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Why does everyone hate the prequals????


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Lucas is pretty good a telling simple story, the Original trilogy is in is core a simple story, good vs evil, a farm boy grow up to become a hero...

But the prequel arent simple, and Lucas fail to tell the story, there is tell of corruption falling from grace, poulical intrigue, treason, double dealing... and Lucas is unable to get a take on thouse complex story element and make them cohesive... and the actors where poorly directed. natalie Portman make a wooden Padme... but she is great in almost every other movie she have done



Someone else has probably said it, but lucas needs someone there to guide him. The first movies he had a lot of help, and he wasn't allowed to do as he pleased. Han Solo was going to be an alien for ****s sake, lol. For the prequels he needed someone there to slap him when he thought up jar-jar, but the studios let him go wild since he was/still is so successful.


I enjoyed the prequels, except for the first one. It was just straight up garbage.

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I couldn't disagree with the first part of this statement any more....


The prequels were horrible. The acting, dialogue, cheesy cgi, etc. They were not merely, "bad compared to the originals...." they were cringeworthy little kid movies. I can't watch five minutes of one of the prequels without slapping my head in disbelief. The scripts are HORRIBLE. A man can only stand so much cheesy dialogue, cliches, and one liners. It's like a high school student wrote the scripts.


Terrible... just terrible.


Exactly that... I mean, I am no screen writer, but I wrote a better pre-story for a d20 SW campaign in my early 20'ies... and I was shocked when the preques came out a few years later.


It is as they always said back in the day... not Lucas made that great movies/universe... his team did.

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There are a lot of reasons. I'll give mine:


Bad pacing: The movie has unnecessarily drawn out sequences. The original Star Wars film has much better pacing, something that was repeated in Empire Strikes Back and (not as good in my opinion) in Return of the Jedi


Bad characters: I know RedLetterMedia has been mentioned in this thread already, but he really hit the nail on this. Anakin Skywalker is described as a sympathetic character, a good friend of Obi-Wan and a war hero. The Anakin we get in the prequels is a young kid who does things accidentally (he crashes into the Federation starship in the Phantom Menace, clicks some buttons and blows it up without even know what he was doing). This means that he doesn't feel like a hero, more like a very lucky person.


Anakin in Episodes II and III was very unsympathetic. In Attack of the Clones he seems to be extremely annoyed by the very existance of Obi-Wan, constantly telling Padmé of how much Obi-Wan is holding him back. Does this seem like the person Ben Kenobi is describing in the original trilogy? If you say no, then we agree.


Badly told story: Now, I don't think the story itself is particularly good either, but even that story could be made decent if the elements were done right. Why on earth would Shmi Skywalker not be set free instantly after the Trade Federation is defeated? I think it's odd that Anakin did not have the time over to visit her until 10 years later. You know, it's just his mother - his only kin.


We are also supposed to assume a lot. We never see Obi-Wan and Anakin actually growing their friendship as Master and Apprentice, instead we are told. We never hear an explanation for why the Separatists are leaving. We have to be told after Obi-Wan is captured. I find it strange that while Palpatine is discussing going to war with the Separatists that we still do not know why.


Bad script: The script is very poorly written and the lines just come off as bizarre. Ewan McGregor does his best but even he has trouble delivering this clunky dialogue. Unnecessary conversations are in the movie but the meaningful ones are not. We never know why Shmi was never set free, we never hear from the Jedi or the Chancellor why there might be a war with the Separatists. We do, however, hear a lot unnecessary dialogue from Anakin and Padmé's bizarre relationship, like this amazing dialogue:


Anakin Skywalker: You are so... beautiful.

Padmé: It's only because I'm so in love.

Anakin Skywalker: No, it's because I'm so in love with you.

Padmé: So love has blinded you?

Anakin Skywalker: [laughs] Well, that's not exactly what I meant.

Padmé: But it's probably true.


I mean come on, that's just silly. Cut that scene out and nothing of substance has been lost. I don't even need to compare this to Leia's and Han's moments in the Empire Strikes Back. Most movies with a competent screen-writer can have better romance moments than this.


And no, I did not mention Jar Jar Binks. He's distracting and out of place but the inclusion of his character is not the only reason why the prequels are disliked.

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I think there's lot here that I agree with , and a lot I dont , I didnt mind Jar jar , really .Medichlorians didnt really bug me that much either, the combat seemed to evolve too much , but I can get over that .


I think the age difference Anakin and Padme' that seemed to disapear after the first movie was a little much , He ages 10 years by the secong movie , she doesnt age at all .


I mean really how realistic is it that a 27 year old woman has an affair wiht a 17 year old boy and not have some social repercussions . I just didnt find it believable at all . .

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I think there's lot here that I agree with , and a lot I dont , I didnt mind Jar jar , really .Medichlorians didnt really bug me that much either, the combat seemed to evolve too much , but I can get over that .


I think the age difference Anakin and Padme' that seemed to disapear after the first movie was a little much , He ages 10 years by the secong movie , she doesnt age at all .


I mean really how realistic is it that a 27 year old woman has an affair wiht a 17 year old boy and not have some social repercussions . I just didnt find it believable at all . .


Going off yours, I rather dislike Jar Jar, and medichlorians. And yeah the age gap thing was weird.


But on the whole, I actually like them. Little things bug me, but they aren't as bad as everyone leads you to believe.


Plus, Darth Maul is just frickin awesome and I wouldn't have been introduced to him without episode I

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And no, I did not mention Jar Jar Binks. He's distracting and out of place but the inclusion of his character is not the only reason why the prequels are disliked.



Here is my honest analysis on Jar Jar Binks and why he was not successful.


