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About ready to give up


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I have played allot of mmos, the commando is supposed to be a ranged dps, or a healer. I went with gunnary. The last time i ran into a phase quest on quesh, i had to bring a friend along to complete it, because i did not have enough interrupts to stop the elite from killing me. Also given the fact that the commandos interrupts are all close range say one. That one interupt is broken when the target takes damage, it heals the target while its activated, and to make matters worse it also takes a good bit of time to activate. Now i am on hoth and again running into a elite i cant beat. I tried interrupts but he uses his abilities so often there pointless. I tried as the dps and my healer in healing gear couldnt keep me healed, even if i moved around. Hell i even tried using explosives expert as the tank and me doing the healing. Of course that didn't work. I am sure i could have taken both these elites if i was a jedi with multiple stun and crowd control abilities, that rely on one being close. The problem is i am a commando, i thought we were supposed to fight at range? At 38 i am about ready to give up and roll a jedi. Too many of these elites are based on being interrupted at close range when they use there abilities.
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What level elites? Higher than you or same level? How is your gear?


Post what you're using as a spec too.


Not sure what you mean by needing more interrupts. I DPS things down with Grav Round, Full Auto, HIB and Demo Round. Cryo when you can, No Retreat if it's up. Make sure you use your shield, adrenaline rush, if they run up to you knock them back.


If it's an elite with adds I'll open with Mortar Round to kill the adds quickly or mezz the Elite and take out the adds first.

Edited by Dashall
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What level elites? Higher than you or same level? How is your gear?


Post what you're using as a spec too.


Not sure what you mean by needing more interrupts. I DPS things down with Grav Round, Full Auto, HIB and Demo Round. Cryo when you can, No Retreat if it's up. Make sure you use your shield, adrenaline rush, if they run up to you knock them back.


If it's an elite with adds I'll open with Mortar Round to kill the adds quickly or mezz the Elite and take out the adds first.


Thats basically what i do as well. I've noticed very few things are immune to Cyro, and that 4 - 6 seconds you have is enough time to either burst out some nice DPS, or heal yourself via your heals (even as gunnery) between that, med pack, and properly CCing things, its not hard at all. I'm currently level 28 and running in Mar Shadda, with Jorgen (so we're both DPS) and the only quests i can't solo are the Group 4s. Any of the Group 2s i've managed to solo, without any proper healing at all.


Once i hit level 33, and get the extra 8% healing recieved, plus the 10% damage reduction (after 5 grav round stacks) I'll probably swap to Dorne, and work on her affection (Jorgen is almost at 6k)

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Interrupts aren't necessary at all, really.


I agree for the most part. The only time I ran into an elite that require an interrupt, or else it was a wipe was on Illum. It was the last boss in the story, and if you don't interupt it, he starts doing massive damage that you can't keep up with.


I played all the way as Gunnery. I've died plenty of times, but usually if I die it's my own fault. Some bosses require you to do more than just stand there and nuke. If he hits too hard, then only nuke when he's not in your face. You might have to resort to "kiting" them around while using Hammershot and instant attacks, but you should be using Dorne so she should be able to keep you healed. I say "kited" because we don't really have a way to kite. It's more of a run and gun to just avoid taking some of the hits giving time for Dorne to heal the damage.


For future reference it helps if you tell us what the quests you're having problems with is. I promise you all the content not labeled for groups is soloable as a Commando. If you reached a wall, there's probably a good explanation to why that is, but we need to know what fight it is.

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Using Ctrl+2 or whatever keybinding you have set to make your companion go passive or return to activity is also useful for getting them to walk their way out of an area-of-effect ability.


I agree that Quesh was some of the harder content on the way up, but it was definitely not insurmountable. You might have to blow all your cooldowns or spend an entire cycle healing yourself back up, but there's nothing wrong with that, outside of it not being an easy glide from 1-50 (which isn't a problem anyway).

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Level 41 Gunnery Commando at the moment and I haven't had any issues at all soloing content. I usually have Elara with me and just burn everything down. From what I'm reading, trooper actually has a much easier time soloing content than some of the other classes (GG Mortar Strike).


That being said, I haven't gotten to the last boss yet.

