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SWTOR = Best Character graphics known to MMO history.


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Aside everything bugs etc. Bioware has outdone themselves. Character graphics and gear are very amazing to me.


I can actually see my character holding a bloody gun with fingers! A finger on the trigger! OMG!


QQ all you want. You know you love it! I QQd and im stopping,


Bioware, I will give you a chance.




Cheers and good luck from Chiseler!

Positive force shall be with you!

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Aside everything bugs etc. Bioware has outdone themselves. Character graphics and gear are very amazing to me.


I can actually see my character holding a bloody gun with fingers! A finger on the trigger! OMG!


QQ all you want. You know you love it! I QQd and im stopping,


Bioware, I will give you a chance.




Cheers and good luck from Chiseler!

Positive force shall be with you!



http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/pretend+lesbians.+oh+b+you+so+silly_249b32_3104657.jpg <-mfw I read a positive post on SWTOR

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I'm in love with the animations.


Seeing a random NPC fiddle around with his tablet computer-thingy, actually touching buttons with his/her fingers is a nice touch.


Sometimes I encounter random NPCs waiting in a line, pacing a bit back and forth with an air of impatience.


Watching two NPCs having a conversation is also nice to look at -- they use real time hand and facial animations that I thought were only limited to cutscenes. I can see they really went the extra mile when designing NPC animations. :D

Edited by Winnerbagel
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Bro, Guildwars 2 is not out, So you can not compare. Plz Come back once Guild Wars 2 is out.


Thanks :)


Why because it's not on the shelves? It's a game, it physically exists, and I have played it. For a game that's going to come out with in a few months of star wars, it makes star wars graphics look early 00's.

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Agreed the character animations is a step up from any other MMO I have played in a while. My favorite part has to be just the way people kinda go around there daily lives in the streets, while it is repeated its enough to make it look like they are actually doing some sort of a job.
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Why because it's not on the shelves? It's a game, it physically exists, and I have played it. For a game that's going to come out with in a few months of star wars, it makes star wars graphics look early 00's.


Correct its still in development, therefore they have more time on their hands to MAYBE MAKE BETTER CHARACTER GRAPHICS...



look man Ive seen plenty of guild wars 2. and im sorry to say, SWTOR CHARACTER GRAPHICS BEAT GUILD WARS 2. PERIOD. PERIOD.

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Correct its still in development, therefore they have more time on their hands to MAYBE MAKE BETTER CHARACTER GRAPHICS...



look man Ive seen plenty of guild wars 2. and im sorry to say, SWTOR CHARACTER GRAPHICS BEAT GUILD WARS 2. PERIOD. PERIOD.


I'm actually physically laughing right now. If you honestly think the slightly cartoonized graphics of star wars is anything close to the high end realism (for an mmo) for guild wars 2, you should just uninstall every single game you own.

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I'm actually physically laughing right now. If you honestly think the slightly cartoonized graphics of star wars is anything close to the high end realism (for an mmo) for guild wars 2, you should just uninstall every single game you own.


More like your judgment is poor, I suggest checking yourself out and your GPU!


Thanks come back let us know how it went for you!


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I agree. There is some excellent attention to detail on character graphics and animations im this game. If you take time to closely inspect your character close up, particularly belts and weapons, it's amazing what they have done without totally going leet on the system graphics requirements.


Which is why I have to LOLZ every time a hater gets all worked up about texture settings in the game. They can't look past the mechanics of drawing pixels I guess.

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More like your judgment is poor, I suggest checking yourself out and your GPU!


Thanks come back let us know how it went for you!



my graphic card also runs the quality of the graphics on videos now does it? Wow, tech these days ey.

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i agree. There is some excellent attention to detail on character graphics and animations im this game. If you take time to closely inspect your character close up, particularly belts and weapons, it's amazing what they have done without totally going leet on the system graphics requirements.


Which is why i have to lolz every time a hater gets all worked up about texture settings in the game. They can't look past the mechanics of drawing pixels i guess.



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Oh man. I don't know what to say..


Yes, anything has better graphics than WoW.


AION and Rift have the best graphics available today for an MMO. Both suck terriblly in the MMO department.


SWTOR is nice looking, however DX11 would do it some major justice. I just wish someone at Bioware knew what DX11 is.




DX9 is so 2007

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my graphic card also runs the quality of the graphics on videos now does it? Wow, tech these days ey.


Im pro bro you like? :confused: cmon man. you know these graphics are pretty stunning, I mean cmon bro? Don't lie to yourself. I watch Guild-wars 2 vidoes on daily basis, and NO so far Guild Wars 2 does not beat SWTOR character gear graphics. sowwy :/

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I'm actually physically laughing right now. If you honestly think the slightly cartoonized graphics of star wars is anything close to the high end realism (for an mmo) for guild wars 2, you should just uninstall every single game you own.


Which is the superior art form: the intensely realistic (and frequently disturbing) works of the Baroque artist Caravaggio, or the stimulating but abstract style of Duchamp's "A Nude Descending the Stairs, No. 2"?

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