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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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I've unsubbed but i've got 20 days of play time left, which i intend to use and i'm hoping that the game will get me interested.


FYI i'm only level 24 (Republic side). It's the levelling experience that i'm not enjoying too much, and when you read/hear about these complaints about a lackluster end-game, i'm struggling to find motivation.


Yeah... that's a great idea. Cancel over something that doesn't effect you at all.

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I'm at that point where I make way too much money to worry about $15/month, however there is still the idea of principle behind all this.


Why should I pay a company to continue to work on a game just to get it to a "release standard?" I pay for a finished product, not one that was rushed for xmas. All MMO's are rough at launch, fair enough, but that excuse only goes so far; the abundant lack of basic features in this game is far and away from just "MMO launch;" it's just lazy design!


The launch? Smooth as silk! I've been around for plenty of MMO launches, and there's no denying that the Swtor launch was nothing short of wonderful, truly, but that doesn't forgive the sheer behemoth lack of features that we've come to expect from a 2011 launch.


I don't mean to insult anyone here, but I'm fairly convinced that anyone who actually continues to pay after 60 days is only paying because they're HOPING that the game becomes good, or that they WISH the game was as good as they want it to be. Is there a perfect game to take Swtors place? NO! There never will be, but it doesn't mean we have to settle for this incredibly underwhelming MMO design philosophy. I just think that the only people that will continue to pay after a few months are the ones who are doing so because of social pressure (big guilds, group of friends, etc) the big fans in denial (meaning the individuals that will settle for less because it makes them feel good because they think they're "right" that the game is good as-is) or those who simply are so bored with WoW, Rift, Aion, LotR, etc that they don't even care anymore, as long as they have a MMO to come home to.


Life is too good to waste time on a game that isn't finished AND pay money for the "privilege" to waste time on it. I've ALWAYS said the game has massive potential, and I still believe it does, but I'm not about to start paying Biowares electricity bill while they figure out how to make it happen.


For those that read the whole post, thank you; but to reward Bioware for under-developing a game they labeled as a "MMO" is not only degrading but simply wrong on several levels. Again, to those that read, thank you for hearing out the very SHORT version of my argument.


Happy gaming!


You sir have nailed it!


Exactly the same reason I'm gonna say NO.

We're living in weird times indeed.You can be mediocre at best and have good marketing and people will buy it.

They will spend 60-70 euro on a poor and unfinished product and they will defend it.This is how modern times have indoctrinated the masses.

And to prove it,wait for responses to your post....

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Absolutely. if there was a lifetime membership, I would purchase it. I'll be playing this game until they take the servers down.


Why? This game has more at launch than I think any game has managed to date. This make's WoW's launch look like a joke. This game has completely reinvented the idea of questing and made it actually interesting, and given groups of players fun experiences outside of raid settings. The game has beautiful graphics, an expansive universe with literally TONS of space to improve and grow, and probably the best IP of them all, Star Wars.


You couldn't stop me from renewing my sub. Great work, BioWare.

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still not sure but doubt it


1. It doesn't feel like an MMO so why pay subs for a decent single player? it may not feel like an mmo to you but it does to me. quest grind (exactly like wow), able to group up to do instances and have to watch what you say to other people or be blackballed on your server is very nice, dont have to deal with the tards who think they are leet but in reality suck balls at the game

2. It's way too linear its not supposed to be skyrim

3. Way too much travelling from one hub to another absolutely great for world pvp unlike killing world pvp with flying mounts

4. Horrible transport systems - having to go to spaceport to go to a new zone etc this brilliant idea keeps the lag down

5. Bewildering array of currencies etc i like this, it doesnt limit you with a mark cap and gives you the option of taking the quest reward or if you have better take the currency to pick your reward. best idea ever. if its too complicated for you, then, i dont know, go back to the easier games?

6. Guild's are currently redundant i dont think redundant means what you think it means

7. Full of WoW trolls no, wows full of wow trolls, has been since lich king. only the forums suffer from wow employees trying to stir up the community :D

8. Very little challenge no idea what your talking about? after 30 soloing gets harder

9. the promised "10 rats" quests are no more is nonsense it's all like that huh? this one is unintelligible, could you translate this into normal human speech?

10. PvP is ludicrously horrible oh please why should a level 10 with 3 spells fight a 50 - come on! yeah im sure they plan on leaving the pvp like it is, just like wow did when it first came out. oh yeah, wow didnt have pvp when it first came out. also, if you dont like the battlegrounds go do some world pvp in quest zones until they fix it.

