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1 Day of Early Access... yay?


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Zones aint really empty.


I still dont belive why people will whine about this, this has been known since the first day of preordering, that this is how its going to be - There is enough people around to group up with, they will also add more and more people each day.


So dont you worry.


For people who ordered november / december, sucks - you should have ordered earlier if you wanted in before.


Game launches the 20th, be happy that its possible to play before that.


Game launched today don't be delusional. The gold release is 20 Dec., those are 2 very different things. I knew there would be a stagger, but I fully thought it would be a 24 hour stagger with invites every 2 hours, so that they could get everyone in the first day and allow them to play for a good solid 4 days. BioWare has not earned any trust by pulling these stunts and continuing to cover it up.

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That is logic. How dare you.



That not logic as it not the same scenario. This scenario is as if McDonald’s promised everyone who comes in and get a Burger also gets a free fries... but then after everyone bought there burger told everyone "hey you get you free fires 3 hours later then this first people" That a more logical analogy.


What you are claiming as “logic” would make more sense for the idea of queue on servers for it would be he who walks to the register first gets a burger first.

Edited by VettoRyo
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Zones aint really empty.


I still dont belive why people will whine about this, this has been known since the first day of preordering, that this is how its going to be - There is enough people around to group up with, they will also add more and more people each day.


So dont you worry.


For people who ordered november / december, sucks - you should have ordered earlier if you wanted in before.


Game launches the 20th, be happy that its possible to play before that.


Don't bring logic into a pity party...the butt hurt emo's might wipe a tissue on you.

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It seems that many of you have missed the entire point of the thread. Just to get you guys up to speed; no, it is not unfair that the later you pre-ordered, the later you get in. There is a thousand and one threads you can discuss that in. The point was to discuss the effects of giving a negative impression to all those who pre-ordered late, and why are BioWare not letting in more people when those who are already playing are saying that the servers are empty.


I could have sworn this was about some misinterpretation of information making the OP think they stated certain people would definitely get only 1 day instead of one day being the minimum you could possibly get.


I dunno, I just figure that cause of the thread title.

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So without the extra 2 days, those of us that pre-ordered in December or late November probably would not have gotten any Early Access time?


One would think with them pushing things back 2 days, we'd at LEAST get 2 days.


Bummer that I will get to play for one day, then get to wait for 2-10 days to get my game in the mail.


There is a chance that people will be playing for 17 days before I get to play for 2. WOOHOO!


Exactly, we are promised ONE day at least, and then them adding 2 more days to the whole EGA, youd think we would all get 3 days if you pre-ordered and put your code in before December,

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Hey guys,


It's come to my attention in a recent tweet by Mr. Stephen Reid, that those who pre-ordered in December or maybe even November are atm. looking at getting to early access one day before the launch. Now, personally, it wouldn't make or break my world whether I'd get to play in early access at all. But what buggers me, is how they've told us that they are letting more people in than was planned, and that everyone would get atleast 5 days to play in early access, but then when the early access actually starts, they only let in a minimal amount of players (livestreams I've watched only show 5-20 people in a zone at a time!) and then throw this new tweet at our face, that those who got the pre-order in late will probably only get one day! It's pretty much a slap in the face. And that is my problem with it. It's insulting your customer base. These people who pre-ordered late paid just as much money as those who pre-ordered earlier. Yet, their welcome to the game is Stephen Reid slapping them in the face and laughing at them. Ha-ha-ha, should have pre-ordered earlier, suckers!


While I partially acknowledge why you decided to do this, I question your methods. Is it really worth it to give everyone who pre-ordered late a very negative gaming experience right off the bat? First impressions are everything in MMO's. If you only get in 6 days later than others who pre-ordered, that's by a mile worse than having long queues for a couple of days. I understand your policy on server balancing and I am extremely happy you're taking it so seriously, but perhaps you need to take another look at the numbers and let more people in, earlier. Fact is that even the starting zones are empty. There is no denying that. Since there's really no reason to not let more people in, why not do it? If everyone were to get that five days for example, I bet the majority would come out extremely satisfied. Yet, if you push it further, it will create an outcry. People will get a very negative impression. That's just how it is, no matter how unjust it might sound.


If anyone from BioWare ever reads this, I would like to request clarification on why are you not letting more people in even though the zones are mostly empty? If there was a good reason behind it, perhaps people would be more understanding of the situation. You've been great with informing your playerbase to this point, keep up the good work :)


+1 ...

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It seems that many of you have missed the entire point of the thread. Just to get you guys up to speed; no, it is not unfair that the later you pre-ordered, the later you get in. There are a thousand and one threads you can discuss that in. The point was to discuss the effects of giving a negative impression to all those who pre-ordered late, and why are BioWare not letting in more people when those who are already playing are saying that the servers are empty.


Did they push people into preorders at the last minute by offering early access? You're damn right they did. Every commercial I've seen features early access and ORDER NOW! They save themselves legally with the fine print. I'm am still disappoint though. I knew when I bought it I would probably get screwed out of the early access when I heard they were doing a staggered process.


Sorry to all of you that wanted to be the first to 50, get server firsts or even the name you wanted. Maybe next MMO? Whole thing stinks like the business end of a bantha.

