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Do you think story is really what MMO players want?


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Here's what happens. A mmorpg comes out, the whiners say, "Just a bunch of fetch quests, where's the STORY?? Wahhh!"


Someone makes a mmorpg with a deep story line, the whiners say, "Too much story, give me fetch quests!! Wahhh!"


See the pattern?


Actually people never really moaned about not enough story being a specific problem. The big argument in MMOs is that it isn't fun to level a character by 'Killing 10 Boars'


People want alternatives to this or something that was more interactive and made killing the 10 Boars more fun.


Story is arguably a solution but you still have to go kill the 10 boars in this game. I think that this game has tried to add more story as a way of making levelling fun but instead they have just tried to cover up something that isn't actually fun.


It's a trap!

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Story is what this MMOplayer wants from this game, yes.


Sure, it's not the ONLY thing I want, but I find myself enjoying it even more than I thought I would. The storylines drive my characters' wants and needs, and I find myself developing personalities for them within the first 3-4 levels of gameplay.


And to whoever said those who want stories should read a book - I do that, too, and I even watch movies or TV-series sometimes. And I play tabletop RPGs, too. Maybe this shows why I love having a good story in MMOs too?

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It doesn't really HIDE the grind...


You may be distracted by a nice cut scene long enough to complete a quest but it's certainly still there.

You do not seem to know what grind is. Grind is the activity of grinding mobs (or dailies or other content deemed boring) because you have run out of any other content to do but have not yet achieved the level to continue on. I've yet to see any evidence of grind in TOR (or these days in WoW either).


Aion for example is very grindy. In fact most Asian MMOs are. You end up just mindlessly killing mobs in order to level up purely for their xp, not for fun, not for story, not for content, but to get up that next level alone.


What you are describing is known as progression.

Edited by Grammarye
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Agree with the OP. Story is cool and fun, for the first 20 levels... after that I feel like I want to just skip most of the conversations and get on with the quests.


The gameplay doesn't really offer anything new either. We need more PvP options, world PvP, fixed/better warzones, and better customization. Bugs can be expected this early, so I won't criticize too much for that, but the 3d engine needs a ton of work. It felt as if they rushed to get it out before christmas so they could make all those sales, but delivered an unfinished product.

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I find the story elements add a great deal to the enjoyment of the game, and if SWTOR ends up driving away the "mad rush to end game" crowd and instead draws in more of the "journey is the reward" crowd, it will have found a valuable and sustainable niche.


The game should END at the level cap; it should not BEGIN there. When EQ decided to focus new content on max level characters, it set a precedent that has crippled MMOs since then.

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so do all of you play COD? just curious..i don't know but in the mmo RPG's genre i tend to want story and i feel that bioware as it often dose did a good job at giving me story.Perhaps sw:tor should have just been pvp/space combat with a minor story line in it if you randomly felt like boring yourself with that meaningless talking and reading.Ick!
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People want all games to be...World of Warcraft


Not true.


People will always compare to WoW because despite personal opinions about it, WoW is a very very well made game. It is the quality people have come to expect and when a game can't match that people will make note of that.


Its people like that who get games like TOR improved to compete.

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Questing has ALWAYS been about story telling. This game is just the first to get questing right. That said, I agree that I'm worried about what happens when you finish the quests. I've played all 4 Republic classes to about 10th lv or so. The stories between them are a lot more similar than I would expect with probably at least 40% of the quests being shared between all classes.


I have to wonder if the voice acting is really worth it. I wonder if they had of done text in the quest dialogs, rather than voice, if it wouldn't have been pretty much just as enjoyable (heck, I end up reading the subtitles rather than listening to the dialog anyway, to make sure I don't miss anything). Keeping it text would have allowed companions to have unique names and players to be addressed by name and other things that might have made the dialog more personal. I can't imagine BW letting go of voice acting, but I really have to wonder if the game might have been better without it.


I'm happy to see story telling become a bigger part of MMOs, but I'm afraid they may be neglecting some other areas in favor of story telling (and neglecting story telling in favor of voice acting).

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I think story to level 20 or so would have been nice, after that skip the VA and story and spend your time and money into making the game better, less laggy, less buggy, better UI, you know, the **** we expect from a next gen MMO.


This game reminds me of Star Trek Online.

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To answer the thread title, most MMO players don't actually know what they want. People will say they want one thing when what they really want is something else and they just don't realize it.


To address your original post... Here's the thing... for years and years there have been consistent complaints about MMO's engaging players durring the leveling process. There have been complaints about just wall of text quests. There have been complaints about fetch quests ect ect ect.


