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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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No - game is in serious bad shape and trouble - server queues and servers are emptying out fast- no more full across the board servers at prime times and weekends.


Game is tanking fast!


Heh, the same amount of people are playing the game, BioWare is just optimizing their servers and increasing the amount of people that can be in the server. You aren't going to resub because a server has a different status on it, and yet you haven't said anything bad about the actual game, just what the server status is...?

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i will give them one more month and will stop after that unless at leas tone of these problems are not fixed


fixing crappy ui


add appearance tab


add dual spec


so at least i know they are trying to fix there game. And it will also show they that they actually know *** they are doing.

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So what you're saying is that the only "meat and potatoes" this game has to offer is in the leveling process?


Also, take note of the way in which I used the contraction: you're


It was my understanding that the developer is supposed to add content for the majority of the player base, and since 90 percent of the people who play this game are still under level 50, they have more important things to buff out about the game. The end game content and longevity of the game will come...

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YES, I will continue playing. I am enjoying almost every aspect of this game. Are there a few bugs? Sure. Ive only encountered a few, but nothing game breaking. After leveling a lot, I can take a break do some PVP, and then take a break and do some space missions, and then be back into leveling.


I will keep my sub active, and continue for a while. :)

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I personally didn't enjoy how the planets were designed. I didn't feel free like I could go anywhere. The voice overs are overkill for those who want to get their quests and move along. These 2 reasons doesn't encourage replay-ability for me... Also I still have yet to see another member of the opposite faction on the pvp server i'm on...


Doesn't seem like a lively community in game. Not worth time or money. Their lost for not taking a second and looking at what they were designing and what I guess the expected standards gamers want from MMOs.

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This game will peak at 750k subs, and after a year it won't ever go over 500k subscribers and it will be viewed as one of the biggest flops and blunders in all of gaming history. People will lose their jobs, and BioWare's name will most likely be tainted for life..
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I will use my 30-days, when they are over i will re-evaluate the game, but atm i would not pay for a month due to:


1. Many buggs that disrupts the gaming experience even at lvl50

2. Crafting professions are not balanced betwen eachother

3. PvP is Unbalanced (i know they said they wouldent strive towards balance, but this is rediculus)

4. PvP gear can be used for Nightmare mode Operations just as well as PvE gear, which is rediculus imo.

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I will continue, at least until Diablo 3 comes out.


I will continue after Diablo 3 if things change. I'm most concerned about PvP changes and loot distribution in raids. Though I think there needs to be some serious class balances as well. I'm gonna play things month by month so I dont feel theres anything keeping me from quitting.

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I'm a star wars fangirl and I love MMO's so this was the perfect medium for me. Add to that, my friends from WOW crossed over and the star wars aspect convinced my husband to join in and...lets just say I"m having a great time with friends every night after work. I happen to love the voice over. The pvp with a good group and a plan is awesome and...being a huge fan of rogue squadron and star fox...I'm really enjoying the space missions as well. Let's just say I will be here a while :)

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Depends on what end game brings.


I'm happy to level a few alts for awhile but if end game is all pvp/group/raid I will likely cancel in a few months.


That is all end game is for every MMO out there, what else do you expect? :confused:

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No - game is in serious bad shape and trouble - server queues and servers are emptying out fast- no more full across the board servers at prime times and weekends.


Game is tanking fast!


i noticed that 2 use to be 100+ players in newb zones now id be lucky to see 50 players

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Nope. Though i love the game its has flaws that prevents me to consider a subscription:



1) Extremely instanced + Horrible loading times



2) No LFD



3) Poor framerate unless you are sitting in a powerhouse PC



4) Ability delay



5) Republic Jedi Consular Sage animations make it worse dps than Sith Inquisitor Sorceror (i played both)



6) Quitting game takes forever



7) Playing Empire makes you be playing Huttball 95% of the time, due to faction imbalance



8) They destroyed Slicing in 1 week of game



9) Loading times are the worst i've seen in any MMORPG, games with same size and better graphics like Age of Conan doesn't make you even notice loading.



10) First MMORPG that requires 4GB ram and a SSD drive to run decently despite being subpar on graphics. Hero engine sucks and pretty much dooms the game permanently.





If i could resume everything in one problem it would be the extreme instancing that KILLS immersion. Everything brings you to a loading screen.


Doing PVE but wan to do PVP? loading screen. Did PVP and wants to do again? loading screen. Immersion factor zero. On top of that PVP servers feel empty due to multiple instances like Tatooine 1, 2 and 3.

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I already cancelled it as well, I will not come back to this game until they add LFG tool. I love the Flashpoints and RAIDS in this game but they are sooo hard to form. It takes long time to find right people to even make a FP. Yes I already have lvl 50 Sentinel and 30 Vanguard and Will not come back until the major change.


For now I am playing EVE ONLIE

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Yes, I will, I've gotten to level 26 on my Sith Inquisitor and am loving it.


Personally, my only issue with the game is the UI which honestly isn't game breaking. Granted I haven't reached the farther in the game bugs but I see myself staying in it for the long haul.


To me it seems the 'yes' and 'no' is basically separated between the hardcore players (a no) and the moderate to casual players (yes).

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That is all end game is for every MMO out there, what else do you expect? :confused:


Solo stuff. I.E. like the solo dailies we now.


But no, I really don't expect a whole lot on that front. I'm just completely burnt out on the raiding scene.

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Nope. Though i love the game its has flaws that prevents me to consider a subscription:



1) Extremely instanced + Horrible loading times



3) Poor framerate unless you are sitting in a powerhouse PC



4) Ability delay



6) Quitting game takes forever



7) Playing Empire makes you be playing Huttball 95% of the time, due to faction imbalance



9) Loading times are the worst i've seen in any MMORPG, games with same size and better graphics like Age of Conan doesn't make you even notice loading.



10) First MMORPG that requires 4GB ram and a SSD drive to run decently despite being subpar on graphics. Hero engine sucks and pretty much dooms the game permanently.


Epic post.


Exactly why I wont be resubbing until these issues are fixed.

Edited by thestackshow
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Absolutey. I bought a 3 month sub up front and will continue to renew it. This is hands down the best leveling experience of ANY MMORPG out there. If the 50 game doesn't seem to keep my attention with my main, I will roll alts. For me, the story is everything. I've loved the Sith Inquisitor story so far and I just hit 35.


That being said, I would love to see some of the more critical bugs get addressed. I've CTD'd 3 or so times this weekend (first time that's happened) and i get pretty bad ability delay as well. I'm a programmer myself so I'm fairly tolerant of bugs, but Bioware will need to tighten their game up soon-ish. FPS on the stations is pretty abysmal too.


Anyway, loving the game regardless!

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