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Players BANNED for going to Ilum? Suggestions to Customer Service


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So they were farming money..got caught..and banned..and we're supposed to feel sorry how? While the supposed email doesn't detail the entire situation I'm more than sure the fact they were caught and banned means someone spotted them..watched them camp farm that spot and turned them as a gold farmer. That is gold farming activity. Edited by Kindara
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So they were farming money..got caught..and banned..and we're supposed to feel sorry how? While the supposed email doesn't detail the entire situation I'm more than sure the fact they were caught and banned means someone spotted them..watched them camp farm that spot and turned them as a gold farmer. That is gold farming activity.


It's perfectly fine to farm gold for yourself....so being banned for going to a high level area and getting loot is just insanely stupid. If he wasn't selling the gold or anything, then there is nothing wrong here. From the email it seems they are just upset that a lower level character was able to get loot from a higher level area....which is BS. You wouldn't ban a high level character for farming stuff in a low level area, would you? God this is dumb

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I have no intention of exploiting but, I'm getting to planets a few levels early, mainly because I cannot be bothered to do all the mind-numbing "go fetch","Run the whole map for nothing" side-quests... better do some PVP and space to make sure I'm the right level for my destination lol.
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Okay, I want you to explain something to me. Okay I'm level 20 and I'm in a level 50 zone farming chests there to make credits. What is your explanation? When I hear this the only things I can think of are listed here.


1. He's farming gold, and selling it.

2. He's buying WAY TOO MUCH STUFF in the auction house and can't afford anything.

3. He wants to save credits.


He shouldn't be over there exploiting chests that us level 40's+ can use, just because he's too lazy to level up there and get it rightfully doesn't mean he should be treated like some VIP.


4. He's an alt of a higher level character

5. He's a dude that knows how to "game" the auction house


How exactly does a person "exploit" a chest by using it like anyone else?

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So they were farming money..got caught..and banned..and we're supposed to feel sorry how? While the supposed email doesn't detail the entire situation I'm more than sure the fact they were caught and banned means someone spotted them..watched them camp farm that spot and turned them as a gold farmer. That is gold farming activity.


What's wrong with farming gold? This isn't Star Wars: The Communist Republic, where everyone is required to make the same amount of credits. So long as you don't sell the credits for RL money, farming them isn't against the rules.


Honestly, if they're just sitting on a node and clicking it, nothing else, they shouldn't be banned. There's nothing to say they can't.

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Honestly, if this is for real. Getting banned over visiting a higher level zone. Then what are mmo's coming to now? :( Kinda makes me feel like crap if this is what is happening now. :( Will start to question the devs intentions. Edited by Innocentone
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Ok well I don't know for sure but I will be going there tonight and will report here if I get banned.


I am level 34 atm, Lets just find out if this will get me banned. I'll post here if I'm banned.

Edited by Banetek
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My thoughts...


Ive seen a few "players" standing near chest spawn sites, occasionally twitching to avoid dcing and looting chests as soon as they spawn.


When players get banned for exploits/botting they often get mad and cry foul. The email looks fake due to the repeated misspelled name of the planet Ilum.


The posting player on the other site made the account that day to post the "Bioware email".





To sum up my thoughts, player was botting, got banned and is now butthurt and posting fake emails on other sites

Edited by Brutem
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This is preposterous. Okay, yes, I get not wanting level 20 somethings opening level 50 chests and yes not having any way of filtering these low level players out is dumb as hell, but outright bans sound a little too extreme. While I don't have any real evidence to disregard what the OP is saying...well...quoting emails with text like on the reddit page is completely different than posting screenshots of said email inbox, message and all. And even then there's photoshop.


Something smells rotten.

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I got such an email.

It is not a ban, it is an account warning.


When my char was in her 30`s I flew a couple of times to Ilum to collect Lockboxes for an hour or so, that was before they removed all nodes from Ilum 3 days ago. I guess that nets you about 40-50k per hour with other people in the zone and a rather slow respawn rate. I was one of many with slicing over 340 so it was no problem to open up those boxes (there are no mobs, as Ilum is a pvp zone)


Yesterday I got an email telling that I broke the Tos: (got it in german)


"You collected Lockboxes on Ilum even though your character was below the advised level for that planet. Through that your account was able to gather credits and items which are not meant for lower level characters (under level 40)

Ilum is a level 50 zone which is made clear inside the game. By ignoring that warning your account was shown to be willing to exploit the game.


Since you infringed upon the Tos, we will immediately put a warning on your account."



This is wrong on so many levels that it actually puts me off playing the game which I like.

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I got such an email.

It is not a ban, it is an account warning.


When my char was in her 30`s I flew a couple of times to Ilum to collect Lockboxes for an hour or so, that was before they removed all nodes from Ilum 3 days ago. I guess that nets you about 40-50k per hour with other people in the zone and a rather slow respawn rate. I was one of many with slicing over 340 so it was no problem to open up those boxes (there are no mobs, as Ilum is a pvp zone)


Yesterday I got an email telling that I broke the Tos: (got it in german)


"You collected Lockboxes on Ilum even though your character was below the advised level for that planet. Through that your account was able to gather credits and items which are not meant for lower level characters (under level 40)

Ilum is a level 50 zone which is made clear inside the game. By ignoring that warning your account was shown to be willing to exploit the game.


Since you infringed upon the Tos, we will immediately put a warning on your account."



This is wrong on so many levels that it actually puts me off playing the game which I like.


There's really no justification for warnings or bans being sent out for this.(inb4 moronic justifications)

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I got such an email.

It is not a ban, it is an account warning.


When my char was in her 30`s I flew a couple of times to Ilum to collect Lockboxes for an hour or so, that was before they removed all nodes from Ilum 3 days ago. I guess that nets you about 40-50k per hour with other people in the zone and a rather slow respawn rate. I was one of many with slicing over 340 so it was no problem to open up those boxes (there are no mobs, as Ilum is a pvp zone)


Yesterday I got an email telling that I broke the Tos: (got it in german)


"You collected Lockboxes on Ilum even though your character was below the advised level for that planet. Through that your account was able to gather credits and items which are not meant for lower level characters (under level 40)

Ilum is a level 50 zone which is made clear inside the game. By ignoring that warning your account was shown to be willing to exploit the game.


Since you infringed upon the Tos, we will immediately put a warning on your account."



This is wrong on so many levels that it actually puts me off playing the game which I like.


How DARE you try to explore in our MMO!


So not only is the game linear, Bioware itself is forcing you to follow the story lines

Edited by Blackwater
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There's really no justification for warnings or bans being sent out for this.(inb4 moronic justifications)


Yea, this has to be the stupidest thing I've ever seen any mmo company ever do. This would be like blizzard handing out suspensions and bans for level 1's wandering out into icecrown :p

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This is preposterous. Okay, yes, I get not wanting level 20 somethings opening level 50 chests and yes not having any way of filtering these low level players out is dumb as hell, but outright bans sound a little too extreme. While I don't have any real evidence to disregard what the OP is saying...well...quoting emails with text like on the reddit page is completely different than posting screenshots of said email inbox, message and all. And even then there's photoshop.


Something smells rotten.


A smart game company would just hardcode out the ability for players to be able to even go to the planet before they wanted them, via a quest that requires a certain level (like on... oh I don't know QUESH mayhaps :p).


I mean we found out the other day if you're powering someone through their main story line with the help of a high lvl you get stopped at quesh because of a lvl dependent quest, so.... how hard would it be to put a block like that onto illum if this is SUCH a big *********** deal.

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