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Everything posted by Tydfil

  1. Tydfil


    I see that pvp is still balanced towards the op Imps as it was at launch. when will the devs even this out?
  2. Tydfil

    PvP still one sided

    I don't know about the rest of you, but I find PvP to be one sided again in favour of the (G)Imps. It has been since day one. played countless matches and the number of defeats to wins is in the region of 100:1 and not close losses, utter annihilation. most of the time imp lowest kill counts are higher than rep highest kill counts. inqs and bounty are still grossly op and the others out out so much more damage than their "mirror" classes its stupid. they came close to fixing the problem when they removed the Gear Req for pvp, it evened out a bit. but i guess the imps (by that I mean devs too, as they seem very imp biased) got tired of not pounding the rep into the ground all the time and shockingly the gear reqs have returned and it has shifted in the favour of the imps yet again. It makes for very boring and pointless matches when you know you are going into them and 98% of the time you will loose. not by a little but totally decimated. if it was 50/50 then fine but it isnt, and probably never will be, and with space pvp coming it just seems like another format in which the Imps can crush the rep in pvp. it needs fixing/ balancing what ever you want to call it. as it stands, pvp is yet another broken system in this game and it is very disappointing. the devs will probably not read this or do anything about it (other than to buff the imps even more) and it will probably get alot of heat off imp fanboys, but hey, civil discussions died on the internet years ago.
  3. ok so who thinks that the old republic should make a movie? going on the cinematics they've done already they are perfectly capable and being bioware the script/story should be ace. who reckons yes they should?
  4. similar problem on frostclaw with drop it like its hoth and kill HIM not me, when ever you que for pvp you know chances of getting them are high, and 9 times outta 10 the allways win, its at the point where ppl dont even bother during the match, ive been in some where they have had up to 70 kills and the rep team has a max of bout 15 its just not fun to pvp against them, and more often than not they are who you get. its annoying
  5. Tydfil

