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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Star Wars the old Republic is simply not ready for prime time.


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In 15 years of beta testing and playing most of the major (real, flat fee pay) mmo's This is one of the MOST ready games I've seen at launch.

and..oh, by the way.. the 6 month to 1 year period after launch is pretty much known as the 'pay to beta' period by truly experienced players of the genre.

Edited by Magron
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Oh yes, I'm a fanboi.


I didn't discredit your acknowledgement of bugs, gentleman scholar. Instead, I simply suggested that you calm down on your accusing WoW of not having bugs.



Point blank: The bugs you listed/described aren't game breaking. Loot /will/ drop again. Chat /does/ come back on.



Now, if the game turned your monitor into a snake and bit you I might see a reason for such unhappiness.


But really, its a far more polished product for the story they're telling.


Maybe you should lower your expectations and realize, they're making as much a game as an interactive movie. The game takes you through a story. The story is their money maker. And everything ties in. They're doing the best Bioware possibly can to get things straightened.


They're new to the block on MMO's but you know what? For a first time studio they sure did better than RIFT. I still feel attached to my guy, even at 45. Something I lost in RIFT after level 2. I lost in WoW after five seconds.


who said wow did not have bugs, I did not. I am a software developer, I dont lower my standards.. Maybe you should raise your standards and expect a completed product when you pay with your hard earned dollar.


There really is not more story then in any other MMO, it is just it is voice acted, so you become more engrossed it in.

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really, so how many times in wow did basic party chat, guild chat, ops chat not work in wow? How many times could you not leave a small confined area due to a bug? Now sure if you are a troll or serious.


Dude, I can tell you have no life!! anyhow you can't say there wasn't bugs in WoW there were terrible ones as far as I can remember dissapearing ships in the middle of the water and we swim all the way to the shore for 10mins, can't enter dungeon, glitches, gathering skills was broken, can't loot, I can name few more etc.


and I'm aware of what you've said so I'm waiting for next patch to fix it


Happy New Year

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Their mistake?



Okay, we're done here. The "mistake" of subscribing millions within a two week period and being the fastest growing MMO in history. Quite the mistake chap!


Oh, you might also point yourself towards the dreadful mistake of being released intime for Christmas! Oh, how many lovely children get to play this game while mother and daddy pay for it.


Its brilliant, don't be an uneducated swine about savvy business tactics.


Again, I hold companies to a higher standard, the one from the older generations.. It is still a mistake if they could not release a product that is completed. I am sorry that you value instant money over customer satisfaction, I dont. When I create something I want my customers to be happy.

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Again, I hold companies to a higher standard, the one from the older generations.. It is still a mistake if they could not release a product that is completed. I am sorry that you value instant money over customer satisfaction, I dont. When I create something I want my customers to be happy.


i'd be interested to see references to any software released in the last 30 years or so that was 'finished'. heh. Microsoft set the tone for that and nobody's ever looked back.

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It is simply /amazing/ how many software developers suddenly crawl out of the woodwork when the ability to judge a game's release is called into question.


Aside from doubting that, I've learned in life that completed products in /some/ areas should be expected. I like my sandwiches whole, with meat in the middle. I like my food cooked.


But you of all people should know in this day and age that software is not like it used to be. Used to be, you could download JUNO the mail client in 1994 and go to town on email, one disc, no online updates, the software was DONE.



No longer. Software is catching up to hardware! Thus it is in a continous state of beta testing and beta updates. In fact, one might argue that most software is beta from "launch". Especially an MMO!


What you're dealing with is an evolving product. If you wanted a "The-end" perfection game, might I direct you to:





There are none. All games have bugs, all games have issues and all games have been fixed over time, somehow. When the human element is introduced errors pop up somehow. Computers are not ubiquitous across the board and making a program run on every machine possible while still retaining its beauty is a feat in itself.


So, I might suggest that overtime as more data is collected the wonderful software developers at bioware will fix your glaring gamebreaking bugs and present to you a game you might find yourself pleased with!


I for one am sorry you are so hard to please.

