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Players BANNED for going to Ilum? Suggestions to Customer Service


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When I hear a level 20 or something is farming in a level 40 zone, the first thing that runs through my head is gold seller. There's no way in Hell he needs that much credits for his level, I had 70k by the time I hit 25.




I love your philosophy of "Guilty until proven innocent"


Any other philosophical gems you want to share with us, comrade?

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I love your philosophy of "Guilty until proven innocent"


Any other philosophical gems you want to share with us, comrade?

Okay, I want you to explain something to me. Okay I'm level 20 and I'm in a level 50 zone farming chests there to make credits. What is your explanation? When I hear this the only things I can think of are listed here.


1. He's farming gold, and selling it.

2. He's buying WAY TOO MUCH STUFF in the auction house and can't afford anything.

3. He wants to save credits.


He shouldn't be over there exploiting chests that us level 40's+ can use, just because he's too lazy to level up there and get it rightfully doesn't mean he should be treated like some VIP.

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Okay, I want you to explain something to me. Okay I'm level 20 and I'm in a level 50 zone farming chests there to make credits. What is your explanation? When I hear this the only things I can think of are listed here.


1. He's farming gold, and selling it.

2. He's buying WAY TOO MUCH STUFF in the auction house and can't afford anything.

3. He wants to save credits.


He shouldn't be over there exploiting chests that us level 40's+ can use, just because he's too lazy to level up there and get it rightfully doesn't mean he should be treated like some VIP.


Allow me to amend your list


"4. He wants to explore in a supposedly open world MMO"


Quit defending Bioware for making a dumb decision. Opening a level 40 box at level 20 an exploiter does not make

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The OP was banned (if he even was, that is still very much in doubt) for using opposite faction players to "flip" nodes to have them constantly respawn and provide unending bounty.


The fact that coding, or game mechanics allows this exploit to happen (at the moment) does not make it right.


^^^^ This. Move along.

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If this is all true, I've lost all my credibility for BW/EA. As a total fan of Bioware's work, I will be very disappointed in them...


Same here, If this did turn out to be true, swtor will probably be the last bioware game i'd spend money on. This sounds horrendously absurd, even if it was a temp ban.

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The OP was banned (if he even was, that is still very much in doubt) for using opposite faction players to "flip" nodes to have them constantly respawn and provide unending bounty.


The fact that coding, or game mechanics allows this exploit to happen (at the moment) does not make it right.


^^^^ This. Move along.


People need to realize this was the real reason the kid was banned and stop arguing about a truly idiotic non-issue...

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There are two low level guys on my server Who hang out in ilum and corillia next to where a chest spawns! These guys don't move or talk they just sit there for hours looting. Its obviously a anti afk bot that auto loots. I actually have a ticket in where I came back to the spots and updated within a three day period..
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The OP was banned (if he even was, that is still very much in doubt) for using opposite faction players to "flip" nodes to have them constantly respawn and provide unending bounty.


The fact that coding, or game mechanics allows this exploit to happen (at the moment) does not make it right.


^^^^ This. Move along.



Agreed. Not seeing a problem here.

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People need to realize this was the real reason the kid was banned and stop arguing about a truly idiotic non-issue...


Originally Posted by Ancientwolfgr

The OP was banned (if he even was, that is still very much in doubt) for using opposite faction players to "flip" nodes to have them constantly respawn and provide unending bounty.


The fact that coding, or game mechanics allows this exploit to happen (at the moment) does not make it right.


^^^^ This. Move along.


To remind all this is bannable and should be and similar exploits cheats are bannablein EVERY MMO IN EXISTANCE!


Including EvE Online just for the record!

Edited by TheHirogen
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Allow me to amend your list


"4. He wants to explore in a supposedly open world MMO"


Quit defending Bioware for making a dumb decision. Opening a level 40 box at level 20 an exploiter does not make


What?! I don't believe your "number 4" fits anywhere in this thread.


What level 20 innocently interested in exploring happens to have their slicing skill high enough to open boxes in a level 50 zone then go to said zone?


They also innocently happen to be in a zone where you can constantly refresh said boxes?


I understand you feel the need to play devils advocate or fight "the man", but you must realize the email getting tossed around this thread is fake and even if it wasn't you can't trust someone who got banned to ever tell the whole story when they are claiming they are innocent.


There are people who feel exploiting is never cheating but instead clever use of game mechanics and always the developers fault. These people are impossible to argue with and best just ignored while they serve their sentance for cheating.

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People need to realize this was the real reason the kid was banned and stop arguing about a truly idiotic non-issue...

I say he was banned because he has blue eyes.


That statement has the exact same support that any statement about flipping the zones has - exactly zero.


Hey everybody, lets play a game. We pull random things from a smelly dark place and state them online as if we possessed knowledge that we do not. It will be fun for everyone.

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This isn't about the planet guys.


I bet if the character was level 50 it would have been the same result. This isn't about being on Illum at a low level, this is about being on Illum at a low level and engaging in an infinite credit exploit.


Basically they found a lock box, then consorted with a player on the opposing faction, and kept flipping the zone to reset the lock box, so they could instantly loot it, and gain more credits, then flip the zone and lather, rinse, repeat.


sounds like a winner to me you sir wint 100000000 internets

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Where's the part of the story where exploitation was being done?


Martians have landed in New Jersey.


True story.


Update *******


Martian invading forces have obliterated all resistance in south Jersey Shore. Look for light to moderate resistance in Delaware.


'Death" ray rumor apparently is true with multiple reports of vaporized troops coming in from Jaba the Hut sympathizers. Recommend suppression of customer service tickets until critical mass of complainants is received.

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