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Companion instead of player crafting was a major mistake


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I was one off the first 700 weapsonsmith crafers on my DAOC server. I was still level 10, yet maxed out. Everyone in their 40s was running around with my weapons. When I logged in, I was deluged by tells. The other 690ish weapons crafter was furiously trying to craft over me, but couldn't close the gap because I was willing to spend more time crafting.


I killed more players than anyone else in that game. At level 10. Because all of the Celts were armed by me.


That will NEVER happen for anyone in Star Wars: The Old Republic.



Now comes all the posts from people who don't normally craft telling me how great their style of play is and that I should like it.



While I enjoyed DAOC's crafting and game play it was not for everyone and I have not seen a crafting system as well done since. And the DAOC crafting was purely money driven so you had to either have a guild supplying you money at level 10 or make a nice markup on items to craft.


I like how they are doing crafting in this game so far. If you want to go out and collect resources you still can. If all you want to do is craft you can sit in the cantina and mange your crew crafting while you read a book. Which is pretty much what you did in Daoc and Wow when you were crafting.

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Now comes all the posts from people who don't normally craft telling me how great their style of play is and that I should like it.


You do not have to like it. You should go back to DAOC if you like it better.

Edited by Jalden
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I was one off the first 700 weapsonsmith crafers on my DAOC server. I was still level 10, yet maxed out. Everyone in their 40s was running around with my weapons. When I logged in, I was deluged by tells. The other 690ish weapons crafter was furiously trying to craft over me, but couldn't close the gap because I was willing to spend more time crafting.


I killed more players than anyone else in that game. At level 10. Because all of the Celts were armed by me.


That will NEVER happen for anyone in Star Wars: The Old Republic.



Now comes all the posts from people who don't normally craft telling me how great their style of play is and that I should like it.


I was one of the first Master Weaponsmiths in SWG.... good times :)

Guilds were competing to enlist me. Everyone knew the top crafters by name. At that time it was even possible to color the font of your auctioned items so some crafters were easily recognized by the way they "advertized" their goods... :)


As for the thread's topic:

I like the companion craft system but very often I would like to craft "personally" at the same time as well.

Edited by Arconon
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I'm mainly a lurker and a laugh at your stupidity from afar kind of gamer. However,

Complaining that you don't like the crafting aspect is what decided for you that WoW is better, cool. Go for it. Whereas this guy will be having 5 companions gathering while I'm also gathering, because guess what? You can gather too. So, wait now your complaining because YOU can't craft. I agree with getting fresh air.


If you're waiting for blues that take 20 minutes.. guess what? Knock out 20 minutes of cardio... shower.. clip your finger nails, hell brush your teeth (maybe asking too much) or do your dishes.


Hell, even better.. when you come back.. You can send companions crafting again.. 5 of them. YAY. Now you can have a clean house, perhaps a little more fit, and have some kind of known hygiene ALL while having oranged out gear.


You could even quest and do other stuff instead of making runs to town for AH or using a smithy. Amazing.


Just so were all clear. You are gonna quit SWTOR after having paid for the game, and resub for WoW for a week before getting bored again?.. Awesome. You are just awesome.

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I'm mainly a lurker and a laugh at your stupidity from afar kind of gamer. However,

Complaining that you don't like the crafting aspect is what decided for you that WoW is better, cool. Go for it. Whereas this guy will be having 5 companions gathering while I'm also gathering, because guess what? You can gather too. So, wait now your complaining because YOU can't craft. I agree with getting fresh air.


If you're waiting for blues that take 20 minutes.. guess what? Knock out 20 minutes of cardio... shower.. clip your finger nails, hell brush your teeth (maybe asking too much) or do your dishes.


Hell, even better.. when you come back.. You can send companions crafting again.. 5 of them. YAY. Now you can have a clean house, perhaps a little more fit, and have some kind of known hygiene ALL while having oranged out gear.


You could even quest and do other stuff instead of making runs to town for AH or using a smithy. Amazing.


Just so were all clear. You are gonna quit SWTOR after having paid for the game, and resub for WoW for a week before getting bored again?.. Awesome. You are just awesome.

Absolutely love it



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As it happens i much prefer it like this, i can have a whole work team going at it while i quest and do other things without having to watch a bar go up over and over and over and over while listening to that retarded noise time and time and time again.
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Sounds like you want to be one of the crafters on my old WoW realm back in the day that got in with the top raid guild at the time. Then got access to patterns and materials no one else could.


From that point they were able to absolutely monopolise the market and name their asking price.

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I'll admit that it trivializes crafting, but then ago that happens anyways in PVE games today. Raids completely and totally screw you over 7 ways from sunday because they drop better gear.