11. Bioware dont appear to listen to constructive feedback - see point 10 for example games are easy to patch thats why content patches come out for wow on a monthly basis.


yeah ill be here, i came from wow. wont be going back. they ruined it adding LFR,LFD, making everyone pay for a content patch instead of a real expansion and the god awful community that stemmed from making the game so easy grandma and little jimmy preschooler can do it. also the broken pvp that always has one class that is god mode (atm its deathknights) and one class that cant fight their ways out of paperbags and not fixing them for 10 seasons (see hunters and all their broken abilities in arena pvp).


ill give this game until GW2 comes out for them to fix some of the things i think need fixing (brackets in battleground pvp, adding arenas, better ui on auction house- this is really all i can think of other than fixing glitches that really needs to be done until i have seen end game content.

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I've got 14 more days until my account runs out.. I just wasnt hooked into it.. Its one of those games you have a fling with.. play for a little while, get bored and possibly come back. However I just dont see that happening unless big changes are made.


so thats a no.. but whoever stays, enjoy the game!

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At the moment NO. Too many flaws. I am giving it a chance though.


The big seller for this game, the story, is really good at times but overall its rather boring. Class quests are generally fine but they are only a small number of the overall quests in each area. Most of them are boring filler.

Edited by BladeStrike
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Forever and a year will I pay and play!!


to all the people quitting...

I say good riddance, crybabies. Don't let the door hit you on the *** on the way out!


Who wants to play with a bunch of whiners and crybabies anyway?


I promise you WILL NOT be missed /salute

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Yes I love the game ... love the conversations when questing... love the flash points and even the operations... Leveled a Sith Inquisitor to 50 now im leveling a bounty hunter while my guild catches up...


I will be resubbing both my accounts

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Paid for 3months, thats all I will give them, I have yet to play a game with so *********** many bugs on release in the last few year, and the pvp world ilum that lots were expecting to be like RVR in Warhammer is rubbish, theres no pvp at all, people are just shooting rockets at vehicles and getting epics lol, I expected some pve objectives to fight over, like a base to take, or some strategic points with rewards for pvping, but there is nothing.
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Absolutely. if there was a lifetime membership, I would purchase it. I'll be playing this game until they take the servers down.


Why? This game has more at launch than I think any game has managed to date. This make's WoW's launch look like a joke. This game has completely reinvented the idea of questing and made it actually interesting, and given groups of players fun experiences outside of raid settings. The game has beautiful graphics, an expansive universe with literally TONS of space to improve and grow, and probably the best IP of them all, Star Wars.


You couldn't stop me from renewing my sub. Great work, BioWare.


I kinda laughed..


WoW was launched ages ago, and didn't really have any other MMO to look at to know what was succesfull and what not, a bit, but not at gigantic amount of MMO's right now where Bioware could have looked at.


Reinvented questing?? You do the exact same things now as you do in WoW, just with sound instead of text, only the story line is new, and that is just ONE quest line.


The rest well Graphics are decent, expansive universe with tons of space to improve and grow, yes true.


And to everyone that is moaning to players that leave with actual valid points and moan or say 'gg crybaby, good riddance etc' please, grow up, OP asked yes or no, so don't be ignorant to only want to read the yes people.

Edited by JinShepard
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Was wondering earlier. The feedback of who wants to continue playing after January, and those who do not. Give your yes/no, with a summary of your reasoning.


1. Yes, this game is excellent and will continue to improve since BioWare has kept their entire development team in place to continue refining and expanding the game, unlike other mmo's.


2. Where is the poll?

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I have unsubbed mostly due to the broken pvp and a lot of serious bugs in the game. For instance:


I've found several places by accident where I could just walk off the end of the map.

Too easy to get "stuck" by jumping onto a rock, catwalk etc.

GCD dependent on ability animation (***?!)

No Diminishing returns in pvp (resolve system doesn't work)

Way too much CC in pvp - makes it less than fun, especially with some massively OP classes.

Some hardcoded buttons with no way to remap (\ that opens help dialog is annoying as hell)

Companions disappearing during cutscenes, taxi rides, pvp, or just randomly while questing.

Guilds are basically just a chat channel - guild list often doesn't represent people online.

Don't always get credited with dark/light side points.

Unable to drop certain non-class quests, even from 40 levels back.


Still think the PVE levelling has been better than any other MMO for the story line.