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I have no problems at 40 either. I use Aric, and have kept him somewhat decently geared. I tell him to attack the elite first, so he takes the first few hits. I pull aggro off of him, and burn most elites down before they get me to half health.
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The elite was the same level as me. Ive been using everything i got. For some reason when it comes to droids its like shooting blanks. Any attack on my toon that involves fire= quick loss of health. Maybe i overlooked something ill check out on my next day off. I just get really annoyed when i avoid heroic quest areas like the plague go into a non heroic area and run into a elite that wipes the floor with me every time. Like i said ill look at it again. As for gear my gear is crafted top notch armormech for my level. My spec is gunnary dps.
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The elite was the same level as me. Ive been using everything i got. For some reason when it comes to droids its like shooting blanks. Any attack on my toon that involves fire= quick loss of health. Maybe i overlooked something ill check out on my next day off. I just get really annoyed when i avoid heroic quest areas like the plague go into a non heroic area and run into a elite that wipes the floor with me every time. Like i said ill look at it again. As for gear my gear is crafted top notch armormech for my level. My spec is gunnary dps.


Every trooper gets the ability to remove dots on themselves as long as they are not mental abilities (healers get to remove these also). It is always a good idea to have your tank companion geared up. If you are not cyber tech you may want to run just the class missions until you get Tanno Vik for the tougher elite fights. Having a companion that actually keeps the mobs off you long enough for you to kill them is nice.

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I've met one elite on Balmorra that would probably kill me, if I didn't use interrupts. I think it was the final boss in Droid Factory area. He was casting some burning effects and he managed to get it out once...and it took down about 30% of my HP in few seconds.
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Don't forget to use the No Retreat ability. This will cool your cryo grenade instantly giving you that extra cc you need to finish the fight. It's also not about only doing damage, don't forget to use your defensive cooldowns, reactive shield adrenalin rush etc. I usually use both at the same time to try and regain as much hp back as possible. Line of sight enemies to get that extra few seconds to throw off a heal or two. If you are gunnery and the target is melee, when you hit your knockback run away during your global cooldown then turn and full-auto to slow them down and prevent them from catching up to you.
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Couple things.


-Check your weapon. Try to get a purple weapon of your level or if the item is OJ a purple barrel.


-Make sure Elara is on med watch. (Two hands shaking buff icon) Turn off all combat abilities.


-start that fight then move AWAY from Elara. If the enemy does AoE you don't want to be anywhere near hear otherwise she takes damage and heals herself.


-Stick and move. If the mob is on you pulse cannon then knock them back then Auto fire. They will slowly walk towards you.


-If Sith and they are using the lightning move out of range.


-Burn your shields and self heal abilities.


-Use your relics to start the fight. I cryo-grenade, click a relic then do auto fire. Get a full round of boosted damage right off the bat.


If none of that works come back in a level or two.

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I had no issues using Elara Dorne and tanking everything as Gunnery. I was killing Champions for fun.


I imagine this is either a skill or gear issue. Press Grav Round harder!


Edit: DON'T turn off Elara's damage abilities. She heals just fine with them activated, and can keep her DoT ability up the whole time for some decent added damage. I do recommend turning off her Carbonize ability though, since all it really does is interrupt an enemy occasionally. Against Champions and things that are immune to CC, she will sit there channeling it for no reason when she should be healing you.

Edited by MetallicaRulez
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That last edit might be my problem i have noticed at times the heals i got from my companion are not really there when i need them. Sometmes i dont get heals at all. Ill relook at her abilities thanks.


One last question do you get the remainder of the dead eyes quest, when you gain enough loyalty with jorgan?

Edited by CrazyOldMystic
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I solo and just hit 50 and just finished the last class quest. I found that it was too easy. not every challenging.


As the other people said, check your gear. Also try kiting when needed or hiding behind obstacle when you need to heal up. On some mob boss, I found kiting was the best while other, I had to hid behind obstacle to heal

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I have played allot of mmos, the commando is supposed to be a ranged dps, or a healer. I went with gunnary. The last time i ran into a phase quest on quesh, i had to bring a friend along to complete it, because i did not have enough interrupts to stop the elite from killing me. Also given the fact that the commandos interrupts are all close range say one. That one interupt is broken when the target takes damage, it heals the target while its activated, and to make matters worse it also takes a good bit of time to activate. Now i am on hoth and again running into a elite i cant beat. I tried interrupts but he uses his abilities so often there pointless. I tried as the dps and my healer in healing gear couldnt keep me healed, even if i moved around. Hell i even tried using explosives expert as the tank and me doing the healing. Of course that didn't work. I am sure i could have taken both these elites if i was a jedi with multiple stun and crowd control abilities, that rely on one being close. The problem is i am a commando, i thought we were supposed to fight at range? At 38 i am about ready to give up and roll a jedi. Too many of these elites are based on being interrupted at close range when they use there abilities.


