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Thank you SWTOR for eliminating the "Grind".


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I agree, OP. After experiencing SWTOR I'm horified I decided to sign up for an Annual Pass on WoW; after playing through some intriguing story missions I was amazed to discover I was already Level 13. With WoW you feel every single grind.


I'm confused...who are you horrified with and who did you sub the annual pass to?

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I don't know about you, but this game feels pretty grindy to me. I haven't spacebar'd anything yet and I still feel like I have to force myself to continue playing. Maybe it's because the Inquisitor story kinda blows.


I was actually really happy with the Inquisitor Story up until the point where I finished Act I with my Imperial Agent and my Bounty Hunter. After I realized that




Both the BH and IA get a massively drawn out quest involving raiding ships, unearthing treason, revenging old wrongs, and basically being the single most ****** person in the galaxy. And all my poor Inquisitor got was a small flight to Dromund Kaas, where almost exactly what I'd been expecting for 15 levels actually happened. Jaedus being the Eagle was an awesome twist (I'd been expecting it to be Keeper, actually). Leaving Blood to die on an exploding ship and denying him a Mandalorian's death was immensly satisfying. Having my master attempt to steal my body was....boring. It was somewhat interesting that she wound up in Khem Val's body, I guess, but now that's just getting annoying.




Maybe I should go play a Warrior, just to see what that one is like instead...

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If the story isnt enough to make it not seem grindy, let me kindly remind you what a real grind is.




Bring me 4 Zevhra hoofs.


Do you remember how many you had to kill just to get 4? ...Netiher do I, because after slaughtering the entire population of Zehras 3 times I began thrashing my head into the desk repeatedly to relieve the mental agony. And sadly, this happens ALOT.


So you had to kill 40 so and so's, you know what, that's all you have to kill is 40, and 9 times out of 10, you have to kill that many (and sometimes exactly that many) anyway to get to the guy you came after. Funny how that works out, aint it?

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Some of the subplots are incredible!

Yea, that quest where I ran around and killed the same 5 uncommon guys on Tatooine a dozen times waiting for their codes to drop was incredible. And then I collected womp rat skulls - they should win an award for the brilliant storytelling in that one.


Then there's the one where I tested that equipment on robots or gang members or big lizard things. Although, that one did get a bit old the 35th time I did it.

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Yea, that quest where I ran around and killed the same 5 uncommon guys on Tatooine a dozen times waiting for their codes to drop was incredible. And then I collected womp rat skulls - they should win an award for the brilliant storytelling in that one.


Then there's the one where I tested that equipment on robots or gang members or big lizard things. Although, that one did get a bit old the 35th time I did it.


NOtice how he said some............ And yes, some are lame, some just plain rock. This won't be the game for all but I am happy and it delivered a great single player experience for my class story and a great multiplayer experiene for grouping with friends and pvp.......I have already got my moneys worth...

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Not sure what you're referencing, I do my class quest and boom the next one is 2 levels higher, I have to grind out side quests to get to my story.


Its seems like its your fault the game seems like a grind, maybe if u did the side quests at the same time as the story quests you wouldnt have this problem

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NOtice how he said some............ And yes, some are lame, some just plain rock. This won't be the game for all but I am happy and it delivered a great single player experience for my class story and a great multiplayer experiene for grouping with friends and pvp.......I have already got my moneys worth...


Have you ever heard the saying that a good writer knows a work is done not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away?


There are some fine bits in the game and it would have made a wonderful single player game. All the rest of the filler you have to do to level up and equip yourself and buy your speeder license, and ... is grind.

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..I finished taris a whole level behind the recommended level..


So i have to grind...GG, swtor. GG.


Have you gone through the planetary bonus series? I think they're are there for to make sure this doesn't happen. I've been doing most of them and overleveling every planet by a long shot until around 40.

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I'm not sure whats funnier -- the fact that this is such a grindy game or that you don't think it is or that you are trolling and I can't tell on my iPhone...

I'm going to disagree with you, I don't find it all that grinding. Your opinion but, I think your being more a troll than he is.

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Agreed I compared this game to Rift before. It seems they used a similiar quest system. 3 quests, 3 quests, new area, 3 quests, 3 quests, new area, 3 quests, new planet.


But just cause I was always working on quests did not take away from the grind feeling. I found listening to the people talk a little grindy, and i found running back and forth annoying.


But for the most part the lack of grind in this game get's a good rating in my mind.


