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Everything posted by Drowsiness

  1. I've got a Logitech G500. Went to this from a Cyborg R.A.T.7, which was nice feature-wise, but terrible overall. Loud noises from outside make the cursor dance across the screen. Their drivers were buggy most of the time. Stay away from the Cyborg mice is all. Logitech, Razer, anything else. Just stay away from Cyborg/Saitek mice.
  2. You said "feature request" in your title, so it would be a feature request, not an RP thing, which would probably get better responses in the customer service forum. At least there, people with similar wishes will add to your thread and you'd have a better shot at developers seeing it than you do here. No guarantees, though.
  3. From the sound of it, you will succeed. Those are all the best messages to give them. Kudos to you.
  4. Might get better and/or more responses in the Customer Service forum than in the Community forum.
  5. So you made a thread about trolls, using slurs, insults and generalizations, to point out that trolls try to get an emotional rise out of people with their off-colored remarks or statements about X or Y? This is almost like trolling in itself. Your post is inflammatory, insulting, has a mean-spirited undertone and is not very friendly or welcoming. No matter what you say, when you resort to insulting anyone for any reason, you have only sunk to their level to try to prove your point... which only makes you look as bad as they do. This thread should be locked and/or deleted before you can stir the pot any further.
  6. Suspicious post containing suspicious '.BE' domain is suspicious. I know that domain is for Belgium and all, but your story is short on details. Why are we looking at your video? What is in it? Why do we care if it was your first? Lots of posts resembling yours have lead many people to infections. I'd just like some clarity.
  7. Your CPU, while not the best, is fine for the 6970 or 6870. Just make sure you have a big enough power supply made by someone who makes quality parts. Like Corsair or PC Power & Cooling.
  8. Your babies are pretty damn cute, bro. Guard them WITH YOUR LIFE. My daughter is 18... boys... I want... to... k... wait, I must control myself. Anyway, here I am. -- NOTE: Do not open image if you dislike hunting. Also, if you dislike hunting... save your story for another place and time. We are sharing pictures, this is the most recent I have.
  9. I will not rest until I can play a Jawa. brb, gonna take a nap.
  10. Just by thinking you are different, does not mean you ARE different. Lots of people play the way which makes them happy. For you, this may not be Imperial/Sith. For others, it clearly is. For me... I have, since the first movie back in 1977, always favored the Dark Side of the Force. Just always been my personal preference and a chance to play out that sort of role in this game makes me have fun. That is all.
  11. 1. Open your character window 2. Select the "Companion" tab at the bottom 3. ???? 4. Profit!!!
  12. All this time I thought 'JK" was short for 'just kidding.' Sorry, I couldn't resist. It has to just be a gear issue or you just haven't found your comfort zone for PvP yet. Just keep at it, bro, it will come to you. The Knights I have seen have been really holding their own, even at my level. So I am sure it is just figuring things out. Good luck.
  13. I agree that the game is fun and all, but saying there are no game breaking bugs is just not true. There are many game-breakers, especially when you get to higher levels. Bonus quests you can't complete, class quests that bug out constantly. The list goes on. I know they will fix these issues and I have patience enough to wait, so long as they fix their customer service problems.
  14. I read every last word and 2 of the 3 threads he linked to are gone now. That only highlights what he is complaining about and what a lot of others, including myself, are complaining about. Bad customer service = unhappy customers Unhappy Customers = lost subscriptions Lost Subscriptions = bye bye great game of concepts
  15. LG, Samsung or Acer monitors. Acer will have the best bang for your buck, though, in terms of price to quality. Try to find at least 5ms response time. There are other, more technical things you could worry about... but those details should suffice.
  16. 1. JarJar 2. ? Yeah, that's all I have for that. Sorry.
  17. In short, I hate them because Lucas decided to re-tell the stories and add things to classic movies which didn't need ANY tinkering. He did it all to make the old fit with the new. I dislike that.
  18. I am an 80/20 person when it comes to the keyboard and mouse combo. 80% of what I do, I do with the keyboard. The other 20% of that is miscellaneous stuff done with the mouse. Like emergency targeting or strafing as I hate to move with the keyboard.
  19. So far, it seems 50/50 on my server as far as community goes. Some don't want to help, some point you to useless forums for hints on missions/quests (like swtor-spy) when you ask a question (I've never asked for help, only stating what I see). A lot of people think that everyone should just automagically know everything about the game. Seeing as this is impossible, the people on the side of the fence of "I figured it out on my own, so should you" should really just never respond. Yeah, I've run into a lot of nice people as well. But there are the trolls, the rude people and the people who just flat out want to insult you because you are new and haven't figured everything out yet. As for the group issue... I haven't seen that often. When I do group, everyone is usually very kind and really eager to get things done quickly and smoothly. The chat is very quiet mostly in part due to the fact that it is new content for almost everyone playing right now. It will grow and become more noisy in the future, I am sure. You have a point there. A lot of the people who respond in general for help, hints or whatever are very rude at times. Forget sticking up for them, you just might also get a bucket full of names you wish you wouldn't be called. But, there is always the ignore feature. Sadly, I've already had to add people to it. Yes, yes... anyone who knows me knows I was a troll for the most part on these forums. However, not so much in the game. I try to help where and when I can and I try to keep to myself otherwise. Anyway, folks, sorry for my typical, verbose response here. It is just how I am. Try to have fun. Explore the content, get to know your character, choose how best (for you) to advance your character and class and, most importantly, ignore the people who take away from the experience. You will be happy you did.
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