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Zones aint really empty.


I still dont belive why people will whine about this, this has been known since the first day of preordering, that this is how its going to be - There is enough people around to group up with, they will also add more and more people each day.


So dont you worry.


For people who ordered november / december, sucks - you should have ordered earlier if you wanted in before.


Game launches the 20th, be happy that its possible to play before that.



Actually, it wasn't known or stated that they would only allow a very small amount of the player base. The way they originally sold it was "up to 5 days" now if anyone that purchased in nov/dec get 1 day then BW should just straight up sell insurance, or get into politics. They would have effectively worded things in such a way to give people the expectations of early access, while providing one day?


Now i am not trying to complain and whine here, i am more than fine with not playing until the 20th, however don't word things to attempt to con your player base.


Also, to counter your point, if everyone who ordered in nov/dec order instead on july 21st when it came out then would you make your same point? "Oh you should have camped out the website until midnight to get your order." Arrogant, elitist, *****.

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I submitted my pre-order code Dec 2, 2011. I'm not going to complain. I'm not going to lie, I would have LOVED to be in the first wave. But, eh, sometimes taking a leap of faith pays off. Personally I had to play the game for myself before I pre-ordered. Those who were faithful enough to pre-order before getting their hands on the game should be allowed to play it.


Those who ordered in Jul-Jun and didn't get in...well that's unfortunate, but you can wait. EGA is a privilege, not a right.

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When I go to McDonalds, I pay the same amount for my big mac as the guy 3 spaces in front of me in line, but he gets his burger first. *** McDonalds, y u no fair?!


McDonalds would cook them all when they get the order and serve them not tell you to go f yourself they already served 3 bigmacs today come back at 8am CSt tomorrow we have patties but we aint cooking fer j00!

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I submitted my pre-order code Dec 2, 2011. I'm not going to complain. I'm not going to lie, I would have LOVED to be in the first wave. But, eh, sometimes taking a leap of faith pays off. Personally I had to play the game for myself before I pre-ordered. Those who were faithful enough to pre-order before getting their hands on the game should be allowed to play it.


Those who ordered in Jul-Jun and didn't get in...well that's unfortunate, but you can wait. EGA is a privilege, not a right.


Actually when they sell it to you as part of your preorder it's sure as hell is a right.

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Its not so much that I only get a day (okey it is)... but its also the fact that I did this to get a head start.. HEAD START so I could get around the level 50 noobs killing low levels on low level grounds because they think its fun... Now even tho I have head start some have a better head start O.o that is soooo ********..
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I could have sworn this was about some misinterpretation of information making the OP think they stated certain people would definitely get only 1 day instead of one day being the minimum you could possibly get.


I dunno, I just figure that cause of the thread title.

Actually, it's not a misinterpretation. I get what he said. However, since we kinda have these things called brains, we might as well use them to connect one dot to another. The fact that he even mentioned one day, and the fact that people are being let in the game at the rate at which they are (which is slow), together point out to that it will indeed be one day that the late pre-orderers will receive. It's better to discuss an issue from the most logical standpoint than to try to cover all the angles when they can't be covered.

Edited by Jowy
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Well it is sort of frustrating the come December the mainpage still advertised "Preorder NOW and you can get up to 5 days early access" when in reality if you preordered then you were never going to get 5 days.


It is misleading.


It still says that right now. It's misleading at the least. It's like paying someone 50 bucks to kick them in the nads 'a minimum of 1 time' when I have every intention of kicking them 7 times.

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this game is played 24/7. According to bioware it is also monitored during the early days 24/7. Why are they not giving early access in waves 24/7. Im sitting here waiting and 12 hours nobody new gets early access this is starting to suck big time.


this is WRONG i was charged the full amount on the day i bought since when do you not get charged until the 20th?


Product Name: STAR WARS(TM): The Old Republic(TM) Digital Deluxe Edition (Pre-Ordered)
Anticipated Released Date: Targeting Holiday 2011
Qty Ordered: 1
Amount: $74.99


Product Name: Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Digital Deluxe Edition Pre-Order Fee
Qty Ordered: 1
Amount: $5.00


dont really care but ive read numerous posts oh you dont pay until the 20th i payed the day i ordered from origin in the full amount and i payed 5 dollars extra for a pre order code it did say discount 5 bucks but 84.99 came out of my account ive seen before frankly if i dont get 1 day at least or 1 minute it is false advertising and im sure they will refund that 5 bucks they scammed me right hahahah


 SubTotal: $79.99
                                Shipping & Handling: $0.00

                                Tax: $5.00
                                Total: $84.99
                                Discount: $5.00

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but I fully thought it would be a 24 hour stagger with invites every 2 hours, so that they could get everyone in the first day and allow them to play for a good solid 4 days.


Just out of curiosity, where did you get that information from?

It would definitely be unfair if that was truly how it was promised to be done.

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When I go to McDonalds, I pay the same amount for my big mac as the guy 3 spaces in front of me in line, but he gets his burger first. *** McDonalds, y u no fair?!


I use drive in's only, and that other guy gets it first because he's before me in the line. Not because he paid before me.

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