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10 Good
  1. I pick 3. L2P I had no problem taking down healers before the patch with anything except my DPS operative. I know Powertechs that would kill healers in 4-5 globals before the patch, and due to timing of abilities they wouldnt even be able to heal a fraction of the damage before dieing, this is all while marauders were the best at killing healers. What are they now? best at killing everything.
  2. We warned Bioware countless times on the PTS the god mode would be Warrior / Knight groups
  3. You realize the OP is trolling.
  4. You premade defenders realize it works both ways right?? You try to defend premades facing solo qued Pugs by saying stuff along the lines of "Go and make friends, if you don't premade you couldn't possibly have friends, get people together and pre-made too" Well if they implemented a system where premades only fought premades, and you made a similar complaint because it is either A. too hard, or B. the ques are too long, the Solo quers could just as easily say, "Well coordinate with guilds on the opposite faction (by making alts) or the same faction and get a premade to fight your premade qued up" Works both ways. A reason someone should be in a premade in the first place is to either play with friends or try and demonstrate skill. Well no matter the server you are on, since voice communication and pre-planning go a very long way, you'd be hard pressed to find a premade that is skilled. With that out of the way, if you want to demonstrate skill, trying to defend premades that they should be allowed to face PUGs, only hurts your argument rather then helps it, because it is impossible to demonstrate any skill that way, hurts the competitve value of the match, and is actually just like you are playing with a handicap. It actually takes MORE skill to solo que, join a PUG, and find a way to work together with random strangers, and come away with a win, then it does to pre-plan voice comm premade.
  5. Patch 1.2 came with a lot of bugs that should have been addressed in the testing phase, but this is Bioware we are talking about, everyone clearly asked them to hold off on releasing it, as it wasn't ready. Now other then the bugs and patcher issues I am gonna list my opinion on the good and bad with the patch: Compatibility/Optimization/Performance tweaks = Pro Ability to extract mods from PVP weapons = Pro Flow of Combat = Neutral Legacy System = Neutral Valor/Credit/Comm gains = Con PVP gear cost = Con Making Valor rank useless = Con Marauder/Sent buffed to overpowered = Con DPS operative/scoundrel nerfed again = Con Vanguard/PT nerfed = Con All tanks except Shadow/Sin getting killed in a few globals = Con Shadow/Sins out DPSing dps specs in tank spec (still) = Con Cannot remove set bonus on gear we worked for pre 1.2: Con Jugg/Guardian losing their unique Decimate/SW = Con Warzone Medal system adding a ton of medals but giving no rewards past 8 = Con Losing Warzone rewards = Con No Ranked Warzones = Con
  6. ummmm clearly you are playing a diff game. Pyrotech PT has, I would say the most consistent and best burst in the game, especially with timing Thermal explosion with railshot hitting the target. Rage burst is also nice, but PT still wins. Marauder has more steady DPS, less burst but more def cooldowns then any tank. Shadow tanks are the only tanks that are less bursty and more steady dps. The issue is that their DPS in tank spec is far too high.
  7. I like the matrix cube, butit only adds about 1.5% damage. I think the power up relics are better as typically they give 10% more damage each while up. Though they are a hassle to use. I haven't really tried the dot relics, but i think they are better again. The best advice is to get daily commendations though so you can get the 1.2 relics though
  8. ContrailNZ

    Bm Bags

    I guess I'm lucky with none from the last 20 only.
  9. I should mention of course that if you ever do need to burst heal you are out of energy in about 4 heals. Just hope adrenaline probe is up and for some reason you dont need to do any burst healing for 2 minutes. (as if any PvP is like that)
  10. Operatives suck as PvP healers. They are like snipers but don't have snipers best CC / defense abilities. Legshot, cover pulse, ballsistic dampeners, cover dmg reduction etc etc. Lol, Operatives are really squishy. There is no real way to survive vs any dps class. If you get focused your contribution is a quick death. I should state you can vanish once to escape, but you cant heal while doing it and the instant you pop out you are dead. The only advantage ops have is their dot healing, but the dot amount healed is so little it only helps in newb fights where for some reason your team mates are taking pitiful damage. The ironic thing for operatives is as a dps you are only good in pvp and as a healer you are only good in pve (still worst pve healer). I suppose duel spec will make the class more enjoyable, but other healing classes are good at both pvp and pve for each of their dps or healing spec.
  11. beat him easily as both operative and sniper at same level as boss
  12. I have lvl 50 BM Sniper and a lvl 39 Op valor 37. Obviously not the best comparison with a pre 50 Op. I feel like Ops are horrible. I think the class might be ok later on, but that is reliant on buff stacking, which is about to be nerfed even more. I think Op will still be okay healers, as healing isn't hard. The horribleness of Op DPS can be shown that you'd never have one in a HM instance if you needed decent damage to beat enrage etc.
  13. join a guild..... Ops are good healers and fun when geared for PvP....
  14. ContrailNZ

    PvP leavers fix

    A Vote function should be implemented to surrender a PVP zone.. You can vote once per 2 mins and you would need 5 votes to concede defeat. This way you could still have the debuff so the hardcore leavers would get penalised, while still enabling people not to have to endure 15 minutes of a one sided loss.
  15. He is just role playing an NPC.
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