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Freaking Champion Bags...


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I would like the option to CHOOSE either the 3 cent com bag or a CHANCE at a 3 cent com bag or 1 cent + champ gear bag.


Yesterday I was at 3/5 with 36 cent coms looking for a 4 piece bonus. Grinded out 200/200 and bought a bag.... what did i get? 1 cent com and a dupe. I would have been happy with a 3 cent com bag so I could get my 4 piece bonus, but I bought the gloves cause that was the biggest upgrade over the other non pvp piece I had. Today I finished the pvp daily and opened up a 1 cent com bag with GLOVES.


my whine with cheese. :rolleyes:

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Ok, I haven't experienced the duplicates yet but what happens if you want to change up your spec for PvP? Then you might want those duplicates. Yeah it sucks first starting out cause you want to finish off the current set but get over it. Everyone is crying about the bag system acting like its a hard grind when, if you do your dailies and weeklies like you should, you get minimum 20 bags a week. So far my ratio is like 25% or 20% success rate. Which isn't that bad and if anything I would rather it be a hard grind. Bring back the hardcore MMO and not this "Everyone should get epics!!!!" care bear BS. The game has been out for what three weeks? And yet everyone is acting like they deserve to be fully epic-ed out. I for one do not want this to be another WoW scenario where you can fail your way through PvP and PvE content and yet still have the same gear has the people who are actually good.


I agree...but your argument is just as much against the people complaining about getting their fudge packed by RNG as it is for the level 29 valor kids who have 7-10 pieces of gear already.


The solution? Make ranking up harder and make the gear unlocked at specific valor ranks.


In no way shape or form can you justify someone 15-20 Valor ranks beneath another person being far better gear. No way.

Edited by Donyon
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Valor Rank 51- (halfway to 52)


I have Champion Lightsaber (Obtained when I was valor rank 26-the day I hit level 50)

I have Champion Off Hand (Obtained when I was valor rank 26-the day I hit level 50)

I have Champion Boots (Obtained when I was valor rank 26-the day I hit level 50)

I have Champion 1 Implant (Obtained when I was valor rank 26-the day I hit level 50)

I have 1 Champion Implant (Obtained when I was Valor Rank 50)

I have 1 Relic (Obtained when I was Valor Rank 50)



Got duped lightsaber and duped off hand. 24 valor ranks of hot garbage centurion.


See rank 30's with all my gear and then some. The best troll though...i saw a rank 29...whose COMPANION HAD MORE GEAR THAN ME.


Ain't that the truth.


There is a guy on my server rank 30ish also, his Nadia Grell is decked out in full champion, he is decked out in full champion, and he has dupes and spares.


Some people are so geared up by luck they are wasting 1000 commendations on a mount since there is nothing else for them to get, while rest of us look in envy and close our eyes while clicking on a Chump Gear Bag only to be surprised with yet another belt!

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I agree...but your argument is just as much against the people complaining about getting their fudge packed by RNG as it is for the level 29 valor kids who have 7-10 pieces of gear already.


The solution? Make ranking up harder and make the gear unlocked at specific valor ranks.


In no way shape or form can you justify someone 15-20 Valor ranks beneath another person being far better gear. No way.


This is something many people don't get. Many say "You don't want bags so you want it handed to you!" which is incorrect. It goes like this.


If I have a higher valor rank than you. It means I have been at it longer than you. If I've been doing pvp longer than you. I should be more geared than you. If you're a much lower rank AND more geared than me.. there's something wrong with the system. If I've put in more time and more effort. I deserve to be rewarded for said effort. If someone else put in less time and less effort I should have an advantage over them. It really boils down to this.

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This is something many people don't get. Many say "You don't want bags so you want it handed to you!" which is incorrect. It goes like this.


If I have a higher valor rank than you. It means I have been at it longer than you. If I've been doing pvp longer than you. I should be more geared than you. If you're a much lower rank AND more geared than me.. there's something wrong with the system. If I've put in more time and more effort. I deserve to be rewarded for said effort. If someone else put in less time and less effort I should have an advantage over them. It really boils down to this.


Precisely. End thread.

