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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly.


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I think bioware should remove instanta queue pvp, it destroys community. I want to round up 10 people and walk to the warzonezone to feel "epic", none of this insta queue crutch stuff.





not really clever since it is impossible to "go" into a "warzone".


try harder next time

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Some people seem to be bugged of hardiness to get in the Flahpoints in this game. I understand it may be a big drawback not to be able to easily group and be ported to "Dungeon" automatically.


Some use an argument that when there is not enough players doing FP they will make a tool that makes it easier.


Then it would be easier to


1. Get new gear which is not really required until end-game with modable gear


2. To level up your char by doing random FP while waiting in que when not doing FP and thus ending up Coruscant being new Orgrimmar where people stand or fly silently, anonymously waiting for next que popping.


Like WOW, SWTOR has a vast wotld wher4e is great amount of well done content and good story arc's. Azeroth was full of people doing group quests or just doing quests in groups for fun and world was full of live and travling dungeon or raid parties. Soon after the infamous dungeon finder came out the world went dead.


Exept of fistful of RP servers Azeroth is now dead since most people just do dungeons by random and not really speaking each other. Guilds are just places for perks with 1k members and 20 of them actually socialize.


Many people in WOW stated that since WOW is ruined for god knows what reason for any one person they will go to SWTOR when it launches.


Now real question is. Are these old WOW players those that want SWTOR to become WOW with ease of access to FP and a empty galaxt of empty planets exept Coruscant or some such.


And if we really look for numbers it seems that Appearance tab has 80% more demands than better LFG tool so lets wait a year and see what is on Biowares plans then :)


After all year is about the time it takes to hone out some minor bugs and correcting balance issues and other small things that come with new MMORPG these days.


Oh and Happy new year to you all!!!

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What you're talking about is class balance. That has nothing to do with a LFG tool cross-realm.


seriously, do you guys strive that much on beeing lazy? Is it so hard to tall to other people and get a group going. Seriously... its like talking to children.


This had nothing to do with class balance at all, people just used 'health/heal power/attack power' as their gear score.

That was because back there the community wasn't any better.



You've yet to give a well formulated constructive response aside from hurling insults and acting like MR know it all.

I would love to hear a good argument why it should not be in game.

In fact I've yet to see a post made on this forum asking for them to remove the queue system for war fronts.

But what you do is sticking your fingers in your ears while calling others lazy and childish.


Does that sound mature ?

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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As long as you realise that is your choice, and nothing you're getting forced to do.

You are explicitly telling us you refuse to socialize in an MMO because you opt to do so, so maybe this kind of game isnt for you.


Yes the system can be improved, but no, a cross-realm LFG system is clearly not the best solution.



Im not telling ANYONE to refuse to socialize. Im saying that I refuse to group thru the current grouping system. The game is definitely for me, and Im a veteran of MMO's and I've played some MMO's with *EXCELLENT* LFG/LFM systems. Ill continue to solo / guild group and enjoy the game as I do. I do skip a lot of content because I dont group with randoms because of the underwhelming current implementation of the LFG system.

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Its much more than that. Its blizzards abuse, the mod community runing the game, the LFD destroying the community, the content getting stale and further in-between releases, the classes getting butchered, buying gold undirectly through the blizzard store, the balance not achieved since launch. I think i could go on for a while...


Well, yes, all of those reasons are ones that people have left WoW and other mmo's for. All mmo's are going to have those things you just listed.

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I've actually explained in SEVERAL POSTS how a Dungeon Finder hurts the community.


It's about ANONYMITY.


A LFD system creates more anonymity. This means you can be an ***, a terrible player, a loot ninja or a whole host of other bad things without consequence. The dungeon ends, you move on to queueing again.


Without an LFD system, the other option is that the community bands together to create a social network, like on Pre-TBC WoW servers. Shadow Council, my own WoW server, even had extra websites such as RP-Haven and the like which allowed our community to grow even stronger.


In this system, you only have a few degrees of separation between any player on the server. You may not know Ted directly, but you know a friend of Ted's and so you, vicariously, know Ted and are going to hear things about Ted.


Now, in an LFD system, if Ted decides to ninja-loot some gear. The people in that group will remember Ted and they'll tell their friends. But, because of the LFD system, an extensive social network never had to form, and things like that won't form unless they HAVE TO form. So, Ted got blacklisted from maybe two guilds and a handful of players.


In the non-LFD system, Ted decides to ninja-loot some gear. Now, because no LFD existed the community has created their own versions of LFD systems. Private channels, guild alliances, 3rd part websites. The community has become an extensive spider web where your actions reverberate further.


So Ted steals the gear, people in the group tell their friends and guild. Their guild masters inform their guild alliance. A person in that Alliance adds him to a "blacklist" on a 3rd part website, which gets his name spread to the opposing faction, they decide to put him in KOS lists, Grief on Sight lists etc etc.


Now, all these wonderful 3rd part websites and guild alliances CAN form alongside an LFD tool, but because they're not NECESSARY with an LFD tool, they usually DON'T FORM.


Because of the community, Ted now because a black sheep. He can't raid, can't group, can't PvP. He has to reroll, change servers or pony up the cost of a name change.


That means that being a ninja-looter cost him 25 bucks, or the time and effort to reroll.


Suddenly, being a dick costs you something. Now you're much less likely to be a dick.


Back in the LFD tool, Ted just requeued. Maybe he hit one guy who heard about him and got booted, but odds are the next time he hit a group of people who'd never heard of him.