I will be checking back, but I'm not paying to play the game in its current broken state (especially the PVP). I played WoW for over 5 years, that game is obviously a lot more polished, but I won't be going back to that either.

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- PvP is a total and complete farce

- The combat system is beyond broken, skill delay, animation slugginess, sudden drop of fps in wzs

- The endgame is nonexistant except for a bunch of dailies and some craptastic/easy raid

- Crafting is beyond useless and poorly thought



this game is the greatest let down of the decade. I cannot believe it costed over $200m to make this crap. In this economy anyone involved in this catastrophe should be put to jail for squandering money.

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Annnd you didn't cite one example of what is "underdeveloped." Name one "feature" that existed in... WoW at launch and wasn't implemented. I think people forget how raw Wow was during pre-BC. Why is it that people are under the impression that they should login to an MMO and EVERYTHING gets handed to them?? Same people who ruined other MMO's imo.


I don't understand why people feel the need for an LFG system: Play with your guild, be social, be good etc. LFG system is for a few types of people and I'm just being real:


1. The idiots who just troll gen chat daily that no one wants to group with

2. The angry mmo player who goes nuts in vent over something little

3. The bad player because he does not want to get better and would rather get carried to gear

4. The lazy player who although may be good, half asses it on trash etc.


Although I agree the shard issue I have never liked. I think if they cut down the number of shards, and worked on the engine you would see no need for an LFG system, make it feel more like an "mmo" persay and be golden.


Stopped reading after you mentioned how WoW was at launch. It's fair and well to compare this game to WoW, but to compare it's launch (and launch features) to that of WoW when it launched is just a daft approach, and an excellent example of forethought on your part.


You sir have nailed it!


Exactly the same reason I'm gonna say NO.

We're living in weird times indeed.You can be mediocre at best and have good marketing and people will buy it.

They will spend 60-70 euro on a poor and unfinished product and they will defend it.This is how modern times have indoctrinated the masses.

And to prove it,wait for responses to your post....


The above post I just quoted is proof enough.


I still hold that one of the MAJOR reasons people will continue to pay for an inferior or broken product is ego. If they continue to pay for it, they can't be "wrong" about it being rushed out, a copy, or simply unfinished.


If people enjoy the current state of the game, all the power to you, I wish you continued enjoyment (I really do), but for someone like myself who expects MUCH more out of a 2011 release from a company who has built up a hell of a reputation, I can't, in good conscience, pay them for the privilege of beta testing their product.

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Stopped reading after you mentioned how WoW was at launch. It's fair and well to compare this game to WoW, but to compare it's launch (and launch features) to that of WoW when it launched is just a daft approach, and an excellent example of forethought on your part.




The above post I just quoted is proof enough.


I still hold that one of the MAJOR reasons people will continue to pay for an inferior or broken product is ego. If they continue to pay for it, they can't be "wrong" about it being rushed out, a copy, or simply unfinished.


If people enjoy the current state of the game, all the power to you, I wish you continued enjoyment (I really do), but for someone like myself who expects MUCH more out of a 2011 release from a company who has built up a hell of a reputation, I can't, in good conscience, pay them for the privilege of beta testing their product.

there will never be a game to launch with the same amount of content that another game has, after its been in online for over 7 years.


thats like comparing the contents of a new mom and pop store to walmart.


when someone compares TORs release content to wows current content it shows how intelligent a person is.


if you really want to get down to brass tacks, the original everquest had 7 expansions upon wows release.


wow had no where near the content of everquest.

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My answer : no, there are just too many good games available at the moment which I want to play rather than this.


I dont think this is a bad game, but its not great. I didnt find the story particularly engaging (I rolled a sith inquisitor) and the actual gameplay is just too simplistic to engage me for longer than it has done so already. Choices that I can make to influence my characters story are almost non existant (unlike that of KOTOR) and I feel that the choices over a characters skill progression (other than to focus on either one of the trinity) are limited as well.


I just dont see the point of investing more time into this game. I'll watch with interest as the game develops however I just dont see how they are going to fix the basic gameplay mechanics which are too simple to retain my attention.

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I'll probably kick around in game for a couple of months to see how it pan's out.


What I really want to see is the Space side of it completely rebuilt from the ground up. I can understand them just shoving in the mini game to get the game out of the door and it will do until they sort the more urgent issues out but I want to at least see some sort of future plan for it.


I mean, this is Star Wars! Spaceships are pretty intrinsic to the whole experience.


Other reason is I don't really have much else to play; Panda's and Pokemon ? no thanks...

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