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Dude, I can tell you have no life!! anyhow you can't say there wasn't bugs in WoW there were terrible ones as far as I can remember dissapearing ships in the middle of the water and we swim all the way to the shore for 10mins, can't enter dungeon, glitches, gathering skills was broken, can't loot, I can name few more etc.


and I'm aware of what you've said so I'm waiting for next patch to fix it


Happy New Year


First, dont be an idiot, I have a life, just like everyone else, just because it may not fit your definition of one, and I think you will be surprised on that, does not mean I lack one.


Second, I did not say there were no bugs in wow, I most certifiably did say there were bugs.


And my question refered to chat functionality and getting stuck in instances. all of the ones you mentioned are easy to get over, other then the ships. You can do other instances, dont remember gathering skills being completely broken (like they are here on some planets with overlapping nodes).

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It is simply /amazing/ how many software developers suddenly crawl out of the woodwork when the ability to judge a game's release is called into question.


Aside from doubting that, I've learned in life that completed products in /some/ areas should be expected. I like my sandwiches whole, with meat in the middle. I like my food cooked.


But you of all people should know in this day and age that software is not like it used to be. Used to be, you could download JUNO the mail client in 1994 and go to town on email, one disc, no online updates, the software was DONE.



No longer. Software is catching up to hardware! Thus it is in a continous state of beta testing and beta updates. In fact, one might argue that most software is beta from "launch". Especially an MMO!


What you're dealing with is an evolving product. If you wanted a "The-end" perfection game, might I direct you to:





There are none. All games have bugs, all games have issues and all games have been fixed over time, somehow. When the human element is introduced errors pop up somehow. Computers are not ubiquitous across the board and making a program run on every machine possible while still retaining its beauty is a feat in itself.


So, I might suggest that overtime as more data is collected the wonderful software developers at bioware will fix your glaring gamebreaking bugs and present to you a game you might find yourself pleased with!


I for one am sorry you are so hard to please.


Oh, I admit that software is very complex, however that does not mean we should not hold them to a completed product, atleast the basics, especially when the bugs were reported months earlier.



as for being easy to please, I am quite easy. Complete the product, keep customers in the loop as to bug fixes, and dont release a product then run for a holiday break.. You can get away with those types of things in a single player game, but not in an MMO.

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I love reading posts written by people who think that because you have problems with the game they play, you're somehow insulting them.


And it's that mentality that makes the gaming market as dismal as it is. Publishers and developers love people like that.

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I love reading posts written by people who think that because you have problems with the game they play, you're somehow insulting them.


And it's that mentality that makes the gaming market as dismal as it is. Publishers and developers love people like that.



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I love the fact that this started out, as they all do, as a statement to the Devs and many of you feel the need to jump in and attack him/her for their opinion.


The real trolls are the ones that attack someone who has a valid criticism of the game. If you don't agree there's more than enough "I Love BW" threads to be a part of, otherwise let us discuss our opnionins in the hopes the Devs will respond to them. You can "Choose" not to reply too!

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I love the fact that this started out, as they all do, as a statement to the Devs and many of you feel the need to jump in and attack him/her for their opinion.


The real trolls are the ones that attack someone who has a valid criticism of the game. If you don't agree there's more than enough "I Love BW" threads to be a part of, otherwise let us discuss our opnionins in the hopes the Devs will respond to them. You can "Choose" not to reply too!


fascinating mix of a plea for free speech and telling people to shut their pie holes.

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I was going to write a laundry list of issue's and bugs, but there are more than enough already stated here.


I will add that we're still dealing with the very same bugs and issues we were in beta 3 months ago.

From raid frame health bars not updating(game breaking)correctly to guild/group chat issues to companion's disappearing to flashpoint's chest's lock bug(not dropping loot after boss kills)still present in the release candidate.


These and MANY more issues that we reported 3-4 months ago and 3 different clients earlier.


Then we get our first post patch and they address TOP Priority bugs like Slicing?

What are these folks doing over there at Bioware?

Love the game, it has potential, but from my chair it seems as if Bioware are asleep at the wheel.


Here's hoping Doctor and Doctor & their team leads actually figure their own client out and wrap up the plethora of issues plaguing this game before the 30 days is up.


GL & Thx.:cool:






And note: I have played in beta for a year and know many of you ...


My raid frames work great... sorry could be your connection who knows.. dont speak for us all.


I have seen the loot not drop and a chest be red -- YES HOWEVER this is month one.. Im more pissed when a game that is 7 years old DOES NOT DROP LOOT LIKE OH SAY WOW DOES... so give this one a break because I have seen far worse.


