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But I'm Having Fun....


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This was the response I got from a level 12 sentinel. Let me explain:


A ball carrier in Huttball received no defense, no heals, in fact, he had no help at all (I was busy dead, having recently been in the exact same situation, since people prefer to stand on the other side of the map killing things instead of completing objectives on Kathol Rift's Republic side). He made a comment about it in /ops chat, and I heard this from a level 12 Sentinel:


"sorry, I don't have sprint yet."


I made the comment:


"Well, maybe you should wait until around level 20 before you queue, so you can have your abilities and such to actually help with, then."


He made the comment:


"Winning isn't everything."


I made the comment:


"But losing isn't fun, therefore winning is important."


To which he made two comments:




"But losing still gives about the same rewards."


To which I respond:


"Don't care, losing still isn't fun."


To which he makes his second comment:


"But I'm having fun...."


I just wanted to point out to any of you who have been doing it (though I doubt many of you on the forums have, but maybe I can get to Bioware that we need the bracket to at LEAST be 15-50, so we can force people to wait until they actually have abilities to queue) how selfish this behavior is. If you're under 14, no matter how skilled you are, you're a hindrance to your team. You're not helping. And I'm tired of seeing teams of 3 level 11-13s. STOP QUEUING. You aren't helping, you're hurting us. You might as well not even be there for all the good you will actually do. You're just taking up space so somebody who can actually help can't join. If you don't at least have sprint, you don't belong in a warzone.


The rest of the team is being held back by those under level 15. So, please, Bioware, bump up the level required to queue. Bump it to 15, at the least. Please. For the sake of the rest of the team.

Edited by knarral
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Then Bioware should not provide the means to queue before hand. This is not players fault for queuing when they are *told* to queue. As soon as you get off the starting planet you are given the daily to PvP, logically you go do this.


There is also nothing wrong with this. You met a troll, that is all. Telling people not to queue is not the way to solve the problem, not everyone playing SWTOR reads these forums and not everyone goes into the PvP section as well so it just makes you look like you're complaining.


I've done more damage on quite a few of my level 10-15 classes and even more healing on my level 10 sorc (yes, level 10 with only 1 horrible heal) than some level 30+. They are not "useless" and certainly not any more useless than some of these higher level PvP players. They make great bait as well. Bolster may not be perfect, but it certainly makes them last a bit longer :p


That said I really think they should be broken up from the higher levels but that's already got enough threads.

Edited by Bdrewsy
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Then Bioware should not provide the means to queue before hand. This is not players fault for queuing when they are *told* to queue. As soon as you get off the starting planet you are given the daily to PvP, logically you go do this.


There is also nothing wrong with this. You met a troll, that is all. Telling people not to queue is not the way to solve the problem, not everyone playing SWTOR reads these forums and not everyone goes into the PvP section as well so it just makes you look like you're complaining.


I've done more damage on quite a few of my level 10-15 classes and even more healing on my level 10 sorc (yes, level 10 with only 1 horrible heal) than some level 30+. They are not "useless" and certainly not any more useless than some of these higher level PvP players. They make great bait as well. Bolster may not be perfect, but it certainly makes them last a bit longer :p


That said I really think they should be broken up from the higher levels but that's already got enough threads.


You said it there. They're cannon fodder. They exist purely to take the concentration away from the higher levels. But that only lasts for so long, and the higher levels could do it better.


You said you've done more damage on quite a few of your level 10-15 classes. How? You don't even have most of your abilities yet. That either says something about you as a player or even more about the people you're playing with.


I know not everybody reads these forums, and that telling them to queue won't make them stop, but hopefully somebody at Bioware will read this and say "hey, that's a pretty good idea! Let's make people wait until they have abilities to queue!" That or at least I hope somebody at Bioware reads this and says, "Hmm, let's separate the higher levels from the lower levels, so this isn't an issue."


You also said it yourself, Bioware shouldn't have let people queue at 10.

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Was a means to show that selecting a portion of the player base and deeming them "useless in PvP" based solely on their level is not a very fair thing to do. Being at a higher level doesn't automatically make you more useful in PvP. A bad PvP player is a bad PvP player regardless of their level.


I consider myself to be at least average in PvP and regardless of my being level 10-15 I still have *some* damage skills that with the bolstering system hit hard enough to warrant use. While a level 50 may have more skills to use, saying it's impossible for a level 10-15 to at least make it past last place on the charts is rather unfair.


No where near top damage but certainly not last place. Also I meant Bioware should let them queue, just not with extremely high level characters (bracket system supporter).

Edited by Bdrewsy
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If you don't want to lose, make a premade group and stomp through things.


But I guess that would require having friends, and judging by your personality...


I will get a premade, eventually. Just not while I'm leveling.


The main problem is that I've been getting group after group today of the same crap, the same number of 10-13s just not able to compete very well, and ultimately people who just don't know that killing things doesn't matter in TOR's PvP since there isn't a Deathmatch game. I'll make a premade eventually, but seriously, this has just been building all day, and that comment at the top kinda set me off. I feel a lot better after blowing some steam, but still, I am quite tired of having team after team of 3-4 10-13s.

