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Players BANNED for going to Ilum? Suggestions to Customer Service


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If this is true, then whoever made the decision to ban people over it needs to be fired immediately, and in a very public manner.


It's like being a special forces operative behind enemy lines -- if you are caught, you are disavowed by your own government. Unless you are banning people who are hacking and/or gold selling, then pick a scapegoat and point the finger, Bioware.


You did not overreact at all...

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well i believe it. EA owns bioware. and EA has a well known reputation to be extremely harsh on their reasons for banning players for any reason. even if there is a exploit they know about or don't know about. but the players don't and the player uses it once by accident and reports it as a bug there is a 99% chance that the player that discovered the exploit and reported it as he should will be banned.


that is why any online game that EA runs rarely get their bugs and exploits fixed. players are reluctant to report them for fear of EA banning them.


I'm sorry BW devs. But that the reputation EA has with their online player base in all their online games regardless of the platform or type.

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flipping the faction ownership of Illum gave a lot of xp I think, no quests to accept, just area "bonus" quests like we have in other places. constant flipping...would this be the source of the people who reached 50 in two days?


why would a level 50 zone give bonus quests with xp? no clue maybe for calculating legacy exp. I do know that conquering the pvp zone (which has no mobs and high level resource nodes) gives lots of xp or at least used to in beta (I conqured Illum in the name of the Sith). Story here is looking like this is what was happening and slicing is just a deliberate attempt to sidetrack.

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If people are getting banned for going to a zone then this game is a much worse mess than I already thought it was.


Honestly though, I do NOT believe this.

I would imagine a GM would only ban you for going to Ilum if you're exploiting and they would warn you first, if you didn't listen to their warning and continued doing what you were doing then I can see them justifying a three day ban.


AKA you didn't get banned for just going to the zone, impossible.

Didn't happen.

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Let's try this again, shall we.



Guess more of us need to read more than the first page before posting. I can see someone getting banned for exploiting the PVP zone. That makes sense. If that's all this is about then I don't see a problem.
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As to exploitation on Ilum by low levels, I just reported "bugged" and exploit where a level 21 was camping a loot box outside one of the republic stations. There were no enemy NPC's guarding the loot chest, so they just stood there looting it every time the timer reset it. I looted it once before this low level player did, just to see what was in it. I got 4K credits and a green level 50 item.


So, call it what you will.


Hopefully this gets addressed sooner rather than later.

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I wish I could say I am surprised, but ladies and gentlemen, this is Bioware.


This doesn't even make sense lol. You say that like Bioware has a reputation for this. Traditionally they have never made any games with multi-player so they would never have been in a position to ever ban anyone. This is certainly their first MMO so I would love to know how you justify that statement.

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For those with doubts:



Please read that.


If this email is true, then this is the LAMEST thing i read ever from a game company.


I will later check out ilum myself... because things liek this are creativity, breakign out of the LAME LINEARITY this game is!

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This doesn't even make sense lol. You say that like Bioware has a reputation for this. Traditionally they have never made any games with multi-player so they would never have been in a position to ever ban anyone. This is certainly their first MMO so I would love to know how you justify that statement.


Bioware banned me for getting approval with Morrigan in the early levels of dragon age.

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LMAO nicely done mate.


Some are exploiting the weekly/daily missions using low level alts on Ilum.


Funny Ilum exploiter video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTd1mfTpNTk


The bans may be connected to that. Regardless I'm always suspicious when people say 'without warning'...usually there is a warning but a GM is hardly likely to post here that the player WAS warned is he/she?

I *********** love this video.


99.99999% the OP was a cheater. Good riddance.

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