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May I ask why the hate? Bioware never, EVER said that ANYONE was guaranteed 5 days of play before launch. Everything I have ever read says "up to 5 days access."


Up To.


And, I'd like to add that the "up to 5 days" was supposed to start tomorrow, and yet it started yesterday...


So, let me see if I understand the gripe...


You want something that wasn't promised, before it was suggested, ahead of its own schedule, or you rage/quit/murder/death/kill?


Look, I pre-ordered, but not until I could afford it. So, I got mine the latter part of October. Most of my guild mates are already playing, and yet, I am not. That is okay though, since that means I will have tons of higher level toons to help me out should I require it. I will have access to better equipment, mods, weapons, and a great deal of support from those who are already there.


Yeah, someone took the name I have used for 30 years, but I'll just find that person on my server and PvP the heck out of them for having the audacity to think like-mindedly (heh)...


This will no more scar Bioware than the OP could scar this fat old man. We need to deal in the harsh truth of this NOT being a life or death situation.


Is Bioware hijacking busloads of children and holding them ransom for scratch lottery tickets?




Is Bioware wading through a cross-walk of nuns with flaming machetes?


Again, no...


Has Bioware addicted the world's leaders to a synthetic heroin that turns brain tissue to sugar-free butterscotch pudding?


For the last time, no...


So, no harm, no foul...


Please, relax and wait for tomorrow.

Edited by TrueBeorn
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Only free to the privelaged few. The rest get to sit in the back of the bus and drink from seperate water fountains.


You will get some free days, just not as many as others. So? Some people were rewarded for early orders? Happens all the time, everywhere. You get early to the cinema, get the best seats. Get early to the restaurant, get the best table. Same thing here. There is no injustice, they are doing it first come, first server. So why so mad?

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NEGATIVE. Running that ad enticing people to buy thinking they could possibly get 5 days early KNOWING that it wont happen is the very definition of misleading.


Unless you work for BW and know exactly how many peeps they are going to let in tomorrow, it's still not misleading.. yet ;)


Again, if they don't change it from tomorrow onwards I agree with you.

Edited by Darkmack
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less than .01% of the playerbase is complaining. Not worried.


this is why BE/EA are not worried, they knew this early release date weeks ago, they also knew there would be a noisy minority whining about it.


They also knew the majority of players would just grit there teeth and have fun in game(eventually........:))

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I'm just curious how anyone is a paying customer since subscriptions haven't started, the free 30 days haven't started and many people other than europeans dont even have copies of the game so most of us havent' payed a red cent.


BTW all the adds say UP TO 5 days..not At the lease 5 Days or Exactly 5 days or even Gaurenteed 5 Days. Read Comprehension classes start in grade school you know.

Edited by Kindara
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Last time I checked it said possibly UP TO five days..


Last time i checked telling someone they could get something while knowing they will not is misleading.


Its like selling lottery tickets with a jackpot of 100 dollars while only having 10 bucks.

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Everyone needs to settle down about not getting the full benefit of 5 (or 7) days of early access. I guarantee anyone who is upset about not being able to get in on day 1 or 2 or 3 or beyond will forget all about this minor blip in convenience once they start to actually play the game.


I pre-ordered and am patiently waiting for my email because I know that once I get it I can say good bye to the outdoors and sunlight for that matter. As sad as that prognosis is i'm not going to start by stairing at my email inbox when waiting for that email is like waiting for the cable guy to show up.


Enjoy the game everyone and may the Force be with you!!!!

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NEGATIVE. Running that ad enticing people to buy thinking they could possibly get 5 days early KNOWING that it wont happen is the very definition of misleading.


The only people Bioware are supposedly misleading, are the ignorant people that can't read, using their own failed intelligence to imply that Bioware misled them.


If you understood that it was stated to be first come first serve from the first day, then the problem is your expectations. You expected a larger scope of people on day 1 and 2 of EGA, but they never guaranteed, or hinted at anything other than it being first come/first serve.


Boohoo kid. Boohoo.

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I payed the exact same amount as everyone playing the game right now. I paid, they paid, I can't play, they can.


Then it boils down to when you entered your pre-order code.


IT would seem some players got in line before you to ride the roller coaster. Now you have to wait your turn.

Edited by Quraswren
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Launch has been great, got to lvl 10 so far! Pre ordered 2 minutes after it became availiavle so yea think those of us in today DESERVE it for our loyalty.



So your money is more valuable then mine because of a date, because that is how bioware kinda made me feel. And I paid full price out right for the game, not some petty 5 dollar deposit that doesn't really show any real commitment to buying the game.

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I agree with the OP. It's not a good thing when everyone is pissed off, even if you think they are wrong. IRL when I tell someone to do something at work, it's their job to do it but I am smart enough to know how to make them not pissed off because it pays off in the long run. Bioware needs some communication training.
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Honestly this will do nothing to sully their name. The people complaining will be just like the WoW players who complained. Once they are doing what they want in game they will be to happy to say anything. Till they get trolled by an elite mob and say it is to hard. Then it starts all over again.
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Everyone needs to settle down about not getting the full benefit of 5 (or 7) days of early access. I guarantee anyone who is upset about not being able to get in on day 1 or 2 or 3 or beyond will forget all about this minor blip in convenience once they start to actually play the game.


I pre-ordered and am patiently waiting for my email because I know that once I get it I can say good bye to the outdoors and sunlight for that matter. As sad as that prognosis is i'm not going to start by stairing at my email inbox when waiting for that email is like waiting for the cable guy to show up.


Enjoy the game everyone and may the Force be with you!!!!


For me it'll be goodbye to the forums too... as i'll be too busy leveling :cool:

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