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Do you think story is really what MMO players want?


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I play games for fun.


If that means a good "grinding" experience (how odd?), then so be it.


I was hesitant to get this game, but the story (lv50 juggernaut) has made the game well worth my time, and I appreciated the developers' dedication of delivering a superb leveling experience.

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I didn't read the entire OP or replies, but for me the story is extremely important. I was always the guy falling behind in a group in other mmo's because I would stop and read the quest text. I love how they have dialogue for every quest, I haven't spaced through any of it and don't plan to. If any mmo could keep my attention long enough to hit the max level, this would be it, and story would be the reason. I made it to 48 on Rift but just couldn't push myself to finish the final 2 levels. For me the fun is enjoying the story on the way to 50.
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Must admit that sometimes when i turn in a quest to an automat instead of an npc, i do feel a sense of relief that nobody's gonna start yapping at me.


"yeah yeah i did the quest for ya and i just want my flippin reward and xp, no debriefing or life story, don't really give a shat, thank you!" :p


I prefer action over story, but the game's worth playing still, of course :)

Edited by DashFiss
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Story is one of the aspects of this game that drew me back into playing an MMO and the lack of it in WoW I was why I left that game. I enjoy it here and it has been a selling point to friends like myself who weren't playing an MMO currently.


SWTOR seems to be aimed at dissatisfied MMO players and those new to gaming. I see it very much as an alternative to WoW and the gaming culture attached to it. On alot of the points of conflict of how a game should be, they appear to have taken the dissenting position to what WoW had. Not worse or better, just different.

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I depends on what people mean by story. WoW has a great story but it doesn't represent it like TOR does, which is the right things to do.


BioWare and EA have spent all their money in creating cutscenes and offering dialogue to promote the story and sacrificed important aspects of the MMO-social-RP mechanic which makes WoW such an astonishing success.


TOR feels and is older than WoW in a lot of ways, which is why it won't be a success. There's no vision behind the game, unless you want to play a single player game with other people running around.


The fact that this game doesn't offer an expansive open world is really one of the major problems and one of the reason this feels like so restrictive.


Having a story and representing it this way is great, but not when it detracts from the main MMO mechanics.


Do you think that story will keep on coming in this game? In the same quality, voice over and custscenes? And how long will that take each time?


There are not even speech bubbles in this game for God's sake...

Edited by Lyvean_gr
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Yes the story is very important in a RPG game, because guess what, this is a RPG, I find it so annoying and these forums are just a cesspool at the moment with people just wanting to grind themselves to the max level ignoring all the other players and fun content until the "endgame" which to be honest is just downright stupid.


The game is designed to be fun, a spiritual successor to KOTOR 1 and 2, if you do not see it this way and are playing it to some rules that you fabricated in your head because other games have told you this is what you should do then the fault lies at your own door.


When you play any other RPG game and you get to the max level allowed in that game does that mean you stop playing? No, it just means your character does not advance except in terms of story and hopefully getting shiny new stuff while doing your story, why is this game any different, it seems to me people have had the idea planted into their head of what an mmo is from somewhere and it is these brainwashed souls who come here looking for everything they enjoyed from their old games to be here waiting on them.


Well that turned into a long post, but I am just tired of reading one of the few things said on these forums and I can not wait, simply can not wait for the free month to be over so most of these people will just go away.

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Well that turned into a long post, but I am just tired of reading one of the few things said on these forums and I can not wait, simply can not wait for the free month to be over so most of these people will just go away.


Amen and QFT.

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Played 10-20 mmorpgs since I quit telnet MUDs and took the leap over to Everquest 1 in 1999, and I have to say that this is the FIRST game I've been playing for over a week without getting bored as hell with not being max level and getting started with working on getting bored with the end game content.


Storyline is usually not important to me in MMO or single player games. This game has me caught up in it more so, as it is what I have always been wanting, a decent single player game that I can play with others and share and participate in our story lines.


Me and the wife are having a good time. have so far 4 characters level 13-33 and will have to try and stop making more and focus on the ones I have a bit. Finally got done with chapter 1 on my Commando yesterday!


I quit WoW a few weeks before the release of their first expansion.

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Yes it's important to some people, but it will not carry an mmo


Hit the nail on the head in the first page IMO.


