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When people ask for "target of target" to be implemented, is this what they mean?


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Here's proof you've never done anything "high end".


Half the time in high end PVE, there is no "taking dmg", there is alive or dead because the mobs 1 shot anyone who isn't a tank.


Also, sometimes you need to target a very specific person that the mob is targeting BEFORE the mob reaches them. When 5 casters are standing near each other, it's impossible to see which one it's targeting.


and these excuses for ToT are coming from WoW... you cant asume you need something becouse of another game, iv yet to see a boss in SWTOR do this stuff you have just said

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Get over it. A good tank should be watching what his target is doing. Heres a hint, if you suddenly notice hes not attacking you thats a good indicator that you need to taunt him.

because you can tell when one of 4 mobs on you is now on a ally.. you aren't that good. stop trolling please.

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Implementing ToT will actually allow the devs to make the game more difficult.


Yes, target of target is useful for tanks and healers allowing them to tweak their play. It allows good healers to be better healers and good tanks to be better tanks. It doesn't make bad suddenly good.


However, ToT is actually most useful for DPS. I'm not going to mark every group of mobs and explain the pull order before every pull, nobody would be happy waiting for that. ToT allows DPS to focus fire on the mob the tank is tanking or a focus nominated DPS is attacking. Currently the game has to be designed around the fact that DPS are going to pull aggro off mobs that aren't being directly tanked. The mobs then need to be easy enough that they don't absolutely need to be tanked. In fact, as a tank, I'm not even sure I'm needed in flashpoints at this point.


So put in ToT and make mobs hit harder so that pulling aggro matters.


and these excuses for ToT are coming from WoW... you cant asume you need something becouse of another game, iv yet to see a boss in SWTOR do this stuff you have just said


This demonstrates my point precisely. I haven't seen a boss in SWTOR do anything much in particular except make you run away from it every so often. The introduction of more information for the player allows the devs to put in more interesting encounters.

Edited by DarthMalachine
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Get over it. A good tank should be watching what his target is doing. Heres a hint, if you suddenly notice hes not attacking you thats a good indicator that you need to taunt him.


Congrats on the most ignorant post ive read today. It's not just for tanks. Aside from that your post is off on so many levels i dont know where to start.

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Can anyone give one specific instance in THIS game where this would have made a difference?


We're all leveling.


It doesn't matter until SERIOUS content is being conducted.


So this comment is moot, as NO ONE is doing the content this type of feature is designed for (ie HARD and intricate content).

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Puts on super flame shield......


Ok i use this on my hunter during raids on target of target- then I set the focus to that target- like with 2 tanks- that way when I have to interrupt a mob or something I can see when it starts to casts its ability due to the target of target focus- and I quickly hit my target focus macro and bam I can insta silence anything in time- even though I am busy focusing dpsing on something else.

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Puts on super flame shield......


Ok i use this on my hunter during raids on target of target- then I set the focus to that target- like with 2 tanks- that way when I have to interrupt a mob or something I can see when it starts to casts its ability due to the target of target focus- and I quickly hit my target focus macro and bam I can insta silence anything in time- even though I am busy focusing dpsing on something else.


Pretty sure there isn't a focus window either.

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All Target of Target does it let you see WHO your target is looking at. If you and I were standing side by side, fighting someone, either one of us would immediately be able to tell which of us our opponent was looking at, just by seeing his eyes and head move. In a game where such subtle gestures are non-existent. The only way for me to tell immediately who my target is look at is to have a Target of Target window.


To suggest that I wait for someone to take damage before being able to recognize who is targeted is completely idiotic. Even if it was acceptable to let someone in my group take damage before knowing they're targeted, what if the boss drops and AOE? Then how am I supposed to tell who he's targeted? What if someone takes damage from an alternate source? How will that tell me who the boss is targeted? It's a no-brainer. The only reason to argue against ToT is out of ignorance and prejudice.


Oh, if WoW has it we can't has it, it will dumb us down! Guess what, WoW has some pretty intricate fights. WoW has been the frontrunner for years, not because it sucks, but because it does a lot of things right. You wanna talk **** about WoW players, knock yourself out, but you only reveal your own ignorance and prejudice. I played WoW and I kick ***, and I'll back that up any day. I've played a lot of games, and ToT is a good thing.

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It's really quite surprising to me that this is such a controversial topic... if you're worried that adding it will make the game easier (in the slippery slope persuasion), then you're effectively advocating making the game hard by intent. If you want a difficult game, that's a respectable opinion you're entitled to make on the forums. However, there's no reason to be jerks about it.


I'd personally love to see ToT, since my computer is a little older and hiccups during intense fights (e.g., group encounters). I'm currently playing a healer, and it makes my life easier when I can CC that one ranged mob that's maybe killing my DPS instead of shooting the tank. Because, you know, my computer can't render whether my DPS is taking aoe damage, ranged damage, or melee aggro when there are five people standing in exactly two square feet. (Whether it's a problem for you or not, this is a definite real world concern in casual PC gaming.)


I don't see this scenario as me being a bad healer. To me, it's just a feature to fall back on when my group is a little greener than I'd like, or when things get a little crazy. You can make similar arguments from the DPS or tank point of view. In the same scenario as DPS, where there is a CCd mob six inches from me, I want to make sure that, for the love of god, that is the target I do not hit. Target of target can help keep that straight.


This feature is not going to make or break the game--maybe in hardcore raids it might, but for most of us it's just a nice convenience. What does it not do?



  • It does not turn the game into EZMODE where flashpoints and raids become cakewalks.
  • It is not a crutch that turns bad players into good players (or even competent players).
  • It does not start a slippery slope that suddenly introduces UI macros for raids.
  • It does not automatically create a mindless, infinite DPS train that kills any PvP player in under three seconds.



It JUST lets you see who is targeting whom! In the first two pages of this thread it was noted that there is a key binding you can set to this effect. If you're worried about a DPS train in PvP, then you should waste your breath trying to get that out of the game. After all, the game's obviously already ruined forever, amirite? All that's being requested is that a small portrait is added, to the same effect, for those of us doing PvE. It's a minor change that accomplishes something already in the game.


Is this really the hill that you want to make your stand on? If so, you might want to check whether you have an arrow in your knee.

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We're all leveling.


It doesn't matter until SERIOUS content is being conducted.


So this comment is moot, as NO ONE is doing the content this type of feature is designed for (ie HARD and intricate content).


I team 90% of the time when I play. I would love target of target now and dual targeting. Just takes the hassle out of teaming.

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