    end game

    Star-ranger has some very good points, thominor too
  6. Tydfil

    end game

    dont know bout you guys, but server merges aside there needs to bee some serious end game content patched out if tor hopes to survive, especially as the game is hemorrhaging subscribers, there is pretty much nothing at end game to do, and for non-altaholics it gets boring fast and on ghost town servers such as frostclaw its quite demoralising and makes you think, why am i still trying to play this game? i guess what im trying to say is its all well and good having 10years of content planned, but you need to bring it out a bit faster than a couple of snails trying to race each other around the world, 1-49 is fine, its endgame and the over abundance of servers that NEEDS addressing badly
  7. eyah a lot of people are excited as you said, because they are holding this as in their eyes, tors last chance to redeem itself. personally i feel group finders and less servers, ie merges are a good start as they will boost community and economy especially on servers the likes of Frostclaw (eu) which is a GHOST TOWN even at peak times, last night for exaample 40 ppl on fleet, and 2hours plus to get a single pvp match,
  8. as much as this pains me to say, the end is coming rapid, currently euro servers are pretty much ghost towns, there is no where near enough content at end game that is not a grind, i don't mind grinding for things but the same missions day after day gets sickening, some variation would be nice. i like many others had high hopes for swtor, but they are dwindling into disappointment, 1.2 for example, 1 op, 1 fp and a rehash of the civil war for a warzone, its all well and good having content updates, they are welcomed however there needs to be a massive dump of it not just a piddly family tree and 1 op/fp/ rehashed wz, it seems like the devs are not even trying, as i recall 1.2 was hyped up to be the "jesus" patch yet it doesnt seem to have worked, i know that on my server at peak times there's about 40 on the rep fleet and even less on planets, pvp is about the only thing to do and that's saddening as the imps win 9 out of 10 matches, but i am digressing into another gripe i have for another time... basically what i am trying to say is that without a massive content update eg planets, story 6+ flashpoints/ops more original warzones, items, mounts, legacy rewards, SPACE content maybe a class or two more levels maybe,endgame content, reasons to group up, chat bubbles, group finders, etc, SERVER MERGES or at least transfers the game will unfortunatly be free to play if not dead by the end of the year if not sooner, its a dissheartening time, players are leaving servers and becoming ghost towns, im prolly not the first to point this out but dip feeding the content is not the way to revive tor, it needs a massive content dump, myself and several mates who have disscussed this in length are going to continue to play in the hopes that it will rise from the ashes and have a life as long as if not longer that wow, i logged in there this morning and even at non peak times stormwind was rammed with players. during the recent event the most amount of people i was on tatooine was about 80, c'mon like here's hoping the devs read this and take it to heart as well as do something about it. i am a ce owner and currently asking myself was it worth the money.
  9. as much as this pains me to say, the end is coming rapid, currently euro servers are pretty much ghost towns, there is no where near enough content at end game that is not a grind, i don't mind grinding for things but the same missions day after day gets sickening, some variation would be nice. i like many others had high hopes for swtor, but they are dwindling into disappointment, 1.2 for example, 1 op, 1 fp and a rehash of the civil war for a warzone, its all well and good having content updates, they are welcomed however there needs to be a massive dump of it not just a piddly family tree and 1 op/fp/ rehashed wz, it seems like the devs are not even trying, as i recall 1.2 was hyped up to be the "jesus" patch yet it doesnt seem to have worked, i know that on my server at peak times there's about 40 on the rep fleet and even less on planets, pvp is about the only thing to do and that's saddening as the imps win 9 out of 10 matches, but i am digressing into another gripe i have for another time... basically what i am trying to say is that without a massive content update eg planets, story 6+ flashpoints/ops more original warzones, items, mounts, legacy rewards, SPACE content maybe a class or two more levels maybe,endgame content, reasons to group up, chat bubbles, group finders, etc, SERVER MERGES or at least transfers the game will unfortunatly be free to play if not dead by the end of the year if not sooner, its a dissheartening time, players are leaving servers and becoming ghost towns, im prolly not the first to point this out but dip feeding the content is not the way to revive tor, it needs a massive content dump, myself and several mates who have disscussed this in length are going to continue to play in the hopes that it will rise from the ashes and have a life as long as if not longer that wow, i logged in there this morning and even at non peak times stormwind was rammed with players. during the recent event the most amount of people i was on tatooine was about 80, c'mon like here's hoping the devs read this and take it to heart as well as do something about it. i am a ce owner and currently asking myself was it worth the money.
  10. euro server merge would be a good idea, im on frostclaw and it has been dead for weeks
  11. as it stands groups/ops for both flashpoints and ops and reluctant to take melee dps, will the incoming ops/flashpoints be more Melee class friendly?
  12. in the champion bags ive had the same item 3 times im using one but can i trade the other 2 for some different ones?
  13. as far as i can tell they are only available to empire as a pvp reward, surly theres a way for the republic to get them, and not some insane "its a drop off a nightmare raid boss"
  14. id like you to explain to me A) how you managed that, B) what gear you are using, C) your rotations i am combat tree and getting slaughtered
  15. sentinel doesn't really have any PROS that I can see, just cons, to mention just a few low to no survivability against more than one mob cannot solo even with a companion the majority of the time, does little to no damage in pvp and in the world in general dies way too fast in pvp and again in the world in general I just went up against an npc 2 lvls lower than me and he took 50% of my health in 2 hits! no cc abilities only one stun breaker imo the sentinel needs a major overhaul, giving survivability and dps, cmon like considering this game is supposedly solo able all the way so far im yet to see that, very little have I been able to solo it with out dying every 3 mins. even with companions.
  16. yeh they do need to sort out this pvp stuff, it was good in theory but in practice when you are on a team of 10-27's against 5 lvl 50 inquisitors 1 50 bounty hunter and a 48 imp agent you arnt going to get anywhere, not to mention just how stupidly over powered the inquisitors are
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