On top of Jar Jar being overly goofy (both dumb and clumsy) his character is supposed to be comic relief. The problem here is that this movie needs no comic relief. There is no mild drama or intentional awkward moments in this movie that need a real-world chuckle. Which brings me to the next point.


C3PO was great comic relief in the original movies. However, if you recall, the reason why his character worked was because of a down-to-earth, morally questionable character called Han Solo. The two of them (being opposites) provided comic relief because their dialogue and interactions worked well together.


Remember C3PO in all the new movies, did you laugh, chuckle or smile at ANY of his lines??? By himself, C3PO isn't all that funny. The funny part all came from the fact that he is a protocol droid whose only purpose is to communicate with millions of different aliens, yet he cannot seem to understand Han Solo - a human, because Han is very sarcastic and irrational in his speech and actions.


Yet, in the new movies we don't have any type of Han Solo character. We don't have a non-jedi hero who is there for the ride and to criticize the actions and thoughts of the jedi. We just have a bunch of uninteresting and bland characters who are hard to relate. In any story, an unpredictable support character adds something called drama. The unpredictability means he isn't boring, and keeps us guessing at what he will do and how he will impact the main characters.


Examples of unpredictable characters....Captain Jack Sparrow, Tyler Durden, Indiana Jones, John McClane (I got that list from the top 10 most memorable characters of all time....Han Solo was also on the list). Notice all these people are unpredictable and have questionable morals. We don't get anybody like that in the new movies. Anakin Skywalker MIGHT have been an unpredictable character, except for the fact we all knew exactly what would happen.


Now back to jar-jar, he IS our "normal" support character. He's the character we are supposed to relate to the most because he doesn't have force powers, yet he isn't even human. He's a stupid (as in mentally slow), annoying character that gets in the way of the other characters and causes a mess everywhere he goes. Most of us don't find him funny at all, because the slapstick humor doesn't go with Star Wars. Having Jar Jar appear on the screen after Qui Gon Jinn dies is like someone throwing a pie at Al Pacino toward the end of Godfather (or Scarface). It just doesn't belong.


The ONLY way Jar Jar would work is if he was a bit smarter, less clumsy (or one and not the other), and there was a morally-questionable-type character who would make fun of him. He would have to be smarter, because it's just plain mean to make fun of a mentally handicapped alien. The humor comes from the character interactions....not the character itself.


If you've seen the movie "Tropic Thunder," the other actors in that movie criticize Ben Stiller on making a movie about a fully mentally retarded kid. Not only is that an unspoken taboo to do, but the audience cannot relate to a character like that. Jar Jar Binks is what happens when you do that. Even if I found him funny, I'd feel guilty at laughing at him.

Edited by Paralassa
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Because George Lucas peed all over them to make it all his own and wouldn't let anyone help him like with empire. And lets face it, hes not that great of a director or the dialogue scenes in the prequals wouldn't make you want to fast forward the film.
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Item #1, the author gives a detailed list of the problems as well as what would have been a freaking awesome story with a much more interesting and believable fall for Anakin.



You will never convince me that the prequels are good. They may be just barely good enough, but they are not good.

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Short answer....I grew up and have no attachment to the prequels


My first movie in theaters that I remember is Empire at 4 years old. As a kid you just really focus on the story and of course the lightsabers and force stuff. Watching any of these movies as an adult is entirely different...you see how bad the acting and script is in all of them and all those little things thrown in for you when you were still a child now seem stupid and out of place

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Oh, and to all the people that defend Episode III:


She lost the will to live.


Thats actually not that uncommon, its called Broken Heart-Disease.


On Topic: I liked the prequels, I even liked JarJar Binks, and I grew up with the original trilogy ;-)

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Thats actually not that uncommon, its called Broken Heart-Disease.


On Topic: I liked the prequels, I even liked JarJar Binks, and I grew up with the original trilogy ;-)


About that... in one of the original trilogies Luke asked Leia about her mother (her blood mother not the adoptive one), and Leia responded that she couldn't remember much, a gentle touch, soft words, and a deep sadness. How the hell did Leia supposedly get to experience any of these feelings from her mother if she died in childbirth? Plot-hole!


Don't even try to say that Leia got all that from being held by Padme for a whole 3 seconds.

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About that... in one of the original trilogies Luke asked Leia about her mother (her blood mother not the adoptive one), and Leia responded that she couldn't remember much, a gentle touch, soft words, and a deep sadness. How the hell did Leia supposedly get to experience any of these feelings from her mother if she died in childbirth? Plot-hole!


Don't even try to say that Leia got all that from being held by Padme for a whole 3 seconds.


*Alien guy*:


"The Force"

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The prequels were nothing more than a marketing session for Star Wars games and toys. Between the terrible writing, awful acting and lousy camera work we were basically watching Star Wars the cartoon instead of an epic space opera.


I couldn't agree more. The writing was atrocious. If they had to have a love story in the prequels then it should have been implied only, no dialogue. There is nothing worse than watching teenage boy embarrass himself over a damn girl. All you had to do was show Anakin and Padme standing next to each other holding hands in the distance to get the idea. I didn't need to be subjected to a godawful love story plot.


And so the prequels are ruined. What can you do...

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Playing this game has actually made me enjoy them a whole lot more. Having them on while playing makes a real nice background.


Little kids can make a movie hard to watch especially if they have a strong role to play. We love Vader but we did not love that little kid. I loved Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom but I could not stand that little shortstop kid, didn't like him in Goonies either.


The heavy green screen use is what made me lose the most interest. It just became too much. But, I enjoyed it in 300, so go figure.


"Data" from Goonies

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