To all those that would disagree... do you really want to be right in a dead F2P MMO? or would you rather be wrong in a WoW clone with a Star Wars skin.


Love it or hate it. World of Warcraft has set the standard for all other MMO's to follow. Take a look at Rift, they have been more succesful than the majority of MMO's that have been released post WoW. Why? because they basically made WoW with a different skin and a few minor improvements.


Bioware.. please don't be the Betamax of the MMO world, please stick with the VHS standard.

Edited by Pirate-Fish
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i do not know about others but i was once a heavy raider in wow... after trying several other MMOs between then and TOR, i have been blown out of the water with TOR.


To me, the quality of story, not nameless faceless quest-text you never read, has been a breath of fresh air. The journey to the end game will far surpass anything they can give in the way of raid content...


i might give raiding a try, but i will more likely max my character. get full PVP armour and roll another toon and start enjoying the story again and wait for the next level raising expansion with tonnes of new story.


TBH i think anyone saying "i just spacebar it all, cut out the the VOs and give me more raids" should FO back to wow and play with the pandas!

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Story is very important imho.


Bioware's storytelling powers is what will make this one of the best mmo's out.


Bugs will be fixed, and content will be added... as long as Bioware keeps telling an excellent story they got nothing to worry about.


Just my opinion.

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I enjoy the storyline in SW:TOR, I also really enjoy RPGs in general. I've play most the ones on the market. I also love the fact that I can bring my friends along with me and quest with them.


I personally like the fact that all the Flashpoints have a storyline going into them and have scripted speech throughout. I feel it gives you more of a connection with the instance and you know why your in there killing bosses.


Also the "lol I'm an end game player I don't like story" go back to WoW or Rift for your raiding. TOR seems to be catering to those that want to put the RPG back into MMORPG.


Also I don't see so many - go out and exterminate x number of things - without a good reason behind it. It all fits into the plot, and "should" make it less painful for you in the end.


I mean going out and assassinating a king and knowing why you are doing it is more engaging than just randomly accepting a question mark in town from some NPC you have no clue about to fly to some circle on your map and just kill what it tells you to for loot and exp.


Dunno, I like that Bioware made an effort to really put a decent story behind their game, and I hope they continue to do so. I'd hate to see it turn out like every other "hamster wheel" MMO.

Edited by Azyurel
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mmo players of the last 10 years or so... GENERALLY no (there are exceptions to everything).. these players want good FPs, CHALLENGING raid content, and competitive pvp.. lots of multiplayer features as well(im looking at you dungeon finder and dual spec). these players will also generally space-bar through content and be the first ones on their server to 50.


on the other hand.. star wars fans and non-mmo players coming into the MMO market for the first time to play this game?? its everything. they want mass effect storytelling in an MMO world.. and of course.. just like above.. there are exceptions here as well.. but i would wager gamers in this category are less concerned with competitive raiding/competitive pvp, as they are about the journey to 50.


then there is the camp of the non-WoW MMO players that want super hardcore grindfests with xp penalties, content that forces you to group AT ALL TIMES, FFA pvp, and no grouping tools whatsoever.. because spamming 'LFG' in a chat channel somehow 'builds community' :rolleyes: why you would want to think this way is beyond me lol.. but, to each their own i guess.


personally i would think building community would be.. you know, actually talking to others WHILE IN THE FP, having an actual FUN TIME in the FP/heroic, and actually playing the content together instead of standing around looking for a group for an hour...


do you know how many times ive come across actual communication in a group while doing an FP? like hardly ever. granted.. i have made friends through clearing flashpoints.. but it was because the group communicated well, we all got along, and generally had a good time.. NOT because we spammed a chat channel for an hour.




it will be interesting to see which camp wins out..

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I personally like the fact that all the Flashpoints have a storyline going into them and have scripted speech throughout. I feel it gives you more of a connection with the instance and you know why your in there killing bosses.


BW has about as much story in their instances than Blizzard. It's just that most peeps see a page of text in WoW and don't read it. The equivalent would be punching the hell out of that poor spacebar in ToR.


Imho they used voice over too much. I would have used it for class story only and left the rest text based, because quite honestly I don't need an alien talking a "language" I can't understand to make the impession of "z0mg voices!".


