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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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Yes. Absolutely. If BW had a 12 month plan, I would have it... Great game, great content, great fun.







P.S. For you "HC MMO Players" that are saying, "no way... not till this is fixed, or that is made easier, blah, blah, blah..." - two thoughts...


1. Sorry to hear that, but I am guessing you are still here in 30 and even 90 days, unless you go back to the great MMO that seems to produce the most whinny gamers ever; and,


2. If you are telling the truth, God, please let them have characters on my server so it moves from Full to Very Heavy (and let them take one of their whinny friends with them too).

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why? best MMO I've played in a long time, people say it feels more like a single player game but I love the story, it's a factor that will make me want to keep playing until I've done everything, never mind pvp, operations etc

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I will NOT resubscribe if the European continue to get the short end of the stick


Last Maintenance BW wasn't able to get the servers up till 10PM CET that's way into prime-time


and the next maintenance is AGAIN in the time-frame the last one was

Scheduled Maintenance


Date: Wednesday, January 4th, 2012




All game servers will be offline during this period. This maintenance is expected to take no more than eight hours.


Thank you for your patience as we maintain service for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™.

and to the dear Americans saying 9to5 is no big deal just proofs that alternating the Maintenance time isn't as well



basically they just follow the their MO to eff the European Player

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Yes, yes and yes!


this is one of the best MMO I've ever played and the most casual. I have a family and this one is the best for me!


The best MMO I've ever played was UO but I was hardcore back then! I'm drooling over the upcoming Archeage MMO but this one is way to much for hardcore gamers so I'll never play it.

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Im a star wars fanboy, i'll be here till they pull the plug, i played galaxies for 8 years and for 5 of them couldnt stand the gameplay...why? Star Wars. Have fun playing Harry Potter or w/e rehashed fantasy crap this "guild wars" game is. Long as theres a smuggler flying and a lightsaber huming, i'll be here. Edited by TKMaster
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Yes, absolutely. This game has drawn me away from my lifetime account with LotRO.




-- fun to level, with good progression.


-- interesting plot-lines, including companion character development.


-- fundamentally easy to find groups, and group content is worth playing.


-- good diversity in class specs and gameplay, leading to very different approaches to gameplay.


-- real potential: problems with the game all seem manageable (e.g. the UI, the travel time, the camera, etc.) and the companies involved (BW, EA) have the resources to manage them.


For me, six months with an MMO of this scale seems about right to make a judgment. And in the meantime, I'm having fun.

Edited by NikolaiWolf
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Im a star wars fanboy, i'll be here till they pull the plug, i played galaxies for 8 years and for 5 of them couldnt stand the gameplay...why? Star Wars. Have fun playing Harry Potter or w/e rehashed fantasy crap this "guild wars" game is. Long as theres a smuggler flying and a lightsaber huming, i'll be here.


I could easily bash your game calling it WoW with lightsaber too. heck this statement is all over the internet even coming from beta testers.


Both's end game is about sitting in town or doing raids. Flame on.

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I'll play until BW touches me in the wrong place with a bad class change, most likely. I'm really hating the lack of a seamless persistent world feel (due to constant loading screens when traveling) because this is an MMO afterall, but the gameplay is just so fun that it's keeping me around.
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I'm afraid theres no way for me to willing to pay for subscription for a game creator that:


Insults my intelligence

Considers my countrys prime time to be a "acceptable and calculated casualty"

Takes no responsibility of the bad decissions

Responds to all questions with political taking no responsibility and giving no answers.

Releases a substandard product and offers no timeline when basic things are considered

Makes patches for cosmical improvements when the game itself still has far more actual issues to be solved

Supports SOPA indirectly, but does a PR move to make it seem like it dosn't

Has no idea what is moral choises, or romance options.

Downplays both torture and how cruel slavery can be.


If EA/Bioware is supporting SOPA, I'll be cancelling. I dont care how good the game is or isnt. SOPA support is a deal breaker period.

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