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10 Good
  1. ive been loving all the gear Ive gotten. The volatile set is especially awesome. And im looking foward to the later sets too, except the cone head gear.
  2. im 31 and leveling mostly madness. ive got the 10 in lightning and some in corruption. hybrids the best for leveling imo.
  3. Im full rage/shiicho spec and have been since i started levelling. I havent had problem with anything, yet. at least nothing my level, if its two or more over stuff gives me a hard time. Im also only on tatooine with my mara, hes an alt.
  4. itd be nice if we had an option to force lightning that stupid droid to shut him up. Being able to switch him off like they do 3po would be nice, too.
  5. Someone else has probably said it, but lucas needs someone there to guide him. The first movies he had a lot of help, and he wasn't allowed to do as he pleased. Han Solo was going to be an alien for ****s sake, lol. For the prequels he needed someone there to slap him when he thought up jar-jar, but the studios let him go wild since he was/still is so successful. I enjoyed the prequels, except for the first one. It was just straight up garbage.
  6. No sir, the main difference is ultimate POWAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
  7. And in development they could have done that. I know all the work that goes into it, but had they started out planning to do it like this it would've been more than doable.
  8. i hate it, and hate weapons like it. meaning staves in general. i hate it especially because "theyre the hardest to master blah blah" ********, duel wielding a short lightsaber and regular, or two regular would be much harder to use and master than a double bladed/staff thing. also in nearly all star wars lore its personal preference for sith and jedi. they should have had lightsaber parts drop, not sabers. like 3-4 saber part drops per boss. And they could have made each players character more unique by choosing a lightsaber type and thus saber combat style. switch nothing but saber techniques and nerf/buff them based on the class.
  9. this was a tough one, but like everyone else has said its the adds. Im a sorcerer did it at 19, shielded tank beast and took the adds down myself. had to heal myself and khem a couple times though
  10. anything and everything the ship droid says. especially how he reports in after a crew mission.
  11. Im a marauder, so far level 19. I personally havent had problems, but Ive kept my toon in excellent gear the whole time. Ive had nearly all blues since level 8. The class is gear needy, and you do need to be careful, but I take on groups with two silvers and 3~4 regular mobs with ease. And with Vette there im rarely in danger, she's a little **** machine if you upgrade her gear consistently.
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