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Togruta as Playable Race


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Shaak-Ti, a Togruta Jedi, appeared in Revenge of the Sith, but didn't make it into the final cut. You can check out the scene here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8l-44bYXlxE.


And she also appears in the background during Episode II, so no one can use the 'cutting room' excuse to doubt the Togruta's canonicity.


I'm sure it was cut because Star Wars is a movie for babies and killing is bad.


True, look at all those Jedi, Younglings, clonetroopers and Separatist leaders that didn't even get a scratch during Episode III! ;)

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Why I want playable Togruta:


1) Togruta look spectacular.


Lekku AND Horns (Montrals). Colors. Patterns.




While this assertion is undeniably subjective, if you disagree then your opinion is hopelessly WRONG. ;)


2) The Legacy of Shaak Ti.


There's plenty of media out there with awesome Jedi moments. For me, this extended sequence tops them all:



If you mention "Jedi" to most people they might picture Luke Skywalker or Obi-Wan Kenobi. I think of Shaak Ti. There have been other prominent Togruta in Star Wars lore, like Raana Tey in the Dark Horse "Knights of the Old Republic" comics and Ahsoka Tano in the Clone Wars series. My wish to play as a Togruta, however, derives from my image of "what it means to be a Jedi" as embodied by Shaak Ti in the sequence above.


3) Bioware's announcement of "Star Wars: The Old Republic"


You can't find it any more on this site but some digging on YouTube turned up the video that was released to accompany the announcement of this game in October 2008:



The very first look we ever had at this game included prominent combat footage of a lightsaber wielding Togruta.


I was thrilled. There was going to be a new MMO (my genre of choice) from my favorite developer (Bioware) set in a beloved IP (Star Wars). And I was going to get to play as a Togruta Jedi! (see #2, above)


I guess I got a little ahead of myself there.




I now have eleven Lvl55 Alts, most of them with fair to middling gear.


Still waiting to roll my main.

Edited by BearThing
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Why I want playable Togruta:


1) Togruta look spectacular.


Lekku AND Horns (Montrals). Colors. Patterns.




While this assertion is undeniably subjective, if you disagree then your opinion is hopelessly WRONG. ;)


2) The Legacy of Shaak Ti.


There's plenty of media out there with awesome Jedi moments. For me, this extended sequence tops them all:



If you mention "Jedi" to most people they might picture Luke Skywalker or Obi-Wan Kenobi. I think of Shaak Ti. There have been other prominent Togruta in Star Wars lore, like Raana Tey in the Dark Horse "Knights of the Old Republic" comics and Ahsoka Tano in the Clone Wars series. My wish to play as a Togruta, however, derives from my image of "what it means to be a Jedi" as embodied by Shaak Ti in the sequence above.


3) Bioware's announcement of "Star Wars: The Old Republic"


You can't find it any more on this site but some digging on YouTube turned up the video that was released to accompany the announcement of this game in October 2008:



The very first look we ever had at this game included prominent combat footage of a lightsaber wielding Togruta.


I was thrilled. There was going to be a new MMO (my genre of choice) from my favorite developer (Bioware) set in a beloved IP (Star Wars). And I was going to get to play as a Togruta Jedi! (see #2, above)


I guess I got a little ahead of myself there.




I now have eleven Lvl55 Alts, most of them with fair to middling gear.


Still waiting to roll my main.


Couldn't agree more, there was lots of Togruta photage shown pre release, even in the webcomics. I got really hyped up. Now two years later I'm also waiting to roll my main. This has been my biggest dissapointment with the game.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I don't get the Togruta fad.


It's the same fad as the fad preceding it, namely the Cathar one. After the Togruta hit - assuming they will of course - everyone will jump to the next best thing, which will probably be the Nautolan or whatever.


I'm still wishing Bioware would actually focus on including more stuff, customization wise, like cyborg implants to most species and that fancy stuff some Pure Blood use on their tendrils, like Scourge, Palladius or Vowrawn.

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It's not a fad. Togruta have always been a very popular Star Wars race.


Cathar on the other hand are a part of the recent "LOLcat" fad. It's a shame Bioware decided to add them before any of the races that are actually interesting and unique.


Nautolan have been my favorite race since I first saw Kit Fisto in the PT. I would be ecstatic to finally role a Nautolan Jedi.


Chagrian and Iktotchi are two other races I'd love to see added.

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It's not a fad. Togruta have always been a very popular Star Wars race.


Cathar on the other hand are a part of the recent "LOLcat" fad. It's a shame Bioware decided to add them before any of the races that are actually interesting and unique.


Nautolan have been my favorite race since I first saw Kit Fisto in the PT. I would be ecstatic to finally role a Nautolan Jedi.


Chagrian and Iktotchi are two other races I'd love to see added.


Prime candidate to the new fad after the Togruta and Nautolan.

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Cathar on the other hand are a part of the recent "LOLcat" fad. It's a shame Bioware decided to add them before any of the races that are actually interesting and unique.


That was actually players choice, are you suggesting player requests should be ignored?

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It's not a fad. Togruta have always been a very popular Star Wars race.

As pointed out, Cathar purportedly won a popularity poll, so I guess Togruta are not as popular as Cathar (purportedly).


