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There's a valid reason why people are upset...


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Let me start by saying the point of this thread is lack of information. Not crying because we are not in early access. Everyone knew that it would take time to get in and everyone is grateful for a couple extra days.


What bothers me is that there is not even a generalized email stating you should get access sometime on this date. By simply doing this, they would not have customer service overwhelmed right now. I know 2 people who have been having issues even logging in their accounts and did get invites but can't reach customer service because of all the people calling wondering when their invite is coming.


That being said its easy to criticize when your not the one making the plans. All I ask is Bioware realize there is a possibility they might want to weigh the customer service overload because of no info against the repercussions of a few people not realizing it was an estimate time their actual invite will arrive.


Hopefully I made some sense but honestly had a long day at work and an early rise. I can tell you working as tech support for a cable company, when we have an outage and no message stating when the outage is estimated to be repaired by, it causes massive problems. We end up with 300+ people on hold in multiple centers. Customers will wait a full hour to find out we don't have any information to give them. More customers will call in wanting credit for a couple hours of no service which quickly adds to thousands of dollars. And my favorite, "If I wanted to have service interruptions for no reasons and not know why I would switch to satellite!"


Please Bioware don't tarnish your reputation further for poor customer service by leaving people completely in the dark. Most Americans believe we are entitled to that info, and will take less then we actually ask for if given some sort of nibble.

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Originally Posted by -NovalGaraint-

Yeah im sorry.....look at RIFTs EARLY ACCESS launch.......


as the servers filled up they just kept rolling out new ones when all the servers hit Heavy


Yes i had no issues at all when RIFT was released.


lol raven, hope your not being sarcastic cause Rift launch was a DREAM COME TRUE


No server crashes, no queues of any lenght, minimal lag but when you got that many newbs in one area its going to happen, it calmed down as people spread out.


Really if Bioware was smart, RIF Tis the launch they would have emulated

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News flash ... after about 6 months to a year there gonna have to merge servers anyways. only about 70-80% of players who buy the game actually stay past 6 months. You have leavers and new comers all the time. People go to different servers for different reasons and then you have a few servers you close or merge. Its TYPICAL.... Bioware launch sucks and there reasoning behind it sucks ... Damn learn how to make a game ffs!
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I would have liked to have played today, mainly to reserve some names I like, but I didn't expect to, having received my pre-order code in mid August. Hopefully tomorrow.


Since 1998 I've always been pleased as a Bioware customer, but that doesn't equate to blind loyalty. I was worried like many people that ordered online that I would be waiting 4-8 days past the 20th to get my game in the mail. Already my CE Amazon order delivery date has been bumped up from the 28th, to the 22nd, and now its expected the 20th for launch. So they are addressing peoples concerns.


I can understand wanting to play, trust me, I want to as well - but I think they are taking it cautiously in our best interest. They'll probably be more ambitious tomorrow since today went pretty smooth.

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Would you, in the future be fine with it if they ended the first day peoples access at exactly 7 days while the others played out to a full 7 days as well? (in this idea the launch date would have to be something like the 21st or 22nd)


sorry I dont follow Thaalia, please elaborate so Im clear on statement


As for what I think is fair


Todays billing starts on the 20th od dec

2nd pre order day billion would start on the 21st

3rd day pre order would start on the 22nd


so even if they stagger it to the 19th


ALL pre orders get 7 days free before billing cycle starts.


Thats what I would be fine with!

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lol raven, hope your not being sarcastic cause Rift launch was a DREAM COME TRUE


No server crashes, no queues of any lenght, minimal lag but when you got that many newbs in one area its going to happen, it calmed down as people spread out.


Really if Bioware was smart, RIF Tis the launch they would have emulated


Just FYI there were queues on launch day of RIFTs launch (not that they were that bad).

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Ok so everyone thinks they know what is best and that best thing is to get them into the game before anyone else. so here is my challenge to you that think bioware is doing it wrong.


1) come up with an idea that will be insanely popular

2) develop it to it's logical conclusion and put it into motion

3) get the servers and everything set up including all power requirement, staffing and internet connection.