I'm sorry but unless some game breaks the mold the days of being a crafter and people appreciating you for it are simply gone. It's gone WOW, crafting is easily accessible for everyone because **** if everyone can't do everything possible with one arm tied behind their back while siezuring on the ground.




That being said, I do rather like the system. I'm just saying I can appreciate the other view too. The one where crafters mattered and not everyone and their mother did it. The one that created actual in game economies. Like original EQ II crafting. LOVED IT, the WOW players hated it. It got dumbed down significantly very shortly afterwards. Same thing happened to Rift. I had a certain niche of the market cornered. I charged reasonable prices and provided everything one needed to get to max level and beyond in that niche.




Sounds like you want to be one of the crafters on my old WoW realm back in the day that got in with the top raid guild at the time. Then got access to patterns and materials no one else could.


From that point they were able to absolutely monopolise the market and name their asking price.


That's where people like me came in. I'd see X or Y being monopolized and I'd break the monopoly. Sometimes I'd sell at half of someone else's price if I felt it was completely retarded. Free market is free. For every 10 jackholes there is 1 of me and I can counter them all by myself.



In a game like an earlier poster pointed out, DAOC, you made all of this stuff at cost or even at a loss...for your realm. But those days are likely long gone. We'll see if GW2 can revive realm pride with it's World vs World PVP.

Edited by CommandoPower
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I was somewhat bummed when I found out I could gather but not craft. I have absolutely not problem with the companion system and think it's pretty awesome, but I would like to be able to craft myself for a change, and as such, would have loved to see mods such as + crit or + efficiency that you could equip while crafting.
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In WoW and other games when I want a major break from questing, or PVP - which I hardly ever tire of - I pursue my gathering and crafting interests. I can spend a whole day on this and enjoy it. This is another reason why the Bioware devs have a major disconnect from players. They just don't have a clue.


In a few days I'll cancel SWTOR, and resub my WOW.



This is just plain annoying. You seriously have no better reason to quit this game other then that the crafting isn't the same as WoW's?


Bioware decided they didn't want to mirror WoW and tried something new, as soon as you see this you leave. That doesn't mean they don't have a clue it means they're smart enough to come up with something new, meaning your clueless for thinking they'd copy everything from WoW.

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You're not a crafter. You're an explorer/killer.


How would you like it if every mission required you o sit there for hours trying new combinations and watching a bar move? I think that would be great. I don't think you'd like it.


The fact the crafter's preferred playstyle has been morphed into yours doesn't mean everyone will like it.



Crafting didn't change from WOW style, you choose and item to craft. You have the materials. You click craft. ........ time goes by, it is now crafted. Only difference you can que more than one item and walk away.


I'll even break down getting the materials for you. You run around the star wars universe. You find a node. You click it. YOu get resources.

Option 2: You can also send someone out on a mission for rare crafting materials for by destroying credits. Just like going to the auction house but with a random effect, but your credits are another players treasure. Not that much difference, find anothe reason to play wow and leave star wars alone

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I for one enjoy not having to spend hours upon hours of actively crafting. If I want to take a break from gaming - I'll step away from my computer, not run around chasing nodes and sowing together Sith-dresses.


Go get some fresh air.


^ This.


Go ride a bike or go fishing for real.

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In WoW and other games when I want a major break from questing, or PVP - which I hardly ever tire of - I pursue my gathering and crafting interests. I can spend a whole day on this and enjoy it. This is another reason why the Bioware devs have a major disconnect from players. They just don't have a clue.


In a few days I'll cancel SWTOR, and resub my WOW.


You can gather yourself and if you so much want to stand still at one place crafting, you can do so as well. Go camp the GTN while your companions are on mission.

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The last (and only) game I ever played where crafting was something a player could really concentrate on and enjoy it as part of the playing experience was Star Wars Galaxies before SOE took it in the back room and... I doubt I can finish that statement on a public forum.


If you want a serious crafting experience, WoW is not where you should be going. I suggest Eve Online. Its a total grindfest, but crafters can actually do their thing and it matters. Unlike in WoW where maybe 2 to 3 armor slots per major patch have craftable items at their BiS.

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System itself is fine.. Crafting being useless other than Biochem is a different issue that needs to be fixed. Having the top things be difficult to get is there just not well enough. Maybe increase the Reing times so rather than 2 lvls of it theres 4 or something..
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I honestly do not see the difference between this companion crafting system and the World of Warcraft crafting system.


When you create something your character's name is added to the item (I swear I saw this) so I really don't see the difference.


What you guys remember from DAOC and SWG is from an age where a couple thousand was the most you would see. We are in age where a single server will have tens of thousands of players.

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I like the system of companions crafting, but i do want the chance to craft myself. I feel lazy when i make my "pets" do the work. As a 7year vet from swg (which had a great crafting system and economy), im use to doing it all myself and using a factory(companion) to mass produce items.


