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I have come to terms that Rage spec'd marauders are very very strong in PVP.





That is my spec and Im doing 150k+ a match with 6-8 medals a game.


It's amazing!


I'm Lv50 and I just switched from Anni-spec and as good as Anni is rage is by far better for PVPing at 50.



So here is my idea behind marauder:


Anni-spec = Leveling/Low/mid level PVP

Carnage: Mid level/Open world PVP

Rage: End game PVP and I still have yet to PVE with it.



Some people may disagree with this but personally this is a facewrecker for me. I love it<3


Before making a decision if marauder is weak or this or that find your playstyle, that is what this class is based upon. Though I do agree that and I've said many times that CC needs to be reduced by a very large amount. I have also had people say "DERP NO IT DAWS NAWT! CC IS JAWST FAYNE!" And of course, they have not tried one of the more difficult classes I.E: Marauder.



Have a good night Ladies and Gents!

Edited by Bhudduh
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Id love to know what attacks you use and your strategy... Because I'm Rage specced, and lucky if I do half the damage you claim to be doing.


Well I will try to record a video for you then.



My computer lags like **** for some reason in Warzones and I have no idea why. Everywhere else is fine.

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Id love to know what attacks you use and your strategy... Because I'm Rage specced, and lucky if I do half the damage you claim to be doing.


I'm a 50 marauder and played rage but prefer anni. Rage strategy pretty simple, make sure your lvl 40 for force crush.


Leap/obliterate followed up by choke or crush to 4 stacks and smash. Between that spend rage and cooldowns as required to allow for your smashes and staying alive. If you are staying alive long enough you can throw in a ravages and vs if you have time while crush is ticking up to 4 stacks.


Note though that anni is fully capable of throwing out large damage as well. As anni I will put out 200k plus in a long game of huttball often without a pocket healer. I use predation to quickly get to health packs and back into the fight. I have a mix of champ and centurion gear tough missing my main hand pvp saber still.

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I'm sorry for being a complete noob here. (i am new to MMO'S) But what does ticking up to 4 stacks mean?


If you watch where your buffs are there will be a buff called "Shockwave" When you see 4 on that, use smash and profit.



Ticking means counting, either it being up or down. It just simply means change in number.

Edited by Bhudduh
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I'm a 50 marauder and played rage but prefer anni. Rage strategy pretty simple, make sure your lvl 40 for force crush.


Leap/obliterate followed up by choke or crush to 4 stacks and smash. Between that spend rage and cooldowns as required to allow for your smashes and staying alive. If you are staying alive long enough you can throw in a ravages and vs if you have time while crush is ticking up to 4 stacks.


Note though that anni is fully capable of throwing out large damage as well. As anni I will put out 200k plus in a long game of huttball often without a pocket healer. I use predation to quickly get to health packs and back into the fight. I have a mix of champ and centurion gear tough missing my main hand pvp saber still.


Yeah, I use to put out a decent amount as anni as well. It was fun but just for the **** of it, I went to try RAAAAAAGE and it fit my play style quite well. I prefer to jump in do what I can and maybe die or something but doing the most damage possible and getting done what needs doing.

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Yeah, I use to put out a decent amount as anni as well. It was fun but just for the **** of it, I went to try RAAAAAAGE and it fit my play style quite well. I prefer to jump in do what I can and maybe die or something but doing the most damage possible and getting done what needs doing.


I do that well enough as a 41 Carnage Marauder. I just have to run around like a crack-monkey and constantly weave in and out of the furball. I'm best at catching stragglers though. Massacre auto-procs Ataru. And there's no CD on the ataru strike. So if Force Scream is on CD, I can still do MASSIVE damage with Berserk, a full bar of rage, and spamming Massacre. Even more if I Gore before I do it.


EDIT: Thats the great thing about Carnage, all my main attacks more or less chain in whatever way I have available at the time. Massacre + Force Scream, Gore + Ravage, Gore + Massacre Spam, Random Ataru Procs + Force Scream, just to name a few.

Edited by Yescek
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I tried rage spec between 33 and 35 and found it to be lackluster damage, predictable output and it didn't help me out in PvP at all. I found that I had no burst which is ever so important when busting through bubbled sorcs. Also, smuggler healers and dps commandos easily out-hps the spec at that point. I respecced back to Carnage which allows me to be more like a rogue and actually take down targets. In PvE, Rage was okay. Didn't make things easier / harder.


I might give Rage a go again now but I much prefer my Ataru Form's extra hit stacking and immobilizing. It's a lot more use in Huttball and Alderaan where being able to put out quick bursts helps more than doing a lot of AoE.


Rage buffs Smash a lot, giving the impression of doing better when I looked at the numbers. But putting out 5x3k+ crits and then waiting for the next one or taking down a healer at 60% because of my burst and then escaping with Force Camo makes me think Carnage is a better spec at the moment.


Gore ain't nothing to mess with ;)

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Im planning on swtiching my carnage build over to rage soon when I hit level 50 which is in 2 more levels. And I was wondering if you ever use vicious slash anymore. Cause I dont wanna get the specs for it if I dont need it.


There is a guide on it somewhere written by a fellow named Kiba...something, He got into pretty good detail about it, but like I said... Its all based on how you play :)

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I tried rage spec between 33 and 35 and found it to be lackluster damage, predictable output and it didn't help me out in PvP at all. I found that I had no burst which is ever so important when busting through bubbled sorcs. Also, smuggler healers and dps commandos easily out-hps the spec at that point. I respecced back to Carnage which allows me to be more like a rogue and actually take down targets. In PvE, Rage was okay. Didn't make things easier / harder.


I might give Rage a go again now but I much prefer my Ataru Form's extra hit stacking and immobilizing. It's a lot more use in Huttball and Alderaan where being able to put out quick bursts helps more than doing a lot of AoE.


Rage buffs Smash a lot, giving the impression of doing better when I looked at the numbers. But putting out 5x3k+ crits and then waiting for the next one or taking down a healer at 60% because of my burst and then escaping with Force Camo makes me think Carnage is a better spec at the moment.


Gore ain't nothing to mess with ;)


To be fair to rage you really need to be 40 plus and have force crush. It's not my cup of tea either but it is very good at what it does. Annihilation fits my play style.

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I tried rage spec between 33 and 35 and found it to be lackluster damage, predictable output and it didn't help me out in PvP at all. I found that I had no burst which is ever so important when busting through bubbled sorcs. Also, smuggler healers and dps commandos easily out-hps the spec at that point. I respecced back to Carnage which allows me to be more like a rogue and actually take down targets. In PvE, Rage was okay. Didn't make things easier / harder.


I might give Rage a go again now but I much prefer my Ataru Form's extra hit stacking and immobilizing. It's a lot more use in Huttball and Alderaan where being able to put out quick bursts helps more than doing a lot of AoE.


Rage buffs Smash a lot, giving the impression of doing better when I looked at the numbers. But putting out 5x3k+ crits and then waiting for the next one or taking down a healer at 60% because of my burst and then escaping with Force Camo makes me think Carnage is a better spec at the moment.


Gore ain't nothing to mess with ;)


rage is really good once u get force crush, until then its meh

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