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1 Day of Early Access... yay?


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if people in nov and dec will only get one day, they why are they still pushing early access pre orders even in today's letter announcing the launch. i think even the nov dec people will be in before the weekend.



..So how do you gain entry into Early Game Access? All you have to do to qualify for Early Game Access is pre-order a copy of Star Wars: The Old Republic and redeem your Pre-Order Code at our Code Redemption Center before the official launch of the Game. There’s still time for you to get in on Early Game Access before it ends so pre-order your copy of Star Wars: The Old Republic right now!
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Well it is sort of frustrating the come December the mainpage still advertised "Preorder NOW and you can get up to 5 days early access" when in reality if you preordered then you were never going to get 5 days.


It is misleading.


Ya know, that banner is still on their add too.... lol

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They said from the start you'd get in based on when you preordered- next time pay attention. If you get to a black friday sale at a store the moment it opens, and there's already a hundred people line up starting with people who have camped there for eight hours overnight- do you really expect you're going to be let in first?


You were given the chance for early access, and I got in first day even though I waited a few days to preorder- if you decided not to take it, you have one person to blame, yourself. End of story.


Here's the thing your Black Friday example is equivalent to all of us getting in on the same day and then having queues waiting for the game.


The Pre-orders that were bought back in July are like knowing about the sale before everyone else. Some people knew about the sale later than others. But someone that found out later shouldn't be penalized because they showed up to the store first.


The fair thing to do at this point is allow all pre-orders into the EA tomorrow.

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I feel terrible for people that preordered their game months ago and then, through no fault of their own, don't get the extra early access. I would be very frustrated as well if I were in their place. Maybe Bioware will send something their way to compensate, maybe not. Thems the breaks sometimes.


I guess my issue is more with people that knowingly preordered their games last minute (Nov or Dec) and are outraged that they aren't able to log in 5 days early, when it explicitly states "up to" 5 days. I only preordered it myself on Nov 29th(after playing the weekend beta), and while I'm hoping that I'll get early access this weekend, I don't feel entitled to it. I read the terms and knew that "up to 5 days" could mean anywhere from 5 days early to 30 seconds early, and that's something I agreed to and take responsibility for.


I agree %100, but at the same time MMO's are very competetive, and allowing someone early access is basically screwing the guy who has to start 5 days later. Thats like having a gun fight where they both buy the same gun then giving one bullets, and saying I will give you yours in 5 days now shoot :)

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wow all this gloom reading in the forums about how some of us are getting shafted, some of us got the cake and are enjoying it has me all depressed now, ive been soooo excited for this game, and now i'm feeling blue, ToR why you no love me 2?! i give u $150 dollas!!!!! show me some love!!! i did u!!! I AGREE with Rhinoplat 1MILLION %!!!!!!! Edited by ZurielManayez
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They would just have to look it up, and reissue a code based on dates. I don't know about you, but when I got my pre-order I got it through bestbuy, and eventually called them to cancel my order due to my code not working. Well I sat on the phone talking to someone, and they had me enter 3 codes before one actually worked. When I got off the phone I went to my email only to find around 14 emails all with different codes. I didn't bother to get my code working until Dec because on Bestbuys wedsite it doesn't say anywhere about the date of purchase for pre-order. It just says you get early access if you pre-order now!!! I am not worried about it just saying I think it's bad business, and it is an easy fix. They really messed this up, and out of all the years of playing MMO's this is about as bad as the Sony, and the great CU. Wait until people who arent hardcore try to pvp against someone who had 5 days advanced play. These games are very competetive, and should be treated as this allowing everyone access at the same time. Why do you think they raise the lvl cap in wow etc? To give those that don't have that edge a chance to compete. To make people pay more etc..


I had the same problem with people on the phone, and I'm from Australia (ouch for my phone bill this month). What I'm saying is that how many people do you think had faulty codes? Lets say 10, 000. There were alot of companies giving out faulty codes such as gamestop and bestbuy. I'm probably being generous with that 10 000 Each petition would have to be reviewed by a real person so it could take days to sort through all of them.


I also bought mine from Bestbuy :(

Edited by Lady_of_Steel
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Stephen Reid and Bioware/EA need to get their heads in the game, and in a tough economy respect those who buy their products. So far, these 3 have not:


- Said "grace period" then revoked no less than 2 weeks before retracting that causing issues with gamers. We're USED to getting a grace period for shipping complications, especially complications in the busiest week of the year for shipping companies.


- "Up to 5 days" before. That means if I preordered on the 10th, I should have got in on the 19th worst case (which isn't right for good will), and thus we got those "2 bonus days" added on like Stephen Reid has said. Thus, we SHOULD get at least 3 days of early access. Anything less is unacceptable, and will directly result in not just myself, but I'm sure many others not purchasing any more of BioWare's products.


- There's a reason that devs don't stagger entry. That's so everyone is more so on equal footing when the game start. There's no reason to allow people to have access to the game and get ahead of the curve in the economy of the game, and endgame content. Not to mention the griefing aspects that are going to occur very quickly. People are going to be mad. If servers are laggy or go down temporary, we're used to that, and it's accepted at launch. Fighting over quest mobs and the sort as well. We're USED to that. THIS we're not used to.


To me, these are ways not to build a loyal fanbase. You use good-will, not snake tactics to do this. Maybe they'll be content going for the bare minimum of players needed to make a profit, and that's all they care about. But this isn't a way to get some of that coveted Blizzard-monies.