4) once it's time set this game to presale

5) and LET EVERYONE in early and see how well your stuff works like that. see how many whine about 2 hour queues. and how many rage quit because of it.


i'm tired of hearing the whines that you aren't getting what you paid for. YOU DID NOT PAY FOR ANYTHING YET! and they probably have seen very little of the pre-order money coming in so far, and they don't start getting subscription money till janurary 2012!


sit down, read a book, watch a movie, go play in the street, go to work, do something other than complain that what you wanted did not happen. you will get in, you will get your early access (btw you do not HAVE to have it, they didn't have to offer it and honestly those complaining here should get in LAST! let them whine with their own group i'll be past your levels soon enough in game.


Darth Freki

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It's not because of staggered access. We all knew it was going to be like this. We just didn't know how. And now that we're seeing how it's playing out, it's not surprising people are angry.


Bioware finished their fifth wave of invites at 2pm today. Not only is this obscenely early, but none of the servers are even close to being near any sort of 'stress test' point. 95% of them are light and standard.


THIS is why people are mad.


If people are mad because the only factor they can think of is server capacity, well, bummer for them. There are plenty of other reasons to stagger a launch, and that's just one of them.


If they'd just realize they just play games and no absolutely nothing about developing or launching one, maybe they'd calm down a little.

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Why do 3 days make it irrelevant? Next time, grow a brain before trolling and come up with a better reason.


Because people are whining about how they're not in the early game access yet. One which was originally up to 5 days, which starts tomorrow. And that's still one day more than they got with the god-of-gods Rift launch.


Your definition of trolling is skewed, friend. It's trolling if I'm saying it just to piss people off. Giving valid reasons why people are making idiotic comparisons is something completely different.

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sorry I dont follow Thaalia, please elaborate so Im clear on statement


As for what I think is fair


Todays billing starts on the 20th od dec

2nd pre order day billion would start on the 21st

3rd day pre order would start on the 22nd


so even if they stagger it to the 19th


ALL pre orders get 7 days free before billing cycle starts.


Thats what I would be fine with!



Yea thats basically what i was getting at. Everyone gets 7 days based on when they got access.

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So tell me, why not add more people until there were more 'medium' servers to see the effect? Why stop at 2pm? Are you getting it yet?


Because the beta stress test period has passed, be glad they are letting people play on the 13th instead of the 15 like they had originally planned.

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Because the beta stress test period has passed, be glad they are letting people play on the 13th instead of the 15 like they had originally planned.


yea you have to wonder what it would be like if they had started on the 15th instead of today. I wonder if they wouldve let more in or kept it this way. Wheres the official post on why they extended it? is there one?

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You're assuming that everyone who got an email logged in immediately. BW is assuming that many people would log in after they got home from work/school. See the difference?


We saw that the servers went from light to standard (during afterwork hours) and 2 went to heavy with them confirming they have many servers on standby they can add in. Oh the stability the stability!

Edited by Jigss
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I'm not sure why there are so many people telling those who have a gripe to shut it. If they want to complain and it makes them feel better let them. I think they should've sent out information such as what wave you should expect to be a part of. That's not promising anything beyond where in queue they currently think you will be in.


They can then throttle how many waves they allow in each day to control the server populations. I think that course of action would almost nullify all the gripes. (Almost b/c you can never get rid of all the gripes on the internet)


That being said both those complaining about not having access and those complaining about those who complain about not having access need to take a deep breath, realize it's 1) a game 2) Your opinion is your opinion and only your opinion and finally 3) You are not going to change anything by complaining (Yes, you complaining about those complaining about not having access are QQ just as hard)


~Both of you feed my addiction to tears.

Edited by Ishkibaha
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Because the beta stress test period has passed, be glad they are letting people play on the 13th instead of the 15 like they had originally planned.


how is standard or medium in any way considered stress?


my absolute main gripe about this is ok its 1:30 we invited more people in today than many other mmos have period we will see you tomorrow and few servers are even heavy... most standard to light and you invited in in 1 day more than other mmo's total population? I call major BS on that line of crap.


according to dev tracker they have people there in shifts for entire next 30 days 24/7 and no one is authorized to flip a switch to send out another wave? Are the servers really going to completely implode when 5 more go from light to standard?

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