So yeah id like to be able to craft also when i have a spare minute or two. But dont think the system is flawed, just make it so we can do it. DOnt think thats a huge task to allow.

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You're not a crafter. You're an explorer/killer.


How would you like it if every mission required you o sit there for hours trying new combinations and watching a bar move? I think that would be great. I don't think you'd like it.


The fact the crafter's preferred playstyle has been morphed into yours doesn't mean everyone will like it.


Then said crafter can sit and watch their progress bar. No one is forced to explore/kill while crafting is taking place.

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If you like to craft so much, then why WoW? Go play FFXIV or a Tale in the Desert. Those are crafting games, not WoW.


Or go play EQ2 where you actually play a mini-game to craft your item.


I don't understand the "i'm going back to WoW" threads. You want us to beg you to stay and reconsider? You do realize you just made some SWTOR player's day with that announcement?

Edited by Msbungle
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I'm mainly a lurker and a laugh at your stupidity from afar kind of gamer. However,

Complaining that you don't like the crafting aspect is what decided for you that WoW is better, cool. Go for it. Whereas this guy will be having 5 companions gathering while I'm also gathering, because guess what? You can gather too. So, wait now your complaining because YOU can't craft. I agree with getting fresh air.


If you're waiting for blues that take 20 minutes.. guess what? Knock out 20 minutes of cardio... shower.. clip your finger nails, hell brush your teeth (maybe asking too much) or do your dishes.


Hell, even better.. when you come back.. You can send companions crafting again.. 5 of them. YAY. Now you can have a clean house, perhaps a little more fit, and have some kind of known hygiene ALL while having oranged out gear.


You could even quest and do other stuff instead of making runs to town for AH or using a smithy. Amazing.


Just so were all clear. You are gonna quit SWTOR after having paid for the game, and resub for WoW for a week before getting bored again?.. Awesome. You are just awesome.


Also love it :)



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I like the system of companions crafting, but i do want the chance to craft myself. I feel lazy when i make my "pets" do the work. As a 7year vet from swg (which had a great crafting system and economy), im use to doing it all myself and using a factory(companion) to mass produce items.


So yeah id like to be able to craft also when i have a spare minute or two. But dont think the system is flawed, just make it so we can do it. DOnt think thats a huge task to allow.


Actually, I think that probably *is* a huge thing to ask. They've written the game code around the idea that companions do crafting. To shoe-horn in a system for you to stand in front of a workbench and craft would be a lot of work.


Additionally, times for crafting and such have been balanced around the idea that you are doing other things while your idle companions go out and do the work. I don't know about you, but I have absolutely no interest in queuing up even one pair of blue pants that is going to take 40 minutes to make (this would be a level 35-40 item, not even max level) and sit there while it bakes. There's nothing interactive about this. And that seems to be the issue, the argument against companion crafting is "I don't feel like *I* am making stuff" but the OP and many of the supporting arguments seem to actually revolve around "the stuff I make isn't valuable enough." Totally different arguments.


Now, it could be argued that since no one has to directly commit time to crafting since their companions do it, this leads to the lack of value of the items. This is a specious argument, since the rarity and relative value has almost nothing to do with whether I craft things myself or with my companions. Sure, things might be a bit more difficult to come by if I have to do the crafting myself, but to use the WoW example, most people just spent the time. There were some rare patterns that you could make money off of by being a bit more dedicated than the average player, but that isn't what you're talking about. You didn't have one or two people being sought out by guilds because they had that particular pattern, or whatever. And you won't have that here. The only way to do that is to make crafting a direct analogue for time spent in-game, and the rewards for crafting to be superior to or at least equal to the best loot. This inevitably devalues Operations and Flashpoint rewards and really just becomes a "I have more time than you so I am an epic crafter" type of system. There's no skill involved in it, unless they make crafting a challenging mini-game in itself. Now we're suggesting a complete overhaul. Which brings us back to my point: whether you or your companions are the ones "doing" the crafting has very little to do with your ability to enjoy crafting as a "crafter" type player.

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Best crafting I've seen was in Vanguard. Couldn't stand a great deal of the rest of the game, but the crafting was awesome. It was also occasionally tedious and heart wrenching - but that one perfect epic piece after hours was totally worth it. If you're going to complain about the crafting in SWTOR, at least have a better crafting experience than Wow. As a few others have already commented Wow crafting and SWTOR crafting are similiar enough to not be worth crying about the differences. It's not like Wow had innovative crafting: gather mats + click button = gear. Simple forumla and this game puts a small spin on the same process.


I don't know why anyone would feel the need to watch their character wiggle their pixelated fingers for the 2 sec craft time versus clicking a button and going on about your life until the item magically pops into your inventory, but if you're that dead set on watching your characters fingers wiggle go back to Wow.

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