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There's a valid reason why people are upset...


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Not one server right now on full from the server status page. If they were testing their servers this is a bad way of doing it. They should have let in at least 2 more waves in the evening time. Not everyone is going to keep playing all night and even if people just got home from work there will be people going to work as well.
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It's not because of staggered access. We all knew it was going to be like this. We just didn't know how. And now that we're seeing how it's playing out, it's not surprising people are angry.


Bioware finished their fifth wave of invites at 2pm today. Not only is this obscenely early, but none of the servers are even close to being near any sort of 'stress test' point. 95% of them are light and standard.


THIS is why people are mad. Again, not because it's staggered access - um hello, we knew that already. It's because Bioware simply did not do enough to bring in as many people as they could. Instead they've pussyfooted around and are playing it WAY too safe in my opinion. The servers right now are practically DEAD because there's not enough people there. This potentially bodes that the whole head-start process is going to be extremely slow-going, with the possibility of not even having everyone in by release. I'm honestly not surprised this doesn't rub people the right way. There's no reason it should


Now this I wont argue with. I personally am not upset nor does it rub me the wrong way. But I cant fault anyone that it does. What I wont agree with and will continue to make fun of people for is the "Worst launch ever" and "I'm canceling" and absolute childish posts. When someone puts it constructivly like you have then it at least isnt a rage post but a well written post.


The only thing I will remind you is that they did say starting tomorrow they will be increasing the invites significantly. The way they worded it, it wouldnt suprise me if almost everyone is in by the end of the day thursday.

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Bioware finished their fifth wave of invites at 2pm today. Not only is this obscenely early, but none of the servers are even close to being near any sort of 'stress test' point. 95% of them are light and standard.




This was the point of a staggered launch... so that the servers don't stress.


At what point did people lose their ability to comprehend simple concepts?

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saying up to 5 days early is false advertising when ordering in dec if they don't get everyone in 2 days otherwise you're promising something potentially unattainable.


Just keep the waves going and I think most of us would quit QQing


not that our QQing does any good, but they had their time to test. Keep the waves coming.

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saying up to 5 days early is false advertising when ordering in dec if they don't get everyone in 2 days otherwise you're promising something potentially unattainable.


Just keep the waves going and I think most of us would quit QQing


False. It is not false advertising. Everyone seems to ignore the words "UP TO". Is it a play on words to keep themselves safe? Definitly. But to call it false advertising is simply false.

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The only reason people are upset is because they aren't getting what they want RIGHT NOW! Oh just give it a rest.


No, people are worried about not getting in at all. Or getting in only one day early, which to me, regardless of whether they announced the staggered access or not, is a little silly.

Edited by Esaru
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Look I can do it too, doesn't make me right or mature.


No, me being right makes me right.


Anyway, the problem AGAIN is not the time frame, its the fact that no communication and everyone that could do anything just seem to disappear when situations like today happen.


You are not entitled to this. It's not what you agreed to.


Where are you getting lost?

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There is absolutely no reason for a server to be MEDIUM or LIGHT on LAUNCH DAY (Bioware has been quoted numerous times today stating that it is Launch Day so flame on) when you have 100,000s of customers ready to pay and play and you sent your staff home at 2pm (I'm sure they are still there). But honestly, the numbers should have been crunched during beta, or what is the point of beta?
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I don't think anyone should be complaining, period, at all until after the 15th. They gave us an extra 2 days you know why? One to see how many servers they'll need, tomorrow they're going to invite a lot more than they did today and if things go well do the same on thur., by that point most should be on playing, I'm guessing by friday everyone will be on.


Then the forums will die for quite a while because we'll all be enjoying the game.

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I just wished I had known they were only going to do the 5 waves per day thing. I assumed it would keep going until all had been allocated into game.


Actually, it was only planned for four, they threw in another because of some reason or other. Though I will say that I would have liked to have more of a rolling wave process, like a wave every four hours until all preorders are in, for example. I'm not in the camp that is flaming Bioware and cancelling my preorder and not planning on playing at all. I'm actually pretty neutral on this whole point, but I'm definitely sure that ending rolling out invites in the beginning of the afternoon makes the chances of more people getting in sooner a lot slimmer.

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How hard was it for you to post your childish retort? It would take BW maybe an hour to formulate a rough access schedule, even a live one that they can change on the fly, but why do that, why appease people when you can just ignore them and feel bigger than them.




Learn how adults speak first off, and learn how to formulate a sentence for second. Then come back and read the posts you think you so wittingly argued against, because your wrong, very wrong.


Yeah you have entitlement issues. "Hey guys just set up a LIVE access schedule you change on the fly so we can know!" Um......that'd just be a queue. They already said they were going to do it this way and not just let everyone queue up. You already agreed to those terms.


Also, as I already said itt, they probably aren't sending out the emails for all days because they want to get them out faster by allowing more and more to enter if possible, as stated by a dev.

Edited by potroast
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There is absolutely no reason for a server to be MEDIUM or LIGHT on LAUNCH DAY (Bioware has been quoted numerous times today stating that it is Launch Day so flame on) when you have 100,000s of customers ready to pay and play and you sent your staff home at 2pm (I'm sure they are still there). But honestly, the numbers should have been crunched during beta, or what is the point of beta?



Theirs an assumption that I'm not sure is valid. After 2 pm BWs staff probably stayed to smooth out even more crap. You and I don't know what happened. If you sent them home at 2m today but had them working from 6pm yesterday to get **** done for you to get on would you fault them for that? Probably but then you clowns would never be satisfied anyway.

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Well seeing the yellow post makes me ease up a bit. Honestly that post made me renew my faith in them. Some reason is better than the carrot on the stick routine they pulled earlier on. With that said, the reasons given will only strengthen the longevity of the game. Kudos.
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There is absolutely no reason for a server to be MEDIUM or LIGHT on LAUNCH DAY (Bioware has been quoted numerous times today stating that it is Launch Day so flame on) when you have 100,000s of customers ready to pay and play and you sent your staff home at 2pm (I'm sure they are still there). But honestly, the numbers should have been crunched during beta, or what is the point of beta?


my thoughts exactly.

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Letting in more people would have fixed that...


By giving them more accounts they need to roll back. Who knows if they even have an efficient system in place for sorting the characters who are exploiting this or not?


It may not be as easy as ... kill all characters > level 30 (because its theoretically impossible to level that fast without a bug).


What about those who achieved a legitimate level in no time by exploiting the bug?

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Now this I wont argue with. I personally am not upset nor does it rub me the wrong way. But I cant fault anyone that it does. What I wont agree with and will continue to make fun of people for is the "Worst launch ever" and "I'm canceling" and absolute childish posts. When someone puts it constructivly like you have then it at least isnt a rage post but a well written post.


The only thing I will remind you is that they did say starting tomorrow they will be increasing the invites significantly. The way they worded it, it wouldnt suprise me if almost everyone is in by the end of the day thursday.


Oh well I agree with you on that, those posts are silly.

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