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No End Thread. We need this thread to be alive so that BioWare can actually see the kind of crap they caused when they tried to half-*** the PvP reward system.


This would require them to read the forums. You wait for that to happen and while your waiting....suggest maybe you hop on a Unicorn and try and catch the rainbow....they will probably happen right around the same time.

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People can have low valor and a lot of champion items if they only started pvping at level 50.


Low valor and some champion gear doesnt mean they were just lucky.


Be thankful the high valour people will still get battlemaster gear faster, though it doesnt seem much better.


I have Valor 29 i think and ear, chest, belt and 2 relics(junk) out of maybe 20 bags.


If i get another peace every 20 bags or so I'll be happy, mainly want weapon though.

Edited by ContrailNZ
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Rank 40, done weekly twice, done dailys everyday. Farmed 4/5 Bags a day for the last week and a half. All up id say ive gotten around 45-50 bags. Ive found 2 relics, 2 earpieces, 1 offhand. I dont even know what it feels or looks like to even g et a set piece or a weapon. im 3/4 centurion and the rest is ****. First time in mmo history will i say i want too pve over pvping. Pathetic turning me into a pve scrub just cause i want some decent gear.
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This would require them to read the forums. You wait for that to happen and while your waiting....suggest maybe you hop on a Unicorn and try and catch the rainbow....they will probably happen right around the same time.


One can always hope, right?

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One can always hope, right?


Haha for sure...they need to fix it though. And in retroactive fashion. They will bleed out their player base otherwise...PVE is not alluring enough right now to keep people the masses subscribed.

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People can have low valor and a lot of champion items if they only started pvping at level 50.


Low valor and some champion gear doesnt mean they were just lucky.


Be thankful the high valour people will still get battlemaster gear faster, though it doesnt seem much better.


I have Valor 29 i think and ear, chest, belt and 2 relics(junk) out of maybe 20 bags.


If i get another peace every 20 bags or so I'll be happy, mainly want weapon though.


It does. I'm one of those people. I started pvping at level 50. I'm high Valor now and I still see people with less Valor than me in far better gear. So either I'm extremely unlucky or they're lucky. Either way it's not rewarding my effort.

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Well, I am level 47...valor rank 47. I am dreading hitting 50 and embarking on this silly gear grind. I PvPed since level 10, my valor has always equaled my level. If bags are entirely luck based, this is pretty stupid decision. I enjoy the PvP, I do not enjoy grinding it.
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It does. I'm one of those people. I started pvping at level 50. I'm high Valor now and I still see people with less Valor than me in far better gear. So either I'm extremely unlucky or they're lucky. Either way it's not rewarding my effort.


And btw...batttlemaster is RNG with FAR less access to bags. Wait till the masses get to that level and have like 9 bags to pray to the RNG gods for drops.

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You act like you get nothing from the bags. You get tokens. Seriously, you "GIEFMESTUFFNOW" kids get old fast.


Because the exchange rate going from 3-1 (wz > merc comms or visa versa ) to 800 wz > 3 centurion tokens is reasonable amirite? It has nothing to do with "givemestuffnow" but it does have to do with a retardedly designed gear system that's totally reliant on random chance, sure given enough time (and by enough I mean TONS of farming) you can get yourself into a full set of T1 centurion armor, ok that's a little excessive but at least you know how long it will take you at minimum to get it, the rest of the gear is pure luck, and that's purely retarded when seeing how much of an advantage having vs not having gives you.

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800 commendations for 3 Centurion means 13 bags to get Centurion chest piece at 39 commendations.


Here comes RNG, out of those 13 bags you'll get some Champion stuff, let's say you got gloves and boots. You get 2 pieces of gear but are now short 4 commendations, requiring you to get 2 more bags, for which you need 1600 commendations.


You get 2 more bags and open them up only to get another set of gloves and boots! You are still short 2 Centurion commendations to get the chest piece.


Grind one more bag at 800 commendations. You open up a bag and get another gloves!!!


#^&*^@& Champion *#*&@&@ Bag!


You are still short 1 Centurion commendation. Grind one more bag at 800.


Buy the chest piece.


