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How do you find the community in this game?


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Do you think it is mature, friendly and welcoming? Or would you say it is like a pool of youtube commenters, trolls and rabid fanboys.


My experience is pretty much, there are a few nice people about but WAY too many hostile people who try their best to spoil everyone elses enjoyment. Seen it all too often on my servers (Lord Calypho) where people are looking for a group in general chat only to be told to shut up and use the crappy LFG system currently installed and /w people (all well and good but very few people actually list themselves as LFG in that).


Then when someone sticks up for them the chat just flares up into a frenzy of insults. Happens in cycles every few hours. Chat is quiet (way too quiet for an MMO) then one little thing gets said and it always erupts. (usually ending in a WoW debate)


I have met about 3-4 friendly people on the server and am sure more people are friendly but the chat monitors and name police are really sucking the community even further into the gutter.

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This is primarily why I always either completely disable general chat, or move it into it's own tab away from the main tab when I start a new character. It is the first thing I do after leaving the opening conversation.


It's what I have done in every MMO I have ever played. I have no time for the silliness that goes on there.

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Seen it all too often on my servers (Lord Calypho) where people are looking for a group in general chat only to be told to shut up and use the crappy LFG system currently installed and /w people (all well and good but very few people actually list themselves as LFG in that).


I've had absolutely no problems using the current LFG system, especially as we get more and more people to use it instead of spamming chat..


It baffles me that 12-15 people can all be spamming chat for a BT run, when those same people could have easily split up into 3-4 groups by using the LFG system instead of posting all over each other in General.


I really don't understand why the rest of us have to be punished with a spammy General chat simply because so many people refuse to use LFG.


It's just as bad as the people who spam General for hours trying to sell silica instead of using Trade or the GTN.

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My server is the Unofficial Oceania server even though it is a US west coast server. The irony is that there are as many Americans as there are Australians+Kiwis on this server, and there is always some kind of argument in general about that. Usually this gets started by someone saying Americans leave our server, then an American saying It says "US west coast".


this of course adds some spice or at least another shrimp on the barbie. stereotyping Australians has now become a new past time for many Swiftsurians, oh and I guess also blaming America for every possible problem that any potential person alive or otherwise may ever face too.


good times, an't community grand lol

Edited by DarthValkari
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Do you think it is mature, friendly and welcoming? Or would you say it is like a pool of youtube commenters, trolls and rabid fanboys.


So far, it seems 50/50 on my server as far as community goes. Some don't want to help, some point you to useless forums for hints on missions/quests (like swtor-spy) when you ask a question (I've never asked for help, only stating what I see).


A lot of people think that everyone should just automagically know everything about the game. Seeing as this is impossible, the people on the side of the fence of "I figured it out on my own, so should you" should really just never respond.


My experience is pretty much, there are a few nice people about but WAY too many hostile people who try their best to spoil everyone elses enjoyment. Seen it all too often on my servers (Lord Calypho) where people are looking for a group in general chat only to be told to shut up and use the crappy LFG system currently installed and /w people (all well and good but very few people actually list themselves as LFG in that).


Yeah, I've run into a lot of nice people as well. But there are the trolls, the rude people and the people who just flat out want to insult you because you are new and haven't figured everything out yet.


As for the group issue... I haven't seen that often. When I do group, everyone is usually very kind and really eager to get things done quickly and smoothly.


Then when someone sticks up for them the chat just flares up into a frenzy of insults. Happens in cycles every few hours. Chat is quiet (way too quiet for an MMO) then one little thing gets said and it always erupts. (usually ending in a WoW debate)


The chat is very quiet mostly in part due to the fact that it is new content for almost everyone playing right now. It will grow and become more noisy in the future, I am sure. :)


I have met about 3-4 friendly people on the server and am sure more people are friendly but the chat monitors and name police are really sucking the community even further into the gutter.


You have a point there. A lot of the people who respond in general for help, hints or whatever are very rude at times. Forget sticking up for them, you just might also get a bucket full of names you wish you wouldn't be called.


But, there is always the ignore feature. Sadly, I've already had to add people to it.


Yes, yes... anyone who knows me knows I was a troll for the most part on these forums. However, not so much in the game. I try to help where and when I can and I try to keep to myself otherwise.


Anyway, folks, sorry for my typical, verbose response here. It is just how I am.


Try to have fun. Explore the content, get to know your character, choose how best (for you) to advance your character and class and, most importantly, ignore the people who take away from the experience. You will be happy you did.

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well, being on a PvP server, my community is really immature, i've even seen the anal game being played.


once you get off of tatooine it gets a bit better, but not by much. the amount of helpfulness is really bad.


"playerA: i've been looking for this for a while, i'm in the right area and i just can't find it."

"playersBC and D: good luck."


"PlayerA: republic spotted/blocking me at outpost X."

"PlayersBC&D: cool story bro, anyone wanna do a heroic?"

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Level 1-30 is all over that map. Once you hit Alderan/Tatooine, I've found people to be extremely helpful.


Pretty much this, everyone's kind of a ... duush (went with whatever sounded close there) before 30. It goes from trolling all the way to innocent little remarks that set off some random 12 year old. Past 30 people have tended to group up nicely, talk in their normal voice and defuse attempts at being an ahole pretty well.


Of course, when you get to 50 that's all the down the drain and we're back in /b/, reddit, SA again. Can't beat the weaksauce hivemind of failed education eh :)

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