SLICING IS NOT BROKE IT IS WORKING AS INTENDED. It was overpowered and broken - it is now fixed and cannot make you the OP creds you thought it should. -- AGAIN fixed.. not broke.


You are out of line posting lies and assuming everyone is having the same issues as you. You are 1 out of at least 2 million now.. sorry but bigger things are at hand then those minor things you ran into.


I am sure like in all the beta builds they are working ont things... but this not ready for prime time....


That is a joke

Edited by Iskareot
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I wonder just how much profit WoW has made and how much has been sunk back into its continual development, and how much that overall development cost has been.


I also wonder if it would be possible to develop a pre-launch game that could rival that scale of development without having yet received a single cent in sales.


And let's remember, Bioware had no past experience with launching an MMO. EA had, but then again, EA's MMO usually are trainwreck (or are forced to be retired because EA wanted more ressources in Sims Online).

[Warhammer is exempted since Mythic developed it, not EA]


This is a good release and as I said: it is improbable to have a bug free software, and therefore, specially when new features are added, I can be tolerant to bugs/flaws. Besides, you won't loose your life because the game has a bug (even if that anoying phantom crew skill bug anoys me).

Edited by Ceridan
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It is simply /amazing/ how many software developers suddenly crawl out of the woodwork when the ability to judge a game's release is called into question.


Aside from doubting that, I've learned in life that completed products in /some/ areas should be expected. I like my sandwiches whole, with meat in the middle. I like my food cooked.


But you of all people should know in this day and age that software is not like it used to be. Used to be, you could download JUNO the mail client in 1994 and go to town on email, one disc, no online updates, the software was DONE.



No longer. Software is catching up to hardware! Thus it is in a continous state of beta testing and beta updates. In fact, one might argue that most software is beta from "launch". Especially an MMO!


What you're dealing with is an evolving product. If you wanted a "The-end" perfection game, might I direct you to:





There are none. All games have bugs, all games have issues and all games have been fixed over time, somehow. When the human element is introduced errors pop up somehow. Computers are not ubiquitous across the board and making a program run on every machine possible while still retaining its beauty is a feat in itself.


So, I might suggest that overtime as more data is collected the wonderful software developers at bioware will fix your glaring gamebreaking bugs and present to you a game you might find yourself pleased with!


I for one am sorry you are so hard to please.



I agree with most of this

Its a shame most on this thread probably haven’t bothered to read it.


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Oh, I admit that software is very complex, however that does not mean we should not hold them to a completed product, atleast the basics, especially when the bugs were reported months earlier.



as for being easy to please, I am quite easy. Complete the product, keep customers in the loop as to bug fixes, and dont release a product then run for a holiday break.. You can get away with those types of things in a single player game, but not in an MMO.


Your "expectation" of a complete product did not happen and in your opinion is not happening.


However there is a simple solution, cancel and go away....


SWTOR is far from perfect and it could have been more polished I will agree with you on that point. I think its very important that the community be vocal and bring the issues to the forefront so they can be addressed.


But going on about how the game should have been this and that is pointles move on, dont like it then quit.


The core of this game is very much great and im having a good time, I have my issues I have voiced them and with time I hope they get fixed. If after time I dont see improvements ill close up shop and move my money.

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It is simply /amazing/ how many software developers suddenly crawl out of the woodwork when the ability to judge a game's release is called into question.


Aside from doubting that, I've learned in life that completed products in /some/ areas should be expected. I like my sandwiches whole, with meat in the middle. I like my food cooked.


But you of all people should know in this day and age that software is not like it used to be. Used to be, you could download JUNO the mail client in 1994 and go to town on email, one disc, no online updates, the software was DONE.



No longer. Software is catching up to hardware! Thus it is in a continous state of beta testing and beta updates. In fact, one might argue that most software is beta from "launch". Especially an MMO!


What you're dealing with is an evolving product. If you wanted a "The-end" perfection game, might I direct you to:





There are none. All games have bugs, all games have issues and all games have been fixed over time, somehow. When the human element is introduced errors pop up somehow. Computers are not ubiquitous across the board and making a program run on every machine possible while still retaining its beauty is a feat in itself.