C'mon son. This isn't a grind. Endlessly going back and forth from the same mission terminal to the same two missions in slightly different locations, and at each mission standing next to the nest/tower/whatever and repeatedly using the same AoE attack for two to four minutes until all the mobs were dead, and doing that for day after day, week after week, that was a grind. Being required to max out, unless you were inordinately lucky, every single class in the game, including crafting and social classes, before you were even allowed to ignite a lightsaber, that was a grind. Days of mindless bunny and rat slaughter to hit level three, that was a grind. The entirety of EvE Online, that was a grind(or rather; a grind, wrapped in a complex financial scam, wrapped in a spreadsheet /Churchill).


If you think being able to level entirely through fully-voiced quests is a grind, or that spacebarring your way to 50 in a handful of days is a grind, you need to HtFU.

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i hope you guys are trolling me, there's two types of quests, killing mobs (grind) and clicking stuff, oh and the bonus quests of killing mobs and clicking stuff


Remind me, what did we do in the first two KotOR games, and for that matter every CRPG ever made? Oh that's right, killing stuff and clicking on stuff. If anyone's trolling around here it's you chief.

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The type of quests are quite often the same attributed to "grindy" games, but they hide it well within their cinematic quest-givers. It really does make a difference. If you just spacebar through all the conversations, I imagine it becomes grindy pretty fast.


But there is no other way to do it, until you change the entire way quests are done. Like GW2 is shooting for. If their system works, it may well become the new standard for questing. However, as it stands, this game imo by far, has the least "grind" feel to it. They cover up standard quests nicely, and still have a nice mix of different sorts of quests. Also, the morality decisions on quests gives it further life. I like it.


The worst modern grind I think I've experienced was in Aion. My eyes would bleed and my brain would start to drool, grinding my way up.

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Some of the subplots are incredible! Did you do the archaeology chain on tatooine? No, no you did not. If you did you'd realize how wrong you are.


Robot zombie invasion. Epic bioware *(&^ing EPIC! /slowclap


Seriously! This side quest was amazing. "The Thing That Cerkza Found" (spelling on Cerkza)

had me gunning to finish it from the moment I began my scans. Maybe it was my past dealing with this low down dirty corp from the KoToR games, but by the time I got to the end I felt like I just did a mission every bit as engrossing as the main story.


For those who think the voice acting is just a little gimmick, this game isn't for you obviously. Some of us appreciate the immersion. When I have a child asking me to save her brother, even if I have to "grind" through mobs to get to him, it doesn't feel like a grind because my humanity has been engaged. Not by some text thrown on the screen to give it context, but voiced over, containing all the human emotions you'd expect. I understand, it's not academy award winning material, but if you can't let your imagination carry you a little ways, then you will NEVER be happy with a game.

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C'mon son. This isn't a grind. Endlessly going back and forth from the same mission terminal to the same two missions in slightly different locations, and at each mission standing next to the nest/tower/whatever and repeatedly using the same AoE attack for two to four minutes until all the mobs were dead, and doing that for day after day, week after week, that was a grind. Being required to max out, unless you were inordinately lucky, every single class in the game, including crafting and social classes, before you were even allowed to ignite a lightsaber, that was a grind. Days of mindless bunny and rat slaughter to hit level three, that was a grind. The entirety of EvE Online, that was a grind(or rather; a grind, wrapped in a complex financial scam, wrapped in a spreadsheet /Churchill).


If you think being able to level entirely through fully-voiced quests is a grind, or that spacebarring your way to 50 in a handful of days is a grind, you need to HtFU.




I mean the difference is simple. In most MMOs, if you do not read, (i do not read the quests for the most part, i spam click until i get my objective) you are killing for the sake of killing. In SWTOR my actions have a purpose. I am not killing ten rats i am helping out a farmer.


This is how every game works. In a good shooter i am killing those people for a reason, in a bad shooter i am just killing hoards for no reason. The difference is story, choice and reason. Just because you can tear the game down to numbers of rats that must be killed does not mean that is what the game is about.


I for one have had immense amounts of fun leveling and have found most of the stories to be very well done.

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Ok i can see that a good number of you are fairly new to MMO's and are unsure of what "Grinding" is.


Alot of MMO's, most MMO's, your quickest path to leveling is to stay in one place, for hours on end, and repeatedly pull mobs over and over and gain the xp from each kill. (this is known as grinding). EQ was famous for its grinding, as is AION currently. WoW is very grindy as well but not near on the level as EQ or AION. In SWTOR you never just stay in one area for hours and pull and kill the same group of mobs for xp -- never will you do this. One, it would be a slow way to level your toon, and two you wouldnt be advancing the development of your character.


SWTOR killed the grind. And I for one, am thankful.

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