This is shaping up to be 2 flubbed MMOs that EA has had a part in recent memories. Third time the charm perhaps? Maybe. I won't know though, as I go by "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me" and won't give any future support. I'll just stick to more proven devs/publishers, or those like Trion Worlds who actually cares about their consumers.


This has been a real disheartening experience for me thus far, IMHO. I'm going to consider long and hard now about purchasing the game. Let alone continuing to pay subscription costs. I'm a bit shattered on how well Bioware is going to support and care for their user base.

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I had the same problem with people on the phone, and I'm from Australia (ouch for my phone bill this month). What I'm saying is that how many people do you think had faulty codes? Lets say 10, 000. There were alot of companies giving out faulty codes such as gamestop and bestbuy. I'm probably being generous with that 10 000 Each petition would have to be reviewed by a real person so it could take days to sort through all of them.


I also bought mine from Bestbuy :(


There was an easy fix to the faulty code problem, and that would have been to randonly generate the emails allowing early access. We all have to think about SWG, and Netflix here. Think about the game SWG for a second, and what happened there, and the business decision Netflix made. I playe WoW from beta, and never once had to deal with this. I ask myself why? Would I have played WoW if they did this? No I would've played for the first month until they wanted to charge me for it then I would've found something else.

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God, the entitlement. You all deserve nothing. This early-access-waves whole thing has been around since preorders started. Your fault for not preordering then. How is someone getting 7 more days (not likely, btw, maybe 3-4) really going to effect your gameplay? If you chose a PvP server, you're going to get ganked on any alts, anyway. How is this different?


The whining childishness is beyond belief.


Oh, I preordered the last week of November. I'm happy to get in the game when I can, which will be before the official launch date, anyway. But then, I can read and comprehend what words mean so I understood I wouldn't get in right away for early access.


And I shall pause for all of the "fanboy" comments because my saying something against your entitled selves must mean that I'm on Bioware's jock.



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God, the entitlement. You all deserve nothing. This early-access-waves whole thing has been around since preorders started. Your fault for not preordering then. How is someone getting 7 more days (not likely, btw, maybe 3-4) really going to effect your gameplay? If you chose a PvP server, you're going to get ganked on any alts, anyway. How is this different?


The whining childishness is beyond belief.


Oh, I preordered the last week of November. I'm happy to get in the game when I can, which will be before the official launch date, anyway. But then, I can read and comprehend what words mean so I understood I wouldn't get in right away for early access.


And I shall pause for all of the "fanboy" comments because my saying something against your entitled selves must mean that I'm on Bioware's jock.





Great post!


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A successful Beta, in essence, is a trial of all the facets of an upcoming release. In order to ensure things run smoothly on "D-Day" or "H-Hour", the public is somewhat entrusted to trial a product and report on issues that exist.


Curiously, I don't remember any questoins regarding "this is how the early access is going to work, what do you forsee as positivrs and negatives of this".



Complaining about something without providing possible solutions in my opinion is as useful "breasts on a bull"



I believe the "staggered early access" is an effective way to release a product of this nature in order to prevent things like, massive ques, server crashing/overloading etc. However I do believe it was an excellent idea poorly implimented.



I believe the following would have resulted in much less hostility from the public:



1. Include within the bonus of early access the ability to reserve 1 character name per account on 1-2 servers



2. If access is going to be granted on a "per date ordered" system, the numbers are already known and as such, the minimum dates vs access can be posted all the way up to the current date. You should "stand by you emails to await access" is hardly an effective way of implementing this. People are always more hostile towards the unknown and if their date moves closer they will hardly complain.



I'm sure there are plenty more better ways to do this kind of release and i have a couple more ideas but those would be the primary ones.

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Hey guys,


It's come to my attention in a recent tweet by Mr. Stephen Reid, that those who pre-ordered in December or maybe even November are atm. looking at getting to early access one day before the launch.


They stated them. People choose to either:

a) Not believe them

b) Think the reasons aren't good enough

c) Think they know better

d) Want to complain anyways because they think it makes them look cool


And where did you see anything about November?

I'm seeing one response to a person regarding entering their code in December and Reid responded they would have "at least one day"

Nothing about "only one day" and nothing about November. Still pouring through his tweets tho ... he's been busy today.

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God, the entitlement. You all deserve nothing. This early-access-waves whole thing has been around since preorders started. Your fault for not preordering then. How is someone getting 7 more days (not likely, btw, maybe 3-4) really going to effect your gameplay? If you chose a PvP server, you're going to get ganked on any alts, anyway. How is this different?


The whining childishness is beyond belief.


Oh, I preordered the last week of November. I'm happy to get in the game when I can, which will be before the official launch date, anyway. But then, I can read and comprehend what words mean so I understood I wouldn't get in right away for early access.


And I shall pause for all of the "fanboy" comments because my saying something against your entitled selves must mean that I'm on Bioware's jock.




I'm ok with only getting one day of early access. I'm not ok with getting 1 day to play the game until the new year because I have to wait for my CE to arrive on the 31st of December. I ordered in August but just got my code issue resolved December 1st.


So ya ... my self entitlement is nothing more than me waiting for a "lottery" email and a box for 75% of a vacation I put in for more than 6 months ago (haven't taken a day off in 3 years ... now I know why). Vacation started today, ends January 9th. I will get to play on the 18th, and then again on December 31st. Yep, so worth it! :(

Edited by Alkiii
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Wow.....Still people dont' get it? "UP TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO". If you waited until December to "pre-order" be thankful you might get a day.


Wow reading comprehension fail.


I was saying that the advertisement is misleading if come December there is no way you can get 5 days...

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