THAT is why LFD tools destroy communities. Not because they physically destroy what's already there, but because they create a mentality where that community is never built to begin with.


Honestly in this whole debate there's no clear right and wrong. It's a clashing of opinions. You are so embittered by encountering Ted that you will force other people into playing the way you want.


I can just laugh Ted off and move on and re-queue and want to force people to play the way I want with a LFD tool.


What can you do. I hope my side of things (wanting a LFD tool) wins and BW meets my need. Best of luck to you though.

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Dungeon Finder is needed badly.


Questing can get boring. SWTOR is a step back from other recent MMOs in offering dungeon finder and instant travel. Lack of Dungeon Finder doesn't foster social or group play.


Addition by subtraction. How can you say it doesn't foster social aspects of an MMO? You have to talk to people to get the group going. You have ask questions like, "Hey anyone have any friends or guildies that would like to run this with us?"


The more respectful and friendly you are, the better responses you will get. You also can't show your backside or there will actually be consequences for your actions. You get to know the people as people playing behind the keyboard Not just some DPSer or tank or healer that I got zoned in with, who I referred to as "hey tank" and never even bothered to learn their name, much less add them to my friends list. Why do I even need a friends list when I just click a button and get what I want out of everyone else without having to actually speak to them.


I better go to the forums and demand that friends list be removed from the game. It takes up space and is useless.

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Does that argument work with you? Seriously?!


Its just like, guns arent bad people are. Wich is true, but how did this discussion ever started? Oh yeah, someone got a gun!


No im not gonna give a gun to a bunch of trigger happy people tyvm.


And yes, it totally ruins the community. Your actions have no consequence, you dont build social relationships because you wont ever see those people again, and you sit your *** in town all day. YES, IT DOES RUIN COMMUNITIES! You presented no evidance or logic to the contrary.


I love how you equate LFG tools to gun ownership. And then you proceed that my logic is bad. A proper LFG tool doesn't have to get in the way of building relationships. It just speeds up the logistics of things. If you keep the system within the server you can still friend people afterwards and still see them around and still develop a reputation for being a jerkface. A LFG system (an effective one) would simply speed up the legistics of finding a group. What you choose to do with that group is up to you.

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better not use the pvp finder, or else ill have to call YOU lazy


If there was no pvp finder i wouldnt come to the forums to QQ how it badly needs it. Also, pvp is not a dungeon, its a much shorter run and doesnt have class (tank and healer) requirements.


Well, yes, all of those reasons are ones that people have left WoW and other mmo's for. All mmo's are going to have those things you just listed.


Cause... you say so?!

Edited by Nemmar
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Addition by subtraction. How can you say it doesn't foster social aspects of an MMO? You have to talk to people to get the group going. You have ask questions like, "Hey anyone have any friends or guildies that would like to run this with us?"


The more respectful and friendly you are, the better responses you will get. You also can't show your backside or there will actually be consequences for your actions. You get to know the people as people playing behind the keyboard Not just some DPSer or tank or healer that I got zoned in with, who I referred to as "hey tank" and never even bothered to learn their name, much less add them to my friends list. Why do I even need a friends list when I just click a button and get what I want out of everyone else without having to actually speak to them.


I better go to the forums and demand that friends list be removed from the game. It takes up space and is useless.


ever think that some people dont really want to know any of you beyond their guild? some people came to play with existing friends. not sit around holding hands hoping to get friends and be popular.

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it wouldn't be that hard to add an instance now would it? i think they were catering too much to the casuals.


maybe they should make warzones a place you could walk to. you know, so as not to be lazy waiting on a queue :)


i think people will like it if you can walk to a warzone, since then hutball would be deserted.


too bad your arguments are both pretty weak in humor and in logic.

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If there was no pvp finder i wouldnt come to the forums to QQ how it badly needs it. Also, pvp is not a dungeon, its a much shorter run and doesnt have class (tank and healer) requirements.


oh there are requirements. the RNG system of tossing people into bg's just doesnt know that.

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I love how you equate LFG tools to gun ownership. And then you proceed that my logic is bad. A proper LFG tool doesn't have to get in the way of building relationships. It just speeds up the logistics of things. If you keep the system within the server you can still friend people afterwards and still see them around and still develop a reputation for being a jerkface. A LFG system (an effective one) would simply speed up the legistics of finding a group. What you choose to do with that group is up to you.


Lets be honest dude... all you want is to use other people so you get your gear faster.


I am looking for a more social, fun and engaging experience that a simple gear grind.

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ever think that some people dont really want to know any of you beyond their guild? some people came to play with existing friends. not sit around holding hands hoping to get friends and be popular.


I play wow too. You jealous of my anime hair and ADD?



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If there was no pvp finder i wouldnt come to the forums to QQ how it badly needs it. Also, pvp is not a dungeon, its a much shorter run and doesnt have class (tank and healer) requirements.

Cause... you say so?!


Then you must not competitively pvp, or just pvp with dps only. There are many uses for tanks (flag carriers) and healers in pvp

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i think people will like it if you can walk to a warzone, since then hutball would be deserted.


too bad your arguments are both pretty weak in humor and in logic.


Not really, his logic is sound. No one complains about pvp ques or that it's destroying the "social" aspect of the game. Hmmmmmmm......

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Comparing the two is rather silly and you know it.


how so? both pull from the player population to


A) place you in a group and

B) telepoet you to an instance, be it flashpoint or warzone


that is assuming both are same server, which is what I gather most supporters want from a LFG system.

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