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Everything posted by Conkerkid

  1. Finally I'm able to play. I'm honestly considering buying the game BioWare, but these constant downtimes and glitches are really directing me back toward other MMOs. Also, I find the lack of a swimming animation disturbing. Was it really that much easier to just make all the water in the game waste deep? Seriously?
  2. This is the worst review I've ever read. I completely agree with the op right now, and the only reason I'm not playing TOR right now is because I'm stuck on a loading screen. Now this would be fine if my computer was a piece of crap, but it isn't. I run the game on its highest settings at 60 frames per second, and boast an average of 40ms latency, so there's no reason for this issue. I also find the downtime tonight, really 4:00pm over here, to be the dumbest, hugest lie of all. I pre-ordered so I could play early, not so i could sit through an abnormally long downtime. In reality, my downtime has been all day, as I haven't been able to play for that long. Thanks BioWare! I'll stick with WoW, thank you very much. The graphics weren't below average in 2004, and they aren't below average now. As I said earlier, I can run TOR at its highest settings at 60fps, while I can run WoW at its highest settings at 120fps. First off, there are loads more settings you can change in WoW than in TOR, plus, view distance is an essential, as is render distance. Neither of which can be edited within TOR's settings. World of Warcraft runs on DX11... What does TOR run on? World of Warcraft's graphics are amazing, optimized well, and have you seen the water!? I notice absolutely no pop-ins while playing WoW, and this is amazing considering 300%+ movements speed on flying mounts. Then there's TOR, where I'm noticing constant pop-ins, frame drops, and glitches during cutscenes (why aren't these skippable!?) that make the game nearly unplayable. I don't care if WoW had 7+ years to improve, it was fantastic for what it was when it was released, where as TOR should be able to surpass it easily. BioWare focused far too much on cutscenes and story to provide us with a playable game. I mean, it's a fantastic movie and all, but where's my $15 a month going towards exactly? They're not all fighting with swords and daggers? Hunters have guns, and in just about every instance there are robots, rockets, and all sorts of stuff they could be using. But tell me this, why does it seem that no technological advancements have been made in the 3,500 years that have passed between TOR and the Star Wars films? If anything, the films seem to have less technology than in TOR. Blizzard didn't waste all their time on cutscenes and amazing storylines. They focused their time on playability, something BioWare could use in TOR. WHAT!? ARE YOU SERIOUS!? You're going to be the kid who claims anybody who can kill you is OP, aren't you? Okay then, stick with just four classes in TOR, that's just fantastic. I ran a group mission last night on TOR, and had no idea what stats I needed other than the fact that I could wear medium armor. BioWare hasn't made it apparent what the player needs before they start picking up various pieces of equipment. Talk about dropping players off in the middle of nowhere without a compass. Also, all you're saying basically is that Blizzard maintains their game while BioWare sits aside raking in the dough. Really? Blizzard practically spews out brand new end game content every couple months and you're complaining about a hidden feature that nobody uses? TOR doesn't even have a group finder you moron! Who's side are you on!?
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