Let me explain how to use your trooper, since you are obviously doing it wrong (sorry).

The healing "interrupt" is, I suppose, concussive round. It's what we call a mez in MMOS. For 1m, and even en unlimited amount of time if not broken (1m cd on the skill), you can mez a mob. Basically, he stay idle, at full life. Use it to remove 1boss from a fight, when there is several of them or when you want to kill the adds first. It's absolutely not an interrupt. It's one of the few mez who works on anything, except CC immune bosses.

Then, I know the trooper badly need an interrupt, just like the Smuggler for example. But still you have solutions !

-Cryo grenade : interrupt, stun, can still dps. You can reload it instantly and have good healing if you use "no retreat".

-Spend 2 point in concussive force, and your shockstrike is a powerful interrupt. Your bread and butter interrupt.

-Concussive charge is an interrupt + a snare.

-Bring Elera Dorne. She use cryo stuff (be sure she is able to use it). Even if she is bad at mezzing stuff, the cryo skill still interrupt from time to time the target. Plus she heal.


Then, don't "spam it". Some skills are not worth interrupting. Some are. Usually, when you see an AoE on the ground, don't interrupt. Move. When you see a channeled spell, interrupt.


Hope this help. Some fight are tough. But if you time your skill well, and use the interrupt I told you on the "big skill" (lightning stuff on sith, healing....) it's easier. Also remember, the Trooper have some nice self defense abilities (reactive shield, some self healing...).


About the companion, I suggest to stick to one, and use it everytime. Gear him/her with unused stuff. Elera is good for a DPS commando. Aric is good I guess for a healing commando.


That last edit might be my problem i have noticed at times the heals i got from my companion are not really there when i need them. Sometmes i dont get heals at all. Ill relook at her abilities thanks.


One last question do you get the remainder of the dead eyes quest, when you gain enough loyalty with jorgan?

Seems the Hoth deadeye quest is the last one. Not sure, my Aric is around 9.1K affection, but it sounded just like the end of it. I suppose the last chunk of affection is for the romance, and since I'm playing a male....

Edited by erei
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No offence buddy but its you, I am in the exact same position as you level wise, just on Hoth now at around 39-40 and having no trouble questing or killing anything meant to be done alone, and some things that aren't.


I think you need to evaluate your play style and rotations and get a better grip on the basics.


Some things which may help:


Set Elara to heal mode, turn off her damage abilities so that she concentrates on healing you.


Use your interrupts better and use concussion before the fight starts to remove one of the enemies.


Use line of sight to interrupt long cast times on enemies.


Don't complain on the forums because you are bad at micromanagement, they will dumb the game down to hell and it will be boring. Good luck.

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I can only echo what others have said, you're doing something terribly wrong.


I've had no problem at all doing regular quests and if I'm not pushed for time I can solo most 2 man heroics with a bit of CC, some cooldowns and a bit of rational thought (and I'm not even a very good player, hell I only just learned how to play with keybinds)


The only stuff I can suggest is concentrating more on spreading out your CC/Lockdown abilities, making sure Elara is tagging along and in heal stance and use your cooldowns as is appropriate.

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I agree for the most part. The only time I ran into an elite that require an interrupt, or else it was a wipe was on Illum. It was the last boss in the story, and if you don't interupt it, he starts doing massive damage that you can't keep up with.


That's the only story boss that ever killed me when I was soloing, and it was because I didn't realize how painful that ability was until it was too late.

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Not to be rude, but this may be the easiest class I have played in any MMO to date. This to me feels even more OP and easy than the original EQ druids. I put my 37 Jedi Guardian on hold to make one of these and it's already 45. I have had no issues whatsoever soloing. Most of the time I don't even bother to look at what I am shooting. I have duo'd pretty much most x4's with another Commando who specs in healing.


Keep your gear up to date. I do have a slight advantage there since I make my own armorings, mods, and earrings.


Keep your companions gear up to date (I use the healer)


Get a rotation that works for you. It may not be the most optimal end game rotation but if it works for you for leveling, use it. Do what feels comfortable.


There has not been a fight yet that I could not beat. The only times I have died is when I rely on others. Sure, that will be needed end game, but not for leveling.

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