Repeat endlessly until your inventory is filled with crap and while the next guy who is just lucky gets entire Champion set out of the 13 bags and doesn't have to grind nearly as much.

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Valor rank 60 is when it's intended for you to start finishing your champion set as that is when you start getting champion commendations. You should not be full champion when you hit valor 60.


Let me explain how it works...



PvP Tier 1 - Centurion: This gear is obtained through commendations you get as rewards for PvP dailies & weeklies. Through gathering this Tier 1, you have a small chance at getting a few Tier 2 (Champion) pieces as well.


PvP Tier 2 - Champion: This gear is obtained through commendations you get as rewards for PvP dailies & weeklies @ level 60 valor. Through gathering this Tier 2, you have a small chance at getting a few Tier 3 (Battlemaster) pieces as well. Also, you can spend commendations to get Tier 3 ear pieces & implants.


PvP Tier 3 - Battlemaster: This gear is only going to be obtained by the most dedicated PvP'ers. It is the rarest set to obtain and will only be obtained through RNG and months of grinding. You may be valor rank 100 before you finish your Battlemaster tier.


^--- This system works, but it takes time just as most things should in an mmo-rpg. People just want instant gratification. MMORPG's & Instant gratification are almost polar opposites. The problem is, people will never buy into this system because they'll constantly whine & unsubscribe to the point where the game can no longer be developed further without catering to casuals and impatient people.


I know this will not quell anyone's rage over not being given everything in the few hours of play they can afford to spend due to them having such an important life where video games mean so little yet so much at the same time - but I think people who are complaining about the system need to see the bigger picture and realize that they are killing the game for the people who truly love the game. People who don't care about rewards and people who have put a lot of effort to get the rewards that they have - Those are the people these games are made for... Unfortunately, mmo-rpg's are morphed into something entirely different once all the selfish players start whining. And if they aren't morphed into something different, the people who truly love the game are left without a game to play - or at least left without future content for the game they love to play.



just one thing in case u dont know....there are a couple Batlemasters outhere allready...i saw a stream of a batlemaster asasin LAST WEEK..and he hadlike 3 or 4 batlemaster pieces+batlemaster main hand saber(the red glow with black inside)..just sayin...wont take months..at all..

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800 commendations for 3 Centurion means 13 bags to get Centurion chest piece at 39 commendations.


Here comes RNG, out of those 13 bags you'll get some Champion stuff, let's say you got gloves and boots. You get 2 pieces of gear but are now short 4 commendations, requiring you to get 2 more bags, for which you need 1600 commendations.


You get 2 more bags and open them up only to get another set of gloves and boots! You are still short 2 Centurion commendations to get the chest piece.


Grind one more bag at 800 commendations. You open up a bag and get another gloves!!!


#^&*^@& Champion *#*&@&@ Bag!


You are still short 1 Centurion commendation. Grind one more bag at 800.


Buy the chest piece.


Repeat endlessly until your inventory is filled with crap and while the next guy who is just lucky gets entire Champion set out of the 13 bags and doesn't have to grind nearly as much.


QFT really. Spotlighted the triple fail they made around getting the same item token again. This is because you not only get a useless token again but you get 1/3 of the usual centurion commendations hahaha fail design!


Also for the people those are coming up with "I get 100 commendations per Warzone so I know how to play"- You have just signed that you don't!

Why is that?

Because when I am in Voidstar, as an assassin, I am sneaking to the doors, waiting for the very best moment to ninja plant the bombs. Usually I plant/use -all- objectives(when not then like 4/6), same goes for Huttball, I score a lot points, waiting for passes in good positions(doing what one should do to win), and in Civil War Alderaan I ninja cap bases etc..

So yes I do feel I am a -very- useful player in Warzones. And what I get for it ? 1-2 medals out of 10 if I get lucky. And this is not "it happened to me" instead it happens all the time! Because this whole system is a total failure. I win the whole Warzone many times or 2 of us with my friend and get the least points in every aspect.


So please do not post commendation gains as a proof of skill, it makes as much sense as "**** I know how to play because I won a gokart race IRL ROAR"!

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