wars. Who hasn't dreamed of being there with their own personal story inside the Star Wars universe with other people online to! Star Wars is the best thing to happen in the mmo world. Cause cmon...who would you rather be..an elf or an evil, mind crushing, force lightning, killing Sith Warrior :p


Now I am not speaking for everyone when I say this is the best game ever. But this is singlehandedly the best game I have ever played. It gives me that feeling of completion, it gives me the feeling of choice, it has the music, it has the gameplay, it has the extensive worlds, the following something but not following TOO much, it is not too linear, it is fun VERY fun. It is kotor 1000000x on crack!! THAT is the best thing. KotOR and KotOR 2 are my favorite games in the whole world. This game gives me such big flashbacks when I am playing in of being in kotor and exploring with the choices.


In my opinion, THIS GAME is the best mmorpg that will continue to improve over time. The more time goes, the more time they have to improve on things. Chill out guys :) and just remember, you are playing TOR and have fun :) Don't be so negative and let the positives of this game make you feel better :)


you still drunk from new years?

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Of course, Mr. Sketchy is here to dull everybody's day.


don't sweat it .. people like him are just smug, unhappy little people and they try to bring everyone down to their level .. you know, misery loves company.


I think this is the best MMO to date so far AWESOME JOB BW!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

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I agree somewhat. I like the voice acting of like 2 people. All the others seem to be non emotional robotic voice acting and yet for a Sith. And they are mostly English accents. The only ones with English accents are supposed to be Imperials not Sith.


Combat = WoW without auto attack - which does not bother me except for the ability queue feature which causes input lag.


Otherwise I agree with you that the game rocks.

Edited by DarthCuddly
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What's amazing?


Is if someone disagrees with your view and clicks report, you get an automated warming from CS. Without them bothering to read the post that's being reported.


Sorry, but when you can't even post something constructive without a fear of being given a warning, how much different is that to a regime who doesn't like it when their people start to form an opinion they don't agree with?


Thank god I won't lose my job if this game fails and I will still do very well in RL regardless!

Edited by Elgarr
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I disagree, I don't think SWTOR is "amazing", or as you said, the "best" MMO of all time.


I think SWTOR is average

I think you say the same thing in every single thread that praises the game. I think your creativity is average and mediocre.

Edited by Sinister-Sith
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I like how people say "Meh it's average" but still fork over their fifteen bucks a month, and spend time on the forums.


Here's my opinion on the game so far;


Sound; the voice acting in the game is top notch, as always from BioWare. Fact: this game has more hours of recorded dialogue than any other game ever created. Combine that with their talented voice actors, including people like David Hayer(Solid Snake), Jennifer Hale(Bastila Shan), and Claudia Black(Morrigan from Dragon Age: Origins), and I don't think it's a stretch to say that the VA work in this game is the best ever. And if you don't think so I'd be interested to hear what you think tops it.

It's Star Wars, so do I even have to talk about the epic music?


Graphically; is the game a superheavyweight graphically? No. But this was a choice by BioWare. They didn't want the game to be too graphically intensive so that people with slightly older or less powerful computers could run it. This way people don't have to shell out a thousand bucks upgrading their rig or buying something new to play their game. That said, I'm pretty pleased with the visual style of the game so far, but graphics are definitely in the eye of the beholder.


Writing; again, something I really think is topnotch. This is the first MMO I've ever played where I actually think about the type of person my character is, and this is due mostly to the writing of the game. Throughout the class and world stories, I constantly found myself faced with choices, both in word and deed, that defined my character. I have at least as strong a sense of the person my Juggernaut is as I have about the type of person my Commander Shepherd is.


And even though the world story is the same, while leveling a character, you have a unique class story to play through to help keep you engaged and interested. And I've been enjoying the class storylines immensely.


Gameplay; If there's a weak link, I guess it's this. It's very WoW-eqsue gameplay...but I don't have a problem with that. You could make some criticisms here about a lack of innovation, but I'm not really sure how much more the MMO style of gameplay can be refined. Most of the MMO's out today ape WoW, which itself is basically a refined version of EverQuest(new and improved- now with Talent Points!). By the same token, though, how much have FPS's really evolved since Halo? Or action games since God of War? I feel like it's the wrinkles within the established playstyle that make a game interesting.


TOR does do some interesting things. Having your AC's have pre-established roles, but some diversity within those roles, makes for an interesting potential mix of skills and powers. Also having situational powers(only usable when something is stunned, etc.) makes for some interesting tactical situations. It is slightly annoying, however, that some of my abilities cannot be used on Elite level or higher enemies. Why exactly can't I hit that Jedi Master with my Pommel Strike? Is he just too damn cool?


The thing I probably enjoy most is the Companion system. I actually care about several of my crew, although some (Vette) I just want to shut the hell up.


I like the space combat, too. Those are basically my daily missions and I make some nice credits doing them.

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Even if you don't like the game.. you have to admit that is big ground breaker for the mmo industry...


Not everyone thinks that way.


I certainly do not think it would be interesting to listen to every single qust, that has 0 meaning on the world i was on, i skiped about 80% or all voiceover, why? becuase it had 0 impact, and it was also quite stupid and boring stories.

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