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  1. I rolled a Smuggler last night and I am now at level 11 and on the Fleet and need to pick an Advanced Class today. I am interested in a Scoundrel due to the Healing option (may never really use it) but the option to have it is there, especially since we can not respect Advance Classes in this game (which is stupid but whatever). The idea of being able to Heal with the Scoundrel is appealing, however I hear there is a big nerf coming up and I don't want to play a gimped class to level 50. Is the Scoundrel good at PVE? Will it stay decent in PVE even after this supposed nerf on the Test Server? Any suggestions? Thanks. PS: I don't care about PVP Combat and I have already raised a level 50 Jedi Sentinel.
  2. I dumped Doc a couple weeks ago because he is terrible. I use Scourge now to tank a fight and divert the damage away from me.
  3. To win this fight, just focus on the real Emperor and burn him down as fast as possible, using all your main attacks. When he warps away from you, run to him asap and repete. You will know who he is because his health will be lower than everybody else (keep Enemy nameplates on). Make sure you have a health stim with the highest health available on back up. It took me 4 tries before I killed him and that was with my R2 unit being at about level 25 in equipment. 2 of those deaths were due to the "bug".
  4. If you have no desire to watch the quests, then quit the game. This is obviously NOT for you. Period.
  5. The problem is most people here raging are noobs to the MMO genre and have no clue what MMO's are like when they come out initially. I guarantee you that most of the people raging probably joined WoW:TBC as their first MMO and were the first to jump on Warhammer, Aion, Age of Conan, Rift, etc, etc when they came out, and they were probably the idiots yelling "this is a WoW killer" in those respective chat channels. Those of us who have played MMO's for a while, realize that a MMO is a work in progress. If you ever played UO, EQ, AC, DAoC, AO, etc, etc and yes, WoW, in their initial releases, you understand this fully. SWTOR is a good game. Not a complete game by any means, but what is here is certainly enjoyable for a few hundred hours, which is pretty decent.
  6. I am level 44 now and playing a Jedi Sentinel and all my issues with the class are based on one situation in the game: Harder "Groups" of Mobs. This might include a Strong and 2 normal or just a few harder hitting normals that have special attacks that rip you to shreds in the first few seconds of combat. The average group of mobs doesn't pose much issue, but we are discussing problem areas. I will offer two examples: The fights on the Emperors Station at level 41 or so were pretty tough initially. In fact, I died twice and this was with DOC healing me (I rarely die with my Sentinel). While it is possible DOC was not the ideal companion for these fights, I feel these fights show exactly what is wrong with the Sentinel. I would get hit HARD before I could do anything and in many cases, DOC just cant recover and you die. Belsavis has groups of mobs that rip you down to about 20% health in the first 3-5 seconds of combat, then if you don't kill some of the normal mobs, the Strong Mob will kill you or you will wipe. There was a third issue I had with Gamoreans (non-heroics) on Hoth I think? 2 or 3 of them would rip me apart in the first 5 seconds and were way over powered compared to other mobs. They were "normal" mobs too btw. Note: I am aware of Rebuke and Saber Ward and use them a lot btw... I am aware of using Force Camoflouge to bump a mob onto my companion and save me for a second, yes I use Force Awe. Here is the problem: When fighting certain Groups, the Sentinel takes a LOT of damage initially and almost dies. Not all groups do this of course. -If you are using DOC, he simply can not keep up with the initial damage. -If you are using a TANK (R2 or Scourge), THEY take all the damage and probably die, and then you need to spend time reviving them, refbuffing and then healing yourself which adds down time. So it becomes a balance between "do you want to minimize down time but take a risk of dying with DOC OR reduce your risk of dying but increase down time with a Tank?" If I fight a Elite, I have no issues as Doc will keep me up ok and a Tank will tank it fine. So Sentinel Solutions: -Give DOC another "big" heal on a slow timer (20-30 seconds) that is scriped to go off at 50% of your health so he can catch up when you take massive burst damage from a group. Obviously, this will need to be balanced in a way to work with longer Elite fights so you are not too over powered. -I would increase the Armor formula's of our Tanking Companions so they do not take as much damage, increasing their survivability and lessening down time. In this case, their DPS may need to be lowered to counter this, as you (the Jedi) are the one that should be providing the DPS. That is about all I wanted to say on the Sentinel. For PVE, its a good class with a few minor problems that can be fixed.
  7. They didn't want to listen to you ***** and whine if there were some bugs in it, so they decided to take their time.
  8. Now this is a post worth agreeing with (aside from the other BS that gets posted). Great idea.
  9. When you make a statement in your title saying "MOST people are 50" and you have no clue, you look an idiot. The Developers know exactly what percentage of people are 50, and I guarantee you it is not anywhere near "most". All you do is detract from your argument.
  10. What I want is the Mod System to continue into level 50. What players can farm off Raid and Group instances is the Mods for those equipment slots and materials to make those mods.
  11. I think you are in the wrong game when it comes to PVP. Things will improve, but I think you are probably wasting your time and should come back in 6 months or so if they have improved things. The end game has a lot of work left and that includes PVP. Still, what MMO gets PVP right? Few.
  12. What a stupid post. Seriously, the entire game is based around compelling players to go after stuff. What do you think MMO's are about? I feel sorry for Bioware sometimes.
  13. I find SWTOR to be almost as responsive as WoW and I don't know what the OP is ************ about in that regard. Basically, when I press a button, the response is almost instant and it feels solid and yes, I do agree that WoW is easily the best MMO to date when it comes to this, even beating out Asheron's Call 1 which was the best before it. What I do not like is how the action feels out of synch with my characters actions and I think this is server processing lag more than anything and it is bad in this game.
  14. I have no issues with FPS on my main system: Corei5 2500k 8GB Ram GTX580 Windows 7 1920x1200 resolution All settings maxed plus I have the settings to add 16xAS and 8xAA but I think those are broken again. The game runs perfectly smooth. Granted, that is a pretty kick *** PC. However, my laptop runs the game almost maxed out at 1600x1080 resolution. The laptop is a MSI GX640 which comes with a Corei5-450M, 8GB ram and a Radeon HD5850 card built in (equivalent to a 5650 in the desktop work). I have shadows turned off for this and grass at 50% but everything else is maxed out and it runs ok.
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