Bottom line is: Story IS important to me, but it doesn't matter whether you present it to me in form of text, cutscene or movie.


BUT: gameplay ALWAYS comes first and right now, ToR is lacking in that regard.

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Hi. I like playing video games. I noticed you have story in your video games. I don't like story in my video games, so why don't you take story out of your video game for me?


Hi. I noticed you have people in your video game. I don't like talking while I play video games. Can you take the talking out of dealing with people in your video game for me?


Hi. I like WoW. I noticed your game is not WoW. Can you take the Not-WoW out of your video game and put some WoW in it for me?



Thank you ever so much.

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mmo players of the last 10 years or so... GENERALLY no (there are exceptions to everything).. these players want good FPs, CHALLENGING raid content, and competitive pvp.. lots of multiplayer features as well(im looking at you dungeon finder and dual spec). these players will also generally space-bar through content and be the first ones on their server to 50.



These are also the same people I have heard for YEARS crying about how they need to a paradigm shift in MMOs, and that something needed to change, because they were bored.


You try to offer someone a different approach to leveling, one that is not a mindless **** fest and people turn their nose up at it. Why? because they can't bash their face in for two days grinding out quests to get max level. They are forced to deal with story line or get carpel tunnel smashing their space bar.


I just laugh that most those that were probably screaming for something new are probably the biggest whiners about it NOT conforming to the last 10 years of MMO history.


Cold hard fact is that you can never fully remove the Kill X, or collect x quests. You can polish them and back them with a good reason to do so, but you can never get rid of them. They are tasks, and life is full of them.


Personally I think Bioware did manage to make questing more enjoyable IF you have the a longer attention span than a 5 year old on a sugar high. I know I haven't had this much fun leveling outside of a single player RPG.


I mean what other game justifies you killing a mob, by letting you present it's head to the mobs wife.....seriously?

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There are plenty of games out there that cater people who just want to raid or do quests without knowing what the story is. I was so very happy that Bioware decided to make a storydriven MMO. The more I play it, the happier I become, excellent voice acting and stories that really draw you in. I hope they won't change that, just add more stories.
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Hit the nail on the head in the first page IMO.


To all those that would disagree... do you really want to be right in a dead F2P MMO? or would you rather be wrong in a WoW clone with a Star Wars skin.


Love it or hate it. World of Warcraft has set the standard for all other MMO's to follow. Take a look at Rift, they have been more succesful than the majority of MMO's that have been released post WoW. Why? because they basically made WoW with a different skin and a few minor improvements.


Bioware.. please don't be the Betamax of the MMO world, please stick with the VHS standard.


I would rather play a game I want to play, than a crap game that emulates a bad MMO which I found early on that I did NOT want to play. Unlike great MMOs such as Everquest 1, which I STUPIDLY quit for other, newer MMOs such as Dark Age of Camelot. Today I think I made a big mistake, believing that the newer MMOs would somehow be BETTER than the first as they had more experience to base their content on.


SWTOR looks promising though unlike WoW, which to me is garbage.

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Hi. I like playing video games. I noticed you have story in your video games. I don't like story in my video games, so why don't you take story out of your video game for me?


Hi. I noticed you have people in your video game. I don't like talking while I play video games. Can you take the talking out of dealing with people in your video game for me?


Hi. I like WoW. I noticed your game is not WoW. Can you take the Not-WoW out of your video game and put some WoW in it for me?



Thank you ever so much.


The last line sums up the majority of posts I have been reading, I am getting ever so tired of reading about a game that is not this game around here.

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I love the story and I am not doing it solo.

me and my friends recently figured out that if we only do the class storys and nothing else we will still be playing the game for 5-6 months.


And luckily we have ton of other things to do aswell.

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Hi. I like playing video games. I noticed you have story in your video games. I don't like story in my video games, so why don't you take story out of your video game for me?


Hi. I noticed you have people in your video game. I don't like talking while I play video games. Can you take the talking out of dealing with people in your video game for me?


Hi. I like WoW. I noticed your game is not WoW. Can you take the Not-WoW out of your video game and put some WoW in it for me?



Thank you ever so much.


Thank you for summing up the bulk of the complaints in a few short points. Now people can pick whatever suits their taste and just copy/paste from your template! <3

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