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Jedi Sentinal: Pros and Cons


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I am loving Jedi Knight. My character, Zaber, I made sentinal for both my personal choice of combat and play style. In the past I disliked DPS only classes, because it was hard to be of real help in a party for say a dungeon or instance. I took this experience away from WoW, playing a mage. Love the mage, hate the dime a dozen dps feel of it.


Anyway my point is, while we all know Jedi Guardian is the powerful tank figure of the Jedi Knight, and even capable of dps. Im curious to how other players view the Sentinal. How do they see the usefulness of this class. Is it still a good class to have in a flashpoint? Anyway I am interested in people's comments on this advanced class and how they view them for the overall game.


Thank you.

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It's useful ONLY is you're watchman.


Wrong, The combat tree is definitely a viable option, even better than watchman in my opinion, especially for pvp. Focus tree i dont know much about, people dont seem to play it alot.

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sentinel doesn't really have any PROS that I can see, just cons,


to mention just a few


low to no survivability against more than one mob

cannot solo even with a companion the majority of the time,

does little to no damage in pvp and in the world in general

dies way too fast in pvp and again in the world in general

I just went up against an npc 2 lvls lower than me and he took 50% of my health in 2 hits!

no cc abilities

only one stun breaker



imo the sentinel needs a major overhaul, giving survivability and dps, cmon like considering this game is supposedly solo able all the way so far im yet to see that, very little have I been able to solo it with out dying every 3 mins. even with companions.

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sentinel doesn't really have any PROS that I can see, just cons,


to mention just a few


low to no survivability against more than one mob

cannot solo even with a companion the majority of the time,

does little to no damage in pvp and in the world in general

dies way too fast in pvp and again in the world in general

I just went up against an npc 2 lvls lower than me and he took 50% of my health in 2 hits!

no cc abilities

only one stun breaker



imo the sentinel needs a major overhaul, giving survivability and dps, cmon like considering this game is supposedly solo able all the way so far im yet to see that, very little have I been able to solo it with out dying every 3 mins. even with companions.


sentinel isn't that bad, I soloed the entire story line, once you get doc it goes a lot faster.


in pvp I typically am one of the top dps, granted thats expected as a lvl 50. you actually have great oh **** buttons to keep you alive, but they only buy a few seconds unless someone bothers to heal you.


1v1 actually can win most of the time if I have all my abilities up to counter their cc.


I use the combat tree since it seems to have better burst.

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sentinel isn't that bad, I soloed the entire story line, once you get doc it goes a lot faster.


in pvp I typically am one of the top dps, granted thats expected as a lvl 50. you actually have great oh **** buttons to keep you alive, but they only buy a few seconds unless someone bothers to heal you.


1v1 actually can win most of the time if I have all my abilities up to counter their cc.


I use the combat tree since it seems to have better burst.


id like you to explain to me A) how you managed that, B) what gear you are using, C) your rotations


i am combat tree and getting slaughtered

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As a Sentinel you really need to keep your gear up-to-date. Other classes, such as those that have their companion tank for them while healing or that tank themselves with a healer companion, can get away with gear that lags behind their level for a while, but not a Sentinel. They need to be able to deal out enough damage quickly enough to kill whatever they are facing before their companion either gets killed (if tanking) or starts to lag behind on healing (if healing).


I've said it before and I'll say it again: playing as a Sentinel/Marauder is like playing this game on hard mode.

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If you cant solo a mob 2 levels lower then you, its all you. How you use your companions is key when soloing and you yes have to gear up, any class does. Combat tree is fun, and as for multiple mobs sure you dont want to tank a bunch of elites all at once , but yard trash even in a group a healer should keep you up, unless you are pulling multiple encounters, then look in the mirror.

As a sentinel I keep Kira out for DPS when soloing, and she has probably as good as gear as my actual toon. You could probably use the Droid with its heavy armor and hate generation to tank things for you, but again if you ignore your companions gear you will struggle.

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I am level 32 as a Sentinel and have not hit Alderaan yet, as I am almost done on Tatooiine.


I feel the class is pretty decent actually so far. Soloing is easy and I don't have any issues with Elite's.


My only problem might be the sheer amount of buttons I need to hit to play this guy effectively but whatever.


As for survivability, you have a lot of Oh **** buttons to use that can help in bad situations.



I've been playing with my R2 unit tanking and its pretty easy. If you try and play with Kara, forget it.


In groups, I usually pull aggro off of the tanks and have in a lot of situations, saved the day by pulling aggro after a tank died, popping my survivability cool downs and finishing the targets.



