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Away From Keyboard Flagging.... You FAIL BW!


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People always assume that if a feature isn't the same as... that other games features, that BW did it wrong or messed up but you don't know that. Maybe they intentionally did it differently for their own reasons that we as mere players couldn't possible know or have figured out yet.


Considering I have never played "that other game" (I assume you are referring to WoW)... I am not referring to it. I have however played quite a few 'other games' and not a single one of them, flagged you afk, while chatting or crafting in game. Thus, with many MMORPG's under my belt, I am a bit surprised that SWTOR failed to include something so basic as "if you are typing in chat, or crafting.. you ARE active in the game and thus NOT afk".



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all you whiners keep complaining about how easy TOR is, then you get hardmode afk and do nothing but complain!


Rofl. You sir, win the thread!


And with that, I'm going to bed. Almost 7am, suns coming up here in Hawaii and quite frankly.. I've been drinking all night, and need to pass out.... er sleep yeah sleep.. that's it...


Fly safe and have a good day.



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Odd since as soon as you type something in chat it says you are no longer afk .... and if you are sitting there .. who cares?


I have sat here, talking to my guild mates and have had to repeatedly move my character, because the 'system' keeps flagging me as afk, while chatting. And crafting. So.. while it may not do that for you (which to be quite honest, I doubt, and personally think you are fulla chit).. it is doing that for me.



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So yeah, I'm standing on Taris doing some crafting, sending my companions out to get stuff etc, and talking to Guild members in guild chat.. when out of nowhere I get this message...


You are now away from keyboard


Yeah um... except.. I am NOT away from my keyboard, I am actually AT my keyboard, talking to guild members and doing crafting... Which entails clicking stuff in the game, and TYPING IN CHAT!


by definition.. NOT away from my KEYBOARD!


Apparently, BW has decided that UNLESS YOUR CHARACTER IS MOVING.. you MUST be afk.


Doesn't matter if your typing in the chat window, doesn't matter if you are crafting... nope.. unless your character is MOVING, you MUST be afk.


I've seen some ridiculous things in MMO's, but honestly this has to take the cake for stupidity in design.


I'm not even going to suggest that you fix it.. as fixing that is...... obvious, and you miss the obvious way to much.






For now do a /dnd hit enter.Its been said they are fixing this.But it will keep you from going off line and you can still talk craft or what ever.It does not keep you from seeing chat or talking.

I understand how frustrating things are right now with the game.Its hard to beleive this is what we have after 5 years of development and the budget they have,knowing all the other mistakes all the other mmo's had or have as we see the same mistakes here in this game.

Good luck

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Actually it's a bit strange that using the keyboard gets you flagged as away from the keyboard, since it is a contradiction of terms. They should rename the warning to something more appropriate, like "Partial Idleness Alert". :p



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For now do a /dnd hit enter.Its been said they are fixing this.But it will keep you from going off line and you can still talk craft or what ever.It does not keep you from seeing chat or talking.

I understand how frustrating things are right now with the game.Its hard to beleive this is what we have after 5 years of development and the budget they have,knowing all the other mistakes all the other mmo's had or have as we see the same mistakes here in this game.

Good luck


Nods. That is pretty much my frustration. One would 'think' that with all the years, money, and experience of the developers, they would have at the very least.. not taken shortcuts on things that they knew from the get go, was SOP in other games. At least on the basic functionality level.


I can understand some things. Every new game has bugs and mistakes. However, when some of those mistakes are on such a BASIC level...... it makes me scratch my head and wonder *** they were thinking by not making sure it was in. I mean, it isn't THAT much more code to say "is character typing in chat [Y/N] if yes, then active. Is character crafting [Y/N] is yes, then active. I mean really, at most you have 5 items at a time you can craft (per available companion), requiring your attention every so often to either order them back to more crafting, or to order them to more harvesting.


You are, by definition.. active doing that.. even if that activity isn't "all that great' in some aspects (such as crafting).


Meh.. anyway, I need to get o bed. Take care.



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I don't see how you can have an MMORPG and be afk if you are active in the MMO part. This is just another example of how it is currently a failed MMO. Lets be honest, SWTOR is only an RPG that you play online, but it can be fixed.
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I've been looking for posts of "fans" of this game who overreact to the most minor things. Thanks, OP!


This may be a groundbreaking, pivotal issue for you, but for now... you're just going to have to navigate to the space bar every once in a while. I'm not saying it shouldn't be fixed, but it could have been brought to attention in a better way.

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Relax, this is nothing to spazz out about. They added something to help with the people leaving their toons running in place in a corner for hours instead of logging off. It was making que's even worse. They obviously need to put in exceptions for chat activity, GTN activity, etc. You could email them and post about this issue in the customer service forum to help improve the situation or you can rant and moan to other players in the general discussion forums.
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Yeah, I agree that the AFK flagging system definitely needs some work - you shouldn't be flagged as AFK if you're actually doing something in game (such as chatting). But I also agree with others that it's a pretty minor issue. I can think of quite a few things that I would prioritize over fixing that. :)
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i agree in principle to what the OP is saying, however, pressing spacebar or moving back/forth in between a tell or a mouse click isn't that hard either...


it's not something i would have came to the forums to nerd rage about...

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