Cathar on the other hand are a part of the recent "LOLcat" fad. It's a shame Bioware decided to add them before any of the races that are actually interesting and unique.

You mean interesting and unique as in "has 3 head tails rather than 2?"


Nautolan have been my favorite race since I first saw Kit Fisto in the PT. I would be ecstatic to finally role a Nautolan Jedi.

Apparently you have a thing for head tentacles/tails. Sounds pretty faddish to me.

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The game also had from the start a cathar as companion (for the tropper) and it still took quite long to get that species as a playable one. Also, the inquisitor companion has only to worry about light armour, so there is still a difference to make that species also capable to wear the other types, since they look different and behave different. Anyway, I hope the Togruta will be the next species, but I can understand that it is quite some work.


I have Ashara in some bulky gear. The clipping is really no worse than for my SI anyway (Twilek, my Darth Talon wannabe and clothes horse). Her armour is medium so can look robey and close or a bit more armoured depending on the set.


I kept hoping for Shaak Ti to have a bigger role in TCW (apparently she will be in the collection still to be relesed) after her spotlight in the microseries.

But she was also in another game, and they got around clipping by having her lekku wrapped and so float out behind her. This actually works in real life as I have made a set of Montral and Lekku for myself and it balances nicely and does not drag your clothes around- which hanging lekku do.


I am patient and have rolled a few toons that I have not invested in too deeply so that I can use the new customisation station in the cartel market. So they are happily stored at lower levels so I don't get attached to how they look.


I understand the NPCs had more work on them to prevent clipping etc. But I can live with Ashara's lekku clipping through the battery/boost back pack thing in her gear and having everything disappear under a helmet (the same thing happens to my Twi's. So I can live with it as part of my main. I also live with my twi'lek toons hollow tentacle syndrome (when on a fast elevator heading down they hold in half and flap about.....


I am also wondering if it is an issue with working face models and colour and pattern variations. I have seen some amazing Asharas on fleet. Many looking like Shaak Ti! But most of the female Togruta have the same faces and so do the male. And with adaptive armour you can often find something that could work.


I noticed that with the Chagrian too- all the same face model and no females (would love a female Chagrian too (I may have a fondness for Legacy....)


I think Nautolan don't speak basic? Pretty sure they all spoke Huttese when I met them in mission.


But those are another two species I'd love to be able to play (Chagrian and Nautolan- though Togruta have been my favourites since the released publicity for AotC. Not a fad.

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I have Ashara in some bulky gear. The clipping is really no worse than for my SI anyway (Twilek, my Darth Talon wannabe and clothes horse). Her armour is medium so can look robey and close or a bit more armoured depending on the set.


I kept hoping for Shaak Ti to have a bigger role in TCW (apparently she will be in the collection still to be relesed) after her spotlight in the microseries.

But she was also in another game, and they got around clipping by having her lekku wrapped and so float out behind her. This actually works in real life as I have made a set of Montral and Lekku for myself and it balances nicely and does not drag your clothes around- which hanging lekku do.


I am patient and have rolled a few toons that I have not invested in too deeply so that I can use the new customisation station in the cartel market. So they are happily stored at lower levels so I don't get attached to how they look.


I understand the NPCs had more work on them to prevent clipping etc. But I can live with Ashara's lekku clipping through the battery/boost back pack thing in her gear and having everything disappear under a helmet (the same thing happens to my Twi's. So I can live with it as part of my main. I also live with my twi'lek toons hollow tentacle syndrome (when on a fast elevator heading down they hold in half and flap about.....


I am also wondering if it is an issue with working face models and colour and pattern variations. I have seen some amazing Asharas on fleet. Many looking like Shaak Ti! But most of the female Togruta have the same faces and so do the male. And with adaptive armour you can often find something that could work.


I noticed that with the Chagrian too- all the same face model and no females (would love a female Chagrian too (I may have a fondness for Legacy....)


I think Nautolan don't speak basic? Pretty sure they all spoke Huttese when I met them in mission.


But those are another two species I'd love to be able to play (Chagrian and Nautolan- though Togruta have been my favourites since the released publicity for AotC. Not a fad.


One can assume you didn't play that much, since there are plenty of Nautolan speaking Basic just fine. Example below...



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Prime candidate to the new fad after the Togruta and Nautolan.
Not fads.


That was actually players choice, are you suggesting player requests should be ignored?
Yes, the players who want generic cat people in a Star Wars game should most certainly be ignored.


You mean interesting and unique as in "has 3 head tails rather than 2?"


Just because more than one race share head tails does not mean they aren't unique.


The Togruta head tail location and design is much different than that of the Twilek. Not to mention their very distinct and complex skin patterns.



Apparently you have a thing for head tentacles/tails. Sounds pretty faddish to me.


I have a thing for interesting alien races. You know, the ones that actually look like aliens, not cats.


The only race I suggested that has head tails is the Nautolan anyway. The other two I listed were the Chagrian and Iktotchi. Neither of which have head tails.


Some other races I'd like to see are Bith, Rodian, Kel Dor, Neimoidian/Duros, Kaleesh and Quarren

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