So no, I don't think the class sucks (at level 32). My opinion may change going forward, but not yet.

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Wrong, The combat tree is definitely a viable option, even better than watchman in my opinion, especially for pvp. Focus tree i dont know much about, people dont seem to play it alot.


At 50, combat is nowhere near on par with Watchman. Everybody has buff, great armor, etc... Our dots ignore all that, we can deal damage extremely rapidly, and we have the 0 leap meter and almost no cooldown for cauterize. Also, in team, no debate here, we are more useful.



sentinel doesn't really have any PROS that I can see, just cons,


to mention just a few


low to no survivability against more than one mob

cannot solo even with a companion the majority of the time,

does little to no damage in pvp and in the world in general

dies way too fast in pvp and again in the world in general

I just went up against an npc 2 lvls lower than me and he took 50% of my health in 2 hits!

no cc abilities

only one stun breaker




1) Wrong. While I agree, from level 29 to 33, it's kinda hell sometimes (for instance, as a level 37, I still had trouble against some on the nar shaddaa level 30 quests...). - for Watchman, at that level, my combat friends had no trouble of the sort. Though now I'm 40, I am having less trouble than they do.


Though, anywhere before and after that, is a piece of cake. I almost never die, I actually went to Hoth at level 34, I managed to do all quests while mobs where 4 levels higher than me etc...


2) i play alone, except for, well, team quests. So I can "solo" everything.


3) As a Watchman, I deal a lot of damage.


4) As a wathcman, I have several abitilies I can use to avoid dying "too fast". Though I guess I agree on that point.


5) We have several CC abilities (or CC like)


6) I agree. We need at least two, and the cooldown is HORRIBLE.

Edited by Strayth
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While I often felt underpowered as a Sentinel, at Level 50 with some gear I find myself to be pretty amazing in Warzones.


Sure, lots of people are low level, very bad, or both, but it's a world of difference to how crappy I felt around 30.

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At 50, combat is nowhere near on par with Watchman. Everybody has buff, great armor, etc... Our dots ignore all that, we can deal damage extremely rapidly, and we have the 0 leap meter and almost no cooldown for cauterize. Also, in team, no debate here, we are more useful.






Wrong. Ataru more than makes up for it, and with a good healer cleansing dots your damage is moot.

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Wrong. Ataru more than makes up for it, and with a good healer cleansing dots your damage is moot.


1) For the conditions to be there, it doesn't happen that often


2) You do now I can overdamage the heals and put dots with no pause


3) Are you assuming I am alone ? If so, in what world can a Combat Sent kill anybody that has a healer with him ?

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1) For the conditions to be there, it doesn't happen that often


2) You do now I can overdamage the heals and put dots with no pause


3) Are you assuming I am alone ? If so, in what world can a Combat Sent kill anybody that has a healer with him ?


Quite honestly, I haven't seen a Watchman in action, but I can run at a group of 3-4 Imperials when I have all my cooldowns and take one of them with me to death. And it happened that I wiped out groups of 3 on my own.

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Quite honestly, I haven't seen a Watchman in action, but I can run at a group of 3-4 Imperials when I have all my cooldowns and take one of them with me to death. And it happened that I wiped out groups of 3 on my own.


Any class can do that when they go against players with derps for brains.

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Any class can do that when they go against players with derps for brains.


Which accounts for 80% of players. So it's still quite fun to be a Sentinel if you even remotely know what you're doing in PvP.


Well, apart from Huttball. Getting knocked around all day without a knockback of your own sucks hard.

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id like you to explain to me A) how you managed that, B) what gear you are using, C) your rotations


i am combat tree and getting slaughtered


If you are depending on C, then I found your problem. Oh, I should mention: that is not class specific.

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hahahaha you guys complaining must suck... I am level 17 and my companion is ALWAYS on crew tasks so he is never around and i solo everything no problem. I've ided like once to 5 elites i accidently aggroed.


I am with you, also 17, and have died once or twice I think. I have died FAR less as Sent. then I did with my commando. Loving the class...easily downing elites.

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I am with you, also 17, and have died once or twice I think. I have died FAR less as Sent. then I did with my commando. Loving the class...easily downing elites.



I'd be interested in hearing your views after you hit Tatooine and are about 1/4 through it.

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Man, as a beginner in the MMO world in generaly, I really shouldn't have taken this as my AC. Damn, Im good at screwing up.

However, the last warzone I played I went pos 12, and that was when I was level 16, going Ataru tree. So there may yet be hope for me!

But damn, I really should have chosen Guardian or at least known whether I would have been better off on Guardian or Sentinel before I made my decision. I feel like a dunce.

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