So now we have voice acting, cut scenes, decision trees ect. We have story in a form other than just a page of text onscreen. And it is certainly more engaging. The thing is is that not everyone cared about the leveling experiance. There are those that just want to pvp. There are those who just want to do raids. And so on and so forth. So for some the story aspect gets in the way, it slows some things down. On the other hand, for others it makes the game more enjoyable. And the group that generally complained and have generally found it favorable is the people who don't level fast, more casual players, and roleplayers. And since most people who make up a MMO's subscription base fall in the first of those 3 groups...well it can be quite a good thing. Can be as other factors affect things.


Regardless you mentioned choices not having a effect on things and the polarity of the choices. I'll address the polarity first... Its a Bioware game. If you thought it was going to be different than every other moral choice system they have ever created I have a bridge to sell you. That said supposedly neutral rewards are coming at some point...so thats something at least.


In a game like this, with this being the first of its kind, choices aren't going to vastly change the story you're going down. You're all going to follow about the same path. Now there are choices that do have impacts here and there on missions, but you're not going to get 'i do this and change where my story arc goes'. But again this is the first time you actually have a story to go along with your character.


Now you also mention the issue of hitting 50 and your story stopping. Wellllll it does and doesn't. Think of TOR as a novel. You've finished the first book of the series and are now patiently waiting for the next book to be released...problem is it still needs to be written. Now theres this wonderful RP thing that some people like to do but its not for everyone....

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Its a shame everyone complains and compares this game to wow....


wow was **** at th beginning this gam is by far better than wow when it was released. you guys can't compare a new mmo to WoW which is now 7 years out.


Ofcourse wow offers far more content. However if you all whant to complain about this game, why the hell did you start playing it. it was announced early enough that this games focus is on a story and not just grinding.


why are you all looking or a new mmo if wow is sooo awesome ? Blizzard ruined wow after BC the game is for kids, its easy, its boring there is no challenge not even raiding is a challenge anymore, i guess thats why everybody whants a new mmo. however this game is different if you don't like it **** off and play Rift or AoC.


I never liked story in mmos since reading quest logs is to boring he the story is being well told and a really enjoy it. And i hope other companies will go the same way in future.

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For me it's a huge deal. If the heavy focus on story wasn't there, I wouldn't be as interested as I am. I'm seriously having a blast with TOR.


And "MMO players"? What does that mean, really? There wasn't 11 million MMO players before WoW. That game added a lot of people to the category. Who's to say TOR won't do the same? Perhaps a new group of MMORPG players who also happen to be very interested in the actual RPG part? It's not like the well has run dry...

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You do not seem to know what grind is. Grind is the activity of grinding mobs (or dailies or other content deemed boring) because you have run out of any other content to do but have not yet achieved the level to continue on. I've yet to see any evidence of grind in TOR (or these days in WoW either).


Aion for example is very grindy. In fact most Asian MMOs are. You end up just mindlessly killing mobs in order to level up purely for their xp, not for fun, not for story, not for content, but to get up that next level alone.


What you are describing is known as progression.



Hmm you definition is questionable...


Anyway there is still a LOT of grinding in this game. Upon reaching max level you will probably find yourself grinding gear in flash points and operations.


Also 'progression' is not what I would call killing X of Y over and over again, which is what you do in this game. But also it doesn't matter what the reward of grinding is, you are still technically grinding in this game, if you consider the reward to be 'more story' then that's fine but, it's still grinding...


Id also point out that grinding doesn't just refer to in the end game, it is an acceptable term to use when levelling or indeed at any stage in the game.

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I love the story and the way it works in this game. I would not be playing it if it was sandbox. This game adds more than story it adds emotion and feeling. I love the story arc, the companions as story pieces. The combat system works for me, but the voice work and story make the game.
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And "MMO players"? What does that mean, really? There wasn't 11 million MMO players before WoW.


Just to mention. everybody thinks wow is soo awesome because it has 11 million plyers.

in the whole US and Europe Wow has had max 6 million players 50% of the wow players come from china and thats because wow is the only mmo which found a god publisher to bring out their game in asia.

No other MMO like Rift, Warhammer, AoC etc went on the asian market. so if Swtor has no about 2 million users it has already 1/3 of the amount from wow whih is pretty impressive ;-)

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Hmm you definition is questionable...


Anyway there is still a LOT of grinding in this game. Upon reaching max level you will probably find yourself grinding gear in flash points and operations.


Also 'progression' is not what I would call killing X of Y over and over again, which is what you do in this game. But also it doesn't matter what the reward of grinding is, you are still technically grinding in this game, if you consider the reward to be 'more story' then that's fine but, it's still grinding...


Id also point out that grinding doesn't just refer to in the end game, it is an acceptable term to use when levelling or indeed at any stage in the game.


Yeah, his definition is really bad. Here's what my definition would be: Grinding is any task you do repetetively even though it's boring because you get something out of it.

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They aren't trying to beat WoW or appeal to all MMO players though, or are they? I dunno, maybe they changed their mind or something


Anyone who thinks any MMO that comes out doesn't want to beat WoW is obviously delusional.

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