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To the Op what level did you enter your 1st warzone? also the games is about having fun

if you want serious pvp then put a team together.


25. I waited until 25 to queue for my first warzone. I wanted to have most of my abilities first (though I probably should have waited longer for trickshot).

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This was the response I got from a level 12 sentinel. Let me explain:


A ball carrier in Huttball received no defense, no heals, in fact, he had no help at all (I was busy dead, having recently been in the exact same situation, since people prefer to stand on the other side of the map killing things instead of completing objectives on Kathol Rift's Republic side). He made a comment about it in /ops chat, and I heard this from a level 12 Sentinel:


"sorry, I don't have sprint yet."


I made the comment:


"Well, maybe you should wait until around level 20 before you queue, so you can have your abilities and such to actually help with, then."


He made the comment:


"Winning isn't everything."


I made the comment:


"But losing isn't fun, therefore winning is important."


To which he made two comments:




"But losing still gives about the same rewards."


To which I respond:


"Don't care, losing still isn't fun."


To which he makes his second comment:


"But I'm having fun...."


I just wanted to point out to any of you who have been doing it (though I doubt many of you on the forums have, but maybe I can get to Bioware that we need the bracket to at LEAST be 15-50, so we can force people to wait until they actually have abilities to queue) how selfish this behavior is. If you're under 14, no matter how skilled you are, you're a hindrance to your team. You're not helping. And I'm tired of seeing teams of 3 level 11-13s. STOP QUEUING. You aren't helping, you're hurting us. You might as well not even be there for all the good you will actually do. You're just taking up space so somebody who can actually help can't join. If you don't at least have sprint, you don't belong in a warzone.


The rest of the team is being held back by those under level 15. So, please, Bioware, bump up the level required to queue. Bump it to 15, at the least. Please. For the sake of the rest of the team.


So egoistic. Calm down and have fun instead of being a dick in PuG WZs.

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Dude no offense intended... Well sort of intended I guess. Your entire line of chat on the server was out of line. You where being very selfish yourself.


Next you will be telling level 30 and 40s not too bother queing because they don't have end game gear.


His point was valid, he was having fun doing some PvP... I don't really care if hes the all star quarter back or if all he does is run in circles waiting for death. His game his fun suck it up I think. If he is playing and not just going AFK you have nothing to complain about.


His point was valid its a game, For most people winning is the only fun they can have... well my friend that is somewhat sad. Don't get me wrong I play to win... but when things don't go my way 100% of the time I don't rage on the forums about people having fun ruining mine.


Lighten up and move on... stop fighting with people in zone chat. You make a compelling argument for bracketing say under 25 so people have all their Core abilities... then you sort of taint the argument with the school yard bully attitude.

Edited by Husanak
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Did first pvp match as lvl 20. Never ran the ball. Didnt run with the ball carrier. Just irritated anybody with 2 sabers or 2 guns till they shot at me and healed through damage till they got bored. Tied up 2 Marauders and a Merc that way for 6 minutes of the game. They were all in their 30's.


There are more important things he can be doing. Now if he was not doing any of them, then that is a problem. However, Pugs are pugs. People will be bads untill they decide to learn better. You dont have to play with them tho. Get like minded people together and run with them. Problem solved. Pvp never has long queue times due to the fact its 10-50. Thats how bioware wants it. How many 10-14's do you think there are for that bracket?

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I would much rather have a level 10 that learns the systems in the warzones so by 20 he knows whats going on then a level 25 that is clueless.


It's not that hard to learn the system of warzones, especially if you've PvPed a lot before. I had already read up about most of them anyways, and even if I hadn't, I'd already played them before with a different skin in WoW or other games: Huttball is just your common variety "assault" match, apparant to me the moment I stepped in huttball and saw that the objective was to pick up the ball and go to the other side. Alderaan civil war is territories, otherwise known as "AB" and "BfGN." Voidstar is kinda different from most, but the loading screen told me exactly what to do, and it feels like an updated version of "Strand."


Really, I'd already done them before, I'd already known what to do, I just hadn't done them in TOR yet. Even if I hadn't, the loading screen tells you EXACTLY what to do.


And I'd had about 10 levels to learn how to play sharpshooter (but, like I said, I probably should have waited until around level 32, because trickshot just makes sharpshooters amazingly more viable). I also say 10 because I had most of my abilities I had at 25 by level 15, giving me 10 levels to figure it out.

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seen a few lower than 20's that know where to go and what to do in huttball, seen quite a few higher than 20 deathmatch zerging things on the opposite corner of the map from the ball carrier. totally not being anywhere near able to help the ball carrier, no where near enough to pass to, I suppose they're having fun and they seem to often enough get more awards- game rules and scoring system needs to change here to encourage team play for the win.


My current toon just made 20 today and had a full set of gear from the pvp vendor waiting and full set for companion. How I play depends on how my team plays...if they are working together I do my best to support em-heals, passing, blasting people after the carrier, If they're random deathmatch fest, healing stops, and i look for groups to aoe blast.


by the way have you noticed that damage also scales like health does ? lower level do more damage than people think, sure it may not have all the benefits of being spec'd. 600-1600 (per hit) in damage done in a warfront under level 20? awesome! makes me feel tough.

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