So, I might suggest that overtime as more data is collected the wonderful software developers at bioware will fix your glaring gamebreaking bugs and present to you a game you might find yourself pleased with!


I for one am sorry you are so hard to please.


Oh, I admit that software is very complex, however that does not mean we should not hold them to a completed product, atleast the basics, especially when the bugs were reported months earlier.



as for being easy to please, I am quite easy. Complete the product, keep customers in the loop as to bug fixes, and dont release a product then run for a holiday break.. You can get away with those types of things in a single player game, but not in an MMO.


Ok, a few facts to help clear this up:


  • Gamebreaking Bugs affect everyone
  • The bugs you're complaining about are not affecting everyone
  • Reading the forums rather than complaining garners alot of info
  • BH LVL 50 Bug is tied into the DS choice, most people can advance by choosing LS choice
  • Chat Bugs are known and most of the time clear by using CTRL+U twice
  • Stuck in your ship bug, not one I've experienced or seen complained about
  • Stacked Resource Nodes Bug, again never seen this issue or seen it complained about
  • Loot Chest Issue, they are addressing this issue and have said as much
  • FPS Issue, they are addressing this issue and have said as much (Though I've never had this issue, even on Taris)
  • Bioware has been working during the holidays and weren't gone on break as so many think
  • Rehashing the same thing over and over in multiple threads does not help the situation
  • Always report a bug through the bug system as soon as it happens to you, otherwise you are not helping


Bottom line, yes there are bugs, but they're not happening to everyone, which means they're not gamebreaking, just annoying. While it sucks to have them happen to you, acting entitled without facts and logic does nothing to improve the situation. Patience seems to be a lost virtue. If the issue is that bad, step away from the game and calm down, the issues are being addressed, fixes don't happen immediately.

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I disagree.

The game is in a very playable state.

There are annoyances, and some things they may block you from doing certain tasks all together.

But nothing that game breaking. There may be things you find to be more important to others or things some of us can't help but focus on.


To play the comparison game I will simply say the game is running much smoother on launch than various MMOs and single player games.


I want every issue fixed, but saying this game is not ready for prime time is taking things a little bit far.


Step back and think about what does work and what does not work.

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Wish I had popcorn. This forum is comedy gold.


Yeah, I wonder what TOR could've been like with the extra dev time, but I'm also part of the crowd that was getting more and more fed up with Bioware pushing back and pushing back and pushing back launch.


For what it's worth, I am enjoying the game. Due to my career, I'm moving at a snail's pace, and I believe that will be my saving grace with the later level content.


I wish that Skern fella was still here. I'd tell him to not be so petty. But who knows, he might only make $300 a week, and has to be more careful about a game he purchases. Like, oh idk, reading reviews, waiting a little bit past launch if he's worried about bugs.


Part of me hopes this place improves after Jan 20th, and part of me hopes it doesn't because there's nothing I laugh at harder more than internet butthurt.

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I was going to write a laundry list of issue's and bugs, but there are more than enough already stated here.


I will add that we're still dealing with the very same bugs and issues we were in beta 3 months ago.

From raid frame health bars not updating(game breaking)correctly to guild/group chat issues to companion's disappearing to flashpoint's chest's lock bug(not dropping loot after boss kills)still present in the release candidate.


These and MANY more issues that we reported 3-4 months ago and 3 different clients earlier.


Then we get our first post patch and they address TOP Priority bugs like Slicing?

What are these folks doing over there at Bioware?

Love the game, it has potential, but from my chair it seems as if Bioware are asleep at the wheel.


Here's hoping Doctor and Doctor & their team leads actually figure their own client out and wrap up the plethora of issues plaguing this game before the 30 days is up.


GL & Thx.:cool:


a million people disagree with you.

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We can blame EA all we want to, but I still do not see much of anything addressed from Bioware since beta.


My first cause for concern was DA2.


It was so exceedingly sub-par for a Bioware title, I remember thinking that I sure hoped that the same thing didn't happen to Old Republic. Unfortunately, it did.


This game feels as unfinished as that one. But, as with the case of DA2, I will complete this game. I'll play to the end and see the result of my character's journey. I always enjoy Bioware's story stuff, and this game is no exception.


But once